Matt Furie names Sup Forums in a Federal Lawsuit

This is really happening.

Other urls found in this thread:

Here is one place where Sup Forums is named.

This is not the image he drew

He didn't draw this either

His name might be furie, but he will learn the meaning of it, when the shit hits him back

Okay question. Isn't only the original copyrighted. What about all the parodies of pepe? The look different than the og.

>suing a woman
Hell hath no furie like a woman scorned.

This is not one of his images.

Anyone going to ask who's bank rolling all of his litgation fees?

Fucking talented man


that is not the image wtf

He did not draw this.

every derivative work falls under parody. he has no legs to stand on.

Matt encouraged the use of pepe previously so whether his argument holds water is a mystery

that little faggot doesn't own a monopoly on every cartoon frog ever so that's just tough shit for the bitchy whiner.

Now, this is one he did copyright.


Fair use protects parody.

shit. Germany. I didn't think you had it in you. You got a little something on your face there...looks like a 14.

Basically this.


What a huge faggot, he fully knows that Pepe was used on Sup Forums a long time before 2015, there was no need to reclaim him.
>Throughout 2008, Pepe was mostly associated with the “Feels Good Man” reaction image. In 2009, an edited version featuring a distraught-looking Pepe with the caption “Feels bad man” began circulating as a reaction image on Sup Forums and the Body Building Forums. On January 25th, 2011, an interview with Furie was published on Know Your Meme, in which he discussed the origins of Pepe the Frog.


Not just cartoon of frog

fucking pepe

>Fan art

Him and Woods are true American treasures.

he drew this

Add this one to the court material

I'm sure you have a source for all these claims.

what image number 35 is talking about?

If you can prove this his claim won't "hold water".

It's fake you faggot. There's no source

Matt has a sick mind

Share your rare pepe's now before it's illegal to share them

Fuck off R*ddit.

Fair use faggot.

This. Why are leftists so illiterate of legality

He should have no case, since Pepe on Sup Forums is being used for parody purposes, and is a derivative of what he drew.
He's just mad we're using Pepe for stuff he doesn't like.

what did he mean when he drew this?

if I were ruling on this I;d find that all the other "pepe's" which are not the exactly copy of Furry's original are not infringing.

ONLY the exact copies of his original are infringing and other renderings which may appear to be inspired by or resemble the original are free expression and thus protected.. This fag can not copyright from imagery.

A parody critiques or mocks the original work it is parodying. Very few if any pepes actually do that. They're stand-alone derivative works.

How great would it be if these vulgar Pepe's were used in the defendants answer? "Your Honor, as you can see there plaintiff has shown scatological and pedophilic tendencies with his art. His testimony has to be considered in light of such monstrous depictions."

Because they dont care about the law, they only care about pushing their agenda through any means necessary.

Made me kek.

He's so fucked.

this, no ones making money off it
He can cry more, especially if we call him Kek or something instead of Pepe

She fucking sold pepe paintings then yeah he can sue her. But no he can not sue us for making memes with pepe

Original Boy's Club Pepe has green lips.
Visually distinct Sup Forums parody has red lips.

jhc this world is comical as fuck. Why is this country ran buy people with the emotional and intellectual maturity of a 4th grad boy after drinking a pot of coffee and bumping lines of his fathers hormone blockers



Haha, I made a funny!

so, pepe thread?

Thanks doc


Did Matt Furie steal Pepe's design from an old comic?

There's only so many ways to draw a frog.


The pepe we post is not his work but a parody. It was created on Sup Forums and mass shitposted over the internet and redrawn a million times. The Sup Forums/reddit pepe is a parody and thus a different character, meaning he has no right to sue anyone in that aspect.



just as well I'm not a dumb frogposter


Fucking Germany, I bet that tickled your pickle, bet your trembling in your lederhosen right now

>Vietnam Pepe
>It Ain't Meme starts playing

>pepe thread
>picture of helper

Holy fuck, this is pretty goddamn grotesque. Is it based on a real picture?

I guess he still wants credit huh?

Matt Furie is literally worse than Anthony Burch.

What's up nu/pol/?

This could make or break the use of Kek’s prophet.

every single pepe produced mocks the existing product for its creator's values. try again.


>citing KYM

I hope the judge sentences Furie to death for being such a huge faggot

All frog's are owned by mat

By the way, all of you kekistani faggots need to understand one thing: even if he named Sup Forums in le ebul federal lawsuit, the purpose is to attack that one bitch that was using it.

>unauthorized image of Pepe
This timeline keeps getting better.

we need to rehabilitate matt furie


Not if you sell it


You need to kys.

>This is not the image he drew

hi matt. hope you like floppy dildos on the hood of your car, faggot.

so much triggering potential in one image

I do agree that it's wrong to profit from selling Pepe. That is not in the spirit of the chaos god.


Yea but remember Oberfell v Hodges? That led to faggot rights for all, rather than a pardon for one guy

that picture has almost nothing in common with the piece of shit frog that this faggot drew and forgot about and he knows it. how much do you want to bet that after that "save pepe" thing happened his contact at the ADL hooked him up with some kike lawyer who persuaded furie that he has standing to sue anyone who ever drew something with green skin and red lips? they don't have a shot of winning a single cent and furie will probably be stuck with $200k of lawyer fees in the aftermath.

You masturbating weenie. Go back to your home.

I was done with Pepe until this stunt. It's almost like they want more.

there's no source for the OP


>is a brainlet
Why are you implying that there is a correlation between this case and that one?

I am home you idiot

>be Matt Furie
>have one of your characters become a cultural icon
>the fucking president is tweeting pictures of him
>potential for earnings/fame is enormous
>throw it all away being a lefty cunt
>file frivolous lawsuits where you'll end up paying attorney fees when you lse
This dude has literally nothing else, if he had an ounce of sense he'd be selling Pepe shit and pitching a show to Adult Swim.

what's up fellow 'pede?

the girl being mentioned in the OP posted the cease and desist letters she got from furie on her twitter a few weeks ago