Welcome to Norway
Welcome to Norway
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where's breivik when you need hm?
Playing playstation he demanded in his comfy prison.
All this shit makes me so angry.
Naive leftists wanted to help poor sand niggers, give them some kind of better life.
What do they do? They move in and wan to turn a country which is one of the best countries in the world into their own shithole.
I believe that arabs should seriously be contaminated and killed en masse to keep them in control, they will never be friendly to the west.
Oh my god that is terrifying. As someone who actually wants to visit Norway this got me worried. I thought things weren't this bad.
It¨s the annual Shia festival, they do it everywhere in Europe now.
Not in Poland.
but from my understanding only Oslo and Bergen are really far gone, and rest of Norway is pretty really pristine?
here all the big cities are about 50% non-white and the government has intentionally spread all the shitskins and refugees out across the entire country even the far north where no one lives and there are no police officers.
and people wonder why we started getting "random murders" on farms up north..?
>everywhere in europe
lol no wtf
Not in most of europe, most countries do not have enough migrants to have this and many wont allow it. Mostly northern europe and some western probably? Eastern definitely does not have this.
No worries. Nazis incoming.
Lmao you people are such cuckolds. Get in a chastity cage you fucking impotent eurotard. I hope you die of prostate cancer from your lack of ejaculation cuckold bitch
Islam will dominate your country and your prostate tingles to the idea. End your life. Unless you are on rooftops throwing molotovs at these invades you should put on your pink chastity cage right now you fucking coweard
Wtf is a shia festival
Not in France, although we are technically assured of being muslim majority by 2050, the state still manages to keep religion at home even for the muzzies. (most of the time)
Åk genom random by/håla i Norrland en lunch, samma sak här, bara svartingar ööööööveraaaaaallt. Klippte en med backspegeln förra veckan, de var ganska kul..
something something Hussein
nice roleplay bitch
look at how the police herd you like cattle you are slaves to mohammad and black cock. kys cuckold you will die as you lived, doing nothing to stop the invasion and with a big muslim dildo in your ass
Tyrone, you are THE capital of nonwhites.
it's a ps4, ps3 didn't have nearly the same features
>Lmao you people are such cuckolds
Said the American.
Don't you have a statue of A FUCKING WHITE MALE to pull down today?
If he is playing bloodborne, dark souls 3 and persona 5 i could forgive him, if its uncharted and other western shit he should kill himself instead.
thats right bitch and don't you forget it
you are next cumskin i will rape your mother personally when the time comes and you will watch and pleasure yourself anally like the cuckold bitch white cumskin you are
keep talking shit online you do nothing in real life you are a coward who lets europe be invaded no respect
Really? Up in the cold north? Do you have any articles or something to read about? Not that I don't believe you, but the whole situation in Sweden seems so bizzare and surreal.
>don't you have a statue of A FUCKING WHITE MALE to pull down today
yeah I will immigrate to norway and get full benefits for fucking your blonde haired women with your tax dollars
i would say thank you but you are a cuckold and you get something out of givign everything you have to brown men so you can kill urself faggot coward
We need to respond with a bigger Christian gathering, it's this kind of shit that draws young people in.
>B-but m-muh paganism
Fine, if you can get numbers higher than the Muslim population in a pagan march I'm down, but currently there are not enough. Christians are possible though, if we can convince them.
>unchaped is shit
neck yourself
calm down, 56%
Christians love muslim cock your christian women pray to god for brown men to fuck them kys cuckold trash
europe is ours
nice meme idiot doesn't change the fact that the world is ours
we can fuck you cucks out of existence and you won't even get off the computer to stop us lmao
we had no houses when the big refugee wave came, so they quickly passed a law that every county has to house them. so they took buses and just shipped thousands of them up north and now every little village has about 50-500 shitskins, even the smaller ones.
normally they just roam the streets during the days. coincidentally we have started seeing tons of "fights" during daylight, rapes during nightfall and "farm murders" in the middle of nowhere with no motive or perpetrator found.
those little white boys get fucked and they love it you do nothing about it you want these brown men to fuck ur sons and daughters
kys cuckold
My god how great out assimilation programs are.
Atleast these walking insults are too stupid to keep a beat going, let alone blow something up
smart enough to take over your country while you post memes on the internet you cumskin waste of breath
Why are you posting so hard? The only thing noticable about your posts is the same id, thats what is intresting not the actual posts' messages.
I want all you liberal faggots to get a good look at this.
This is the end result of the policies you support.
Says the Amerilard with nothing to protect
Trust me they are spread all over Norway (but of course worse in Oslo).
I was in some remote town/city in far northern Norway a few months ago... and while walking from my ship to the center (20 minutes) I passed 7 muslims (and the employees in the shop were also immigrants lmao).
Worst part was when I saw a black guy in norther Norway swearing in PERFECT northern Norwegian dialect. They are just too integrated here. Would be better if they all stayed in some ghetto in Oslo without learning Norwegian.
Norway is over.
It's white "men" instinct to ignore the truth keep on posting memes. your countries fall from within and you love it
What OP doesn't tell you is that all these girls are libtard snowflake feminists. There is no such thing as a norwegian tradwife.
och nu skall en enda polisbil täcka typ halva jämtland och lappland. helt jävla sjukt.
i don't need to protect anything everything I have is given to me for free by cumskin cuckolds like you
>world is ours
you mean the jews right
jews are cumskins its their nature to give everything they have to superior men
why do you think jews constantly tell other cumskins to spread their cheeks for us
Better start stockpiling guns and ammo, broder min.
Nobody is this stupid
Norway is starting to show same weakness as Sweden. Sweden will not exist 10 years, Norway still has little hope left
I was in Lofoten about 2 years ago and there was a town there called Svölvär where we saw those ugly fat somali cunts with niqab. Even saw a nigger in some obscure mini village halfway between Lofoten and mainland. It's fucked up.
You would think this Amerilard had a mart to shart in. Maybe all the mobility scooters where occupied or something
lol mmkay buddy
last I checked muslims arent the ones with their women whoring to foreign men
fucking horrible, i pray that you and your people find the strength to exterminate those creatures and torture those responsible to death (der ewige Jude, Bonnier in swedens case)
i could shit in your moms mouth and rape her and get off with a slap on the wrist because of my skin
scandi countries are the biggest cuckolds of them all
Yeah, we are about on the same level as you guys (where is Denmark kek?)
You know the larping is soo shitty its just really pathetic at this point
You couldent even inshalla
>i could shit in your moms mouth and rape her inshalla etc
Please up your game Ameritard
I have some fap material for you scandinavian cuckolds
here you go there is a lot more to come and you will pay us money to do it for you
Vell bare en ting og gjore gutta!
Spray paint et bilde av profeten mohammed over alt. Helst over kommunist plakatene.
>trondheim vil bli tagget ned snart nokk
ps she enjoyed it which is why he only got two months if a swedish boy raped someone they would get life because no one wants to fuck a cumskin not even cumskin girls
>take over your country
what do you even do besides work a minimum wage job and masturbate all day
i don't have to do anything white men pay me to fuck white women then cry about it online lol
is that the fantasy you masturbate to?
this website is living proof of it and if you think otherwise you are a delusional cumskin
>pic related
average whiteman after 30% of his wages are garnished for the non-white invasion of his country lmao
>"Ashura" is buthurt about something
I have no idea what's going on here.
Also (((Oslo))) deserves to be gassed
This is from this sunday apparantly, they really never do any demos or anything these mudshits
Nekaj kar prihaja k nam.
i suggest you seek help for your hardcore pornography addiction
you first cumskin
everything your ancestors worked for is given away to people with brown skin and all of it is done for the sake of sexual masochism
white people make me sick to my stomach
you too! good luck on october 15th.
They have more or less gassed the islamic council here recently, but I don't think it's this either.
They are going broke now, as they don't get moar shekels. Most companies and various gov inst. have shat on them for being jews, so has mudshit orgs usually representing scum from different regions as I understand it
I really doubt it's this. They had extremists ties, I think the albinos cut them out two years ago or something
Holy FUCK Iranians are really subhumans..
nice proxy kike, once all Christians unite we'll be coming to round you up one more time to kick your fucking ass
I've been meaning to ask: How were the Norwegian elections?
keked audibly
Since the majority of Norwegian exports is oil these sandniggers must feel right at home. So I don't really see what you're complaining about, birds of feather fly together.
Get cucked snowniggers. Even ur ethnic pale cellulite infested women look like shit.
What I don't get is why the Norwegians are trying to stop production. It's 50% of their GDP, and they're taking in a flood of dead weight "refugees." Seems like the perfect storm for economic disaster.
It appears that this was a shia hollyday actually, they did it in Copenhagen too.
Something about them being pro hijab down there, on this holiday hijab is supposed to be madatory
There was one of these in London too on Sunday.
As their numbers grow there will be more attacks on kuffars
Most of our immigrants are polish and swedes. I don't feel too bad. Means our houses get renovated on the cheap side and our coffee's get served on time. The muslim religious leaders are mostly losing influence every other day now due to our wonderful right positioned goverment. We still have hope.
I just read about it in the link above there, I had totally missed this stuff, don't know these days of theirs
I actually got some of dem eastern euros working on my house here right now, they be russians though
Nuke Oslo now, please
I know some ethnic norwegians girls. Their IQ is really double digits. They are kinda pretty but fugly. I feel really sorry for them
do this Norbro believe it or not it works. I've started to do this with my church(non-denominational) a couple of months ago and I have fully redpill a couple of guys on the low and slowly redpilling the group I participate in. It might help that I already live in Texas but honestly just take your Bible and tell them that youre taking your country back. God bless you Norway
Half of those dune niggers are wearing designer clothing. How do I apply for my rightful nord pussy and welfare?
>wh*tes not wanting to rejoice in the glory of the great imam ali
women are stupid user, hate to bring it too you.
we don't care about that anyways, it's not their wits we're after
>they do it everywhere in Europe now.
what the fuck are you talking about?
I travel all around eastern europe/balkans
Haven't seen this shit
>win at capitalism
>proceed with cultural suicide
why does it keep happening
Not even going to watch. I can just image it is something depressing and enraging all at the same time.
Shame you don't like girls then.
Aslong as you keep the vodka away from then they work wonderfully!
I dont know why i get surprised time and time again that women are not that smart, almost every friend i have is very high iq while female friends are dumb but fun to hang around with. And norwegian females are really either brainwashed or dumb, i guess a bit of both.
Basicly this.
You do realize that white people are not going to fight against each other this time. If white people hold anything remotely close to the amount of power black people entitle us with their whiny protests, then it would be incredibly stupid of you to provoke us. I guess the racial differences in intelligence confirm this.
No i love girls dont get me wrong. Its just that ur women are really stupid.
you probably don't have many shia in france, i'm guessing mostly sunni, which are absolute scum
What is happening when brown people take political action is that the white leftists are immobilized by their unconscious racial awareness. Even they feel uncomfortable i a crowd like that.
The fact that you know so much about the subject kinda scares me a little
But jokes aside, if you were any smart, you would have done everything possible to avoid ending up like Sweden. But I guess the apathy of the hedonist, consumerist and materialist Jew'd Western world is working just as intended. They will endlessly say "it's only bad on X or Y city, it would never reach me."
Reveal you flag
damn I REALLY need to learn how to press harder on my R key