Checkpoint, murderers

Checkpoint, murderers.



>1 Post by this ID

I want every young woman to close her legs but that won’t happen either.


buying a gun to protect yourself from murderers and home invaders is not the same thing as wanting to murder your bastard so you can continue your life of debauchery

Unless you consider the womb a very small room


Every fucking time.

I still don't get this meme.

I think it's either retards who don't understand that IDs are per thread or just trolls pretending to be the aformentionned retards.

The vast majority of guns kill no one.

Every abortion is a murder.

One quick bait/slide post and then they never come back. It not one post on the whole board , just one shitpost for the thread.

Nope, AFK

Isn't she behind Planned Parenthood, the one supporting eugenics?

Idk famalam a person killed those people not a gun. Similarly the woman getting an abortion is consenting to killing something.

That's not it, retard

It refers to the type of drive-by shitposting that shills use to slide threads.

The make 1 post, usually demanding that something distracting be defended or explained, then never post again.

This guy knows

Just saw this on the front page of Yahoo. Even the normies there are calling this bullshit, even with nothing be female celebrities posting it.

The biggest flaw is "young men". They can't even buy a gun.

>Comparing abortions to firearms
Wew lad.

In mass we do all of that except the doctor but have to pass mental health and it takes more than a month so....

What about a wombfull of strangers?

Margaret Sanger worked with the KKK.
Gloria Steinem was paid by the CIA.

>that last sentence
Most gun purchases don't end in dead people.
Every single abortion ends in at least one dead person.


>go to back alley to get abortions
>go to back alley to buy guns

Back alley sounds like a pretty happening place

Is the same age for men and women? In most states you have to be 18 to buy a longarm, and 18 to get an abortion by yourself. I don’t see what this accomplishes unless she wants a double standard where “young” for men is up till 30 and “young” for women is anything under 18

Purchasing a tool isnt like murdering a child.


bwahahah FUCK OFF! How about we do mass vetting for getting a driver's license?! Most morons such as Gloria Steinem have no business on a road