Rate the presidents in your lifetime from 1-10
Rate the presidents in your lifetime from 1-10
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obama 0
trump 10
mr. peanuts carter and his twin obama = 0
President Trump = 10
one more star for reagan, two more for dubya, and i agree. i was born in 84 and you know how these jews work so i can't really trust anything i know about reagan or HW because it is jewed information.
Clinton 6
Bush 8
Obama 5
Trump 1
Trump: 2/10 (shows that perhaps real nationalism is still possible, but he's clearly a globalist still)
Bush: 0/10 (destroyed the heart of Middle America, sold out to globalism, 2008)
Clinton: 0/10 (globalism)
5 - clinton
0 - bush
8 - obama
n/a since drumpf is not my president
Obama -10/10: completely sold out in full to globalism
Bush 4/10
Obummer 2/10
Trumpo 8/10
>1st term - 7
>2nd term - garbage
Bush again, hahahaha
"Obama" or whatever the nigger's real name is
Bush Sr - 1
Clinton - 1
Bush Jr - 1
Obama - 1
Trump - 1
Reagan - 10
Bush - 7
Clinton - 0
W - 5
Obama - 0
Trump - 10
Clinton 3-4
Bush 2-3
Obama 3-5
Trump 5-7
The correct ranking
I'm no fan of Bush but you honestly think Clinton was better?
Slick Willy: 4
Dubya: 4
Obongo: 4
Don: 6
Clinton and Bush are basically twins policy wise, just different in who they pandered too.
Clinton 0
Bush Jr 0
Obama 0
Trump 8
the economy didn't go into the shitter until Bush and Clinton was in a more optimistic time
>Reagan 5
>HW 6
>Clinton 4
>Bush 1
>Obama 3
>Trump 6
Clinton - 5
Bush - 7
Barry - 7
Don - 5
Cuckmeat detected.
Clinton - 9
Bush - 6
Obama - 8
teh_dumpster - (-102912930123 x -2139191123) to the second power
>Bush Sr - 3
>Clinton - 5
>Bush Jr - 1
>Obama - 2
>Trump - 8
Reagan: 8/10
Bush: 7.5/10
Clinton: 6.5/10
Bush: 3/10
Obama: 2/10
Trump: TBD, 4.5/10 so far
Reagan 8.5
Bush Sr. 6
Clinton. 6.5 (because of Newt Gingrich)
Bush Jr. 3
Obama 2
Trump 7.5
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, and shit
>teh_dumpster - (-102912930123 x -2139191123) to the second power
Please let this be a joke.
He didn't start any major unwinnable wars and (with Republicans focing his hand) managed to balance the budget. Both are globalist shills however.
>33% approval rating
This, all of them were leftist kike puppets. Last good unkiked president was James K Polk, even Grant had to bend the knee to the kikes when he became candidate.
>Bush 1
>Bush 2
underage detected
Reagan expanded debt beyond what any president was able to accomplish, including Obama. He was shit.
Trump better than Ronald Reagan? Are you stupid or what? And how can you judge a president chosen for four years in nine months?
Bush Sr
Bush Jr
>8, loses points because he's giving too much to the globalist and the Jews but I'm still hopeful that he's gonna say fuck it and do what he was elected to do. 10 on concept, 8 on execution so far.
Reagan was showing signs of dementia in his 2nd term... This is a sliding scale that can be changed over time
Trump 10
The greatest President of the United States was Richard M Nixon
10 - Clinton
0 - Bush
10 - Obama
Drumpf is not my president, long live isis and shariah death to the constitution.
Reagan - 9
Bush - 6
Clinton - 10
Bush - 1
Obongo - 2
Drumpf - 0
on fire today check the digits
Nixon to trump. .001 average
Don't worship politicians
Bill: 5.5
Bush: 3
Obama: 3
Trump: 4
Objectively true, the establishment and the media hated him for being a nationalist and an outsider and wanted him gone.
Méndez: 1
Álvarez: 1
Sanguinetti I: 6
Lacalle: 4
Sanguinetti II: 2
Batlle: 2
Vázquez I: 6
Mujica: 3
Vázquez II: 4 so far
Carter - 4
Reagan - 6
Bush - 7
Clinton - 5
Bush - 4
Obama - 2
Trump - 5
What they said
>All this hate for Jimmy Carter
Man, I thought Sup Forums was all about the truth.
Jimmy told the truth and the masses couldn't handle it so they went with Mr Reagan feel good.
You live here, so whether you approve of him or not he is your president >:)
Bush Sr. - unknown
Clinton - 7
Bush jr - 1
Obama - 2
Trump - 7 so far
He started the wasteful drug war which I don't approve of
Eisenhower - 8
Kennedy - 6
Johnson - 3 (1965 Immigration Act)
Nixon - 7
Ford - 5
Carter - 4
Reagan - 8
Bush Sr. - 5
Clinton - 6
Bush Jr. - 4
Obama - 2
Trump - 8
Ronnie 7
Bush Sr. 3
Clinton 4
Bush Jr. 2
Obongo 1
Trump ???
Obama 100
Drumpf -a trillion
ruskie paid bots shouldn't post here
Please read a maths textbook Cleetus.
What about your rating of Jefferson Davis?
I guess being a career politician and Vice President was considered outsider back in the 60s.
>Reagan: 0
>Bush: 1
>Clinton: -1
>Bush: 2
>Obongo: 3
>Drumpf: -10
Obama and Bush are somewhat successful for accelerationism.
>t. kgb
none of them have fixed the real shit that needs to be done. They just let the corruption on the inside keep on keepin on, the pedo rings, the insider trading, the government black market arms deals. Trump is at least stated the issue, if he gets around to it he'll be another TR
You don't live here so fuck off leaf.
Nixon 3
Carter 1
Reagan 5
HW 3
Clinton 3
Bush 1
Obama 0
Trump 7
Carter: -1
Reagan: 2
Bush: -6
Clinton : -7
Bush: -600
Obama : -5008
Trump: 0
>rating Trump higher than Reagan
>Leaf go back
>Southern Education
>>teh_dumpster - (-102912930123 x -2139191123) to the second power
Refer to the image, retard.
48466210315008261767810795281394955700641 out of 10.
That would mean he's a legendary POTUS.
Reagan was a cultural golden age but holy shit a lot of places in the US were utter shitholes in the 80s but have since improved
Wanting to be a politician is going to be a mental disorder in dsm6
Mah nigga.
We old n' shit.
>that ID
You know it to be true... Reagan would be an 8/10 if it wasn't for his dementia and "just say no"
Rapin' Bill: 5
Dubya: 3
Obama First Term: 4
Obama Second Term: 1
Trump: 7
9 1 1 1 1 10
Rate them based on what. Their subservience to the ruling class and effectiveness in carrying out the will of the oligarchy?
Bush I - 7/10
Clinton - 8/10
Bush II - 5/10
Obama - 9/10
Trump - 6/10
ya Iran Contra was awesome you fuckwit
5 at best
>Bush Jr.
Terms are not over yet so no rating
I would say a mix of the impact they had on society/history and if they help or hurt the country
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0
Nixon 10 bitches. Yes I was alive... barely. Kinda like now.
he was kinda all over the place
40 - 8
41 - 5
42 - 7
43 - 3
44 - 2
45 - TBD
nixon: 2 (at risk of going all Kissinger, he gets a 2 because of China and being a great speaker. those two alone would’ve given him an 8 but between CREEP, the Plumbers, “the whole Bay of Pigs thing”, Viet Nam/Cambodia/Laos, and having to fucking resign take him to a 2)
ford: 3 (pretty much a 3 for not doing much)
carter: 3 (would have hit a 4 but egregiously fucked up the Iran Hostage Crisis)
reagan: 4 (a hole shit load of awful —Iran-Contra, bank deregulation, escalating the drug war, evil policies for Latin America, etc etc — but I’ll give a couple points for speaking and taking on the USSR (though not nearly as much as he usually gets credit for), and an evil AG)
ghw bush: 2 (pretty much a schmuck. a sneaky spook—wouldn’t surpise me if he put Hinckley up to it—signed the hideous reduction in ways to become “independent” from your parents for the purposes of financial aid, and managed to lose to Clinton)
clinton: 2 (hideus fuck, but hay he was married to Hillary, and a democrat, and and didn’t he play the sax on tv? so n00b progressives idolize him. the fucker pushed for The Clipper Chip, encryption key escrow, increased federal wiretap and capital crimes, signed the ridiculous “weapons ban”, an evil AG, and completely destroyed socially liberal politics for the foreseeable future by proving that a democratic president could act exactly like a republican. fucker even signed DOMA)
gw bush:2 (idiot gomer that let Cheney try to destroy the country. two pointless wars because...something something...9/11 which were a total success but kept going for some reason, further banking deregulation, absolute bungling of the near descruction of the global financial system, evil fucking AG)
obama: 2 (another pointless so-called liberal that did exactly what you’d expect a centrist republican to do: a seemless continuation of the policies of the Clinton / HW Bush administrations, but the shit ACA)
trump: too early to tell
wow the ultimate red pill , i kekd
Clinton 4/10
W bush 2/10
Obama -1000000/10
Trump 9/10
Clinton 0
Bush Jr 0
Obama 0
Trump 10
>he was kinda all over the place
just like his head.
Reagan legalized illegals.
Bush lied about taxes and gave birth to Bush Jr. But mostly the latter.
Clinton bombed people trying to remove kebab. He also put a Jew in charge of Isreali matters, something that was implicitly agreed to not happen due to the conflict of interest. But was alright financially and did help put a lot of blacks in jail.
Bush Jr... where do I begin... trillions of dollars in war, Patriot Act, also soft on immigration (let the to-be DACAs come in).
Obama let in tons of muslims, funded Syrian terrorists, gave a free pass to dindus like trayvon...
Trump is a fucking enigma and so far hasn't been able to do shit immigration-wise. But he has deported criminals, more than what Hillary would have done. And the alt-right, anti-left energy grows, despite Republicans ostensibly being in power in Congress.
Clinton - 9
Bush - 3
Obama - 8
Trump - 2
REST NEED NOT APPLY.....4 or maybe 5
>>Daddy bush - 9/10
>>W - 10/10
>>Everyone else is 0/10
Is saddens me that we did not have a third bush
What would you have scored Jeb! if Trump hadn't ruined your dreams