Thanks a lot guys!!

You retarded niggers are the reason people are quitting online gaming! Your racial slurs are a turn off to nice people who are trying to enjoy their games. I need my heating pad pronto! My stomach is fucked because of you, it's literally 2017, grow the fuck up , you racist cis scum.

Other urls found in this thread:

>cis scum

We are reaching levels of leaf posting that shouldn't be possible *holds beer and watches this*

what you cant call a spade a hungry nigger now days?

Ian? Is that you, you fucking faggot??

>a shitskin and a virgin



The next time you wanna call a darkie a nigger, you call that coon a jungle bunny instead!

I'm going to say them alot more.

Remember, people can't have nice things. I'll make sure of that. :)

Checks flag,

Welcome to the real world faggot where there's no filter and echo chambers don't exist.
The fact that you want to sensor people for saying bad words means you're a fucking pussy.
You grow the fuck up and learn how to not give a fuck. Bad words are only offensive depending on how the individual takes it. It's all subjective

the fuck is this shit?


games are shit now everyone in the industry of vidya deserves to be executed.

Leaf shitposting wow

I saw 1.6 Million people on pubg servers the other day.....

good, get those normie nignogs out of gaming.

Was just in TF2 and some guy started to spam in chat words like nigger, kike and so forth.

>online gaming
In my 29 years I have never played multiplayer. Ever.

Why the fuck would I want to spend my leasure time with total strangers playing some retarded FPS, listening screaming teenagers in 7 different languages?

Fuck that.

I quite playing online as much due to niggers getting so butthurt over everything.

early 2000s online gameplay
>die nigger
>shut the fuck up n00b
>I'll kill your family after I go 10-0 bitch.

2017 online gameplay
>glhf :)
>*notices bulge* awwoooo OWO what's this?
>guys I think this is OP?
>where's my transfurrykin fan service?

>Unironically using [current year] as an argument

>In my 29 years I have never played multiplayer. Ever.
You're like the videya definition of a virgin
But seriously, I doubt you've gone without playing gems like Quake 3, UT99, TFC, CS and so forth

Based demonigger

Lol fick off faggot, since MUDS were we there

>I refuse to use the mute/ignore function. They should have to leave.

was blutsauger battlemedic tho
didn't rage at me or anything he was a passive agressive soldier. Literally every sentence ended in kike or nigger.
Felt like Sup Forums breached containment or something but it's not the first time i met people like that.

good, good
outside of shopping sites, normies have no business going on the internet to start with

bots > real people
Fuck you net-playtards

early 2000s game forums
>basically Sup Forums lite with lots of scrub shaming

2017 forum posts
>is toxicity causing the player pop to go down?
>how do we tackle bullying as a gaming community on our servers?
>can you ban X he called me a mother F***** but my mom is dead and now I'm triggered
>this is F*kin pay2win omg.
>can we get rid of scoreboards? It's making people competitive.

>aggresive chat censor is enabled by default
>the UI to turn it off is buried underneath several menus in options.
>get warned banned by the server for cursing.

I overheard an autist rambling out Africa statistics in a monotone voice not too long ago.

Ian is aweful. I unsubbed because their podcast is a week late and ian is an sjw


>tfw theres not a single popular game where you can say nigger without getting banned
i guess maybe CS? but thats it..
there was a time nobody gave a shit.. fucking women ruin everything

who the fuck? does everybody have a podcast now? does my dog have a podcast?

You're welcome.

>1 post by this ID

Sure do enjoy your (you)'s huh?

Fuck them, this was our hobby first.

Playing with bots can't give the satisfaction of playing with another actual human brain.

Most bots are just downright retarded or predictable.

Quake, CoD2 and Heroes 3 in high school 10 years ago couple of times with friends. And that was it.

But to be fair, I am grand strategy & rpg person so there is that.

Undrdage b&
I was yelling nigger on halo before Sup Forums even existed

Ahhh the current year argument

No I like my games without racist vulgar bullshit! My stomach is in knots just thinking about how you shitheads treat people during online play. I need my heating pad so bad right now, literally feels like a knife stabbing me. So much hate in your guys veins, its unbelievable. Just stop ok? People of all races and creeds just want to play and have fun and have a release from the stress of everyday life. A young kid called me a horseface nigger cockucker earlier today. Fuck i need my heating pad!

Did Halo 1 even have voice chat?


Good. I remember when gaming was good before the infestations of Niggers and SJWs. Nobody cared who you were and men trash talked. Games are going back to what they originally were a place for men by men. Gamergate was a wake up call.

How about PlayerUnknown's Battleground? I've seen streamers cursing in voicechat.
I also have seen the word nigger in Overwatch, of course with some letters changed since cuss words get censored. I haven't seen anyone get banned because of that, actually other players usually join in.


Look see? Racist children everywhere. You guys have ruined gaming culture. Fuck I need my heating pad!!

good fuck vidya it ruined everything


I'll stick with my waifu

What happened to his stomach?

>I am grand strategy & rpg person so there is that


Games are the last bastion of the white man

>calling someone degenerate

I fucking wish, online gaming has been naught but a cock pox on the industry.

Wait. Some weasel dick 12 year old called my mother a bitch and stupid over PlayStation network just the other day. I was pleasantly surprised to find his speakers were broadcasting our conversation so his own mother could hear it as I drilled into this Cum Stain. I shared my thoughts of this wetback whom stole this console and reminded him that he was a mistake when his whore of a mother was with her john and the condom broke. More over his sister is probably fucking his uncle for money and soon this shit will have to suck off the gang cholos so his mother won't have to work her drug habit off by lifting her legs. I signed off hoping one day he might run into his father while sucking dick. So be sure to ask each of his johns.

Was that too harsh?

Video games are a White male's domain, fuck off multiculti. You niggers ruined Xbox Live.

>watches gaming streams
>plays tumblrwatch
>that picture

kys faggot

another day, another leaf post

you know what to do


Play planetside 2, there're entire outfits that are pretty much Sup Forums on steroids no fucks given.


Good, because I don't want to play with niggers anyway

Online gaming is going down hill because it's not fun anymore. Greedy cash grabs ruined it.


Just stop!! Youre not cool, youre not edgy! You're a fucking racist loser who is ruining online experience for tons of people!Fuck where is my heating pad!You kinda guys make me my stomach ache!! Fucksakes!

is that a fapping shield the one on the left has there? I am sure he for a moment started to fap then quit it. Looks like he has that fapping disease, where they just pull out their junk and start to fap in public and just talk all normal while they do it

>implying there will ever be a more based black man than uncle ruckus
he was the only reason i watched the boondocks

Played wow about 2 years ago now
Called people nigger and swede all the time
Nobody cared

Online gamers were calling each other faggots etc long before Sup Forums existed, so go suck the tapeworms out a niggers arse, you cringing faggot.

At 4:22 the long haired faggot starts jerking off under the table.

This, also most are 18+

this one do censor you, people using them got pissed as fuck on microsoft due to it.

I don't got one of those my self

Almost exclusive 18+ and the community is probably the most toxic I ever met
>there're pointless flamewars everywhere and the official forum looks like a Sup Forums meets old Sup Forums crossover that even the mods/devs avoid
yet if you pull your ass up stop whining and are willing to improve the most welcoming.