in 2 days im going to see a shrink, and I have good reason to believe that she will try to drug me up and put me on anti-depressants. I have no interest in going on pills as I think their bullshit, but I have no idea why their bullshit. Please redpill me on anti-depressants so that I can bring something to the table on friday when i see my shrink.
Redpill me on anti-depressants please
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off shill. This isn't politics.
enjoy your slow ride to hell. where you will never be truly happy but will never be able to be sad.
Can you function right now? Are you just a little depressed and need to talk things out, or are you going through a very rough time in your life right now and feel like everything is spiraling out of control? If it's any of those, then no, don't do it. If you have lived your entire life depressed, manic, and it has been a struggle to even get up for as long as you can remember, then I think it would benefit you. The problem is, the money involved with these things makes it so anyone who even says "I'm sad," will have them shoved down their mouth. Life has its ups and downs, and everyone has their moments where everything seems to overwhelm them, and they don't require a medication to fix.
Fuck off, it's political in that antidepressants are a cash cow for the very people who write our healthcare laws and regulations.
Wow Goy
Sure is depressing to be alive....
Lucky for you I have just the *mostly* harmless drug with *mostly* no *life-threatening* side-affects to deal with you crippling depression,
Allowing you (A Goy) to keep your life-shattering vices all while developing a crippling reliance on *mostly* safe chemicals
FOR ONLY 6.99$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know you DONT have to take the shill pills right?
do what ever the fuck your gonna do, but i say dont do em. if i got "the brain pops" going off em, they cant be good.
Its really shit. It gives you crazy thougths and make ur dick limp
I can't speak for everyone, but my doctor recommended putting me on Lexapro, and I didn't want to start taking the pharmaceutical jew. Took the advice of a /sig/ thread on /fit/ a fews ago. I stopped drinking alcohol and started lifting. Fixed everything.
>a fews ago
A few years ago.
Well done, son.
Everyone feels sad once in awhile. It's just a scam and ploy to make money for big pharma and create passive, neutered white men. Don't listen to your faggot shrink. Get out, exercise, eat healthy and you'll feel 100 times better.
You need to take a lot to be happy
Even then it isn't happiness, you just become indifferent to things. You don't feel happy, but you don't feel sad.
Psychiatrists should be hanged on gallows. Most useless profession alongside psychologists. Psychiatry is not scientifically proven by any means.
All these people who have no idea what they're talking about. Christ.
OP, your brain chemistry can get pretty fucked up from depression. It's more or less impossible to get out of that state without SRIs. You can do it, but it takes years, and requires a support network that you're more likely to alienate with your sadness.
Don't take the drugs forever, 6 Months is a good rule of thumb, get off and see if you can function again.
>All these people who have no idea what they're talking about. Christ.
>Doesn't even know it's spelt SSRI
>Tells someone to get hooked on SSRI's for 6 months then stop, which causes withdrawal and makes you feel like even more shit.
Good job, you made OP feel numb for a few months only to have him commit suicide when he stops taking the pills.
totally this !
no really !
been there, came back.
you can do it too.
OP, please read.
I was on antidepressants.
This is why people on antidepressants commit suicide at extremely high rates:
They don't stop whatever is causing the depression.
When the doctor puts you on antidepressants, it seems like you'll start feeling better and live will be good. And you do start feeling a bit better emotionally at first (likely the effects of the drug).
But taking medicine doesn't stop the SOURCE of your depression. So, people end up being happy for a few days and then back to being really depressed, which makes everything feel even worse because you were reminded what being happy and clear headed feels like. People instead stay on them for months or years and their life just gets worse and worse because they don't do anything to change it, and the effects start to wear off or they build a tolerance and have to take more. That is not how they should be used.
Anti-depressants are okay. The hype around them being bad is far overstated, and mostly propagted by conspiracy-driven people who have never been on them. Anti-depressants should be used to give your mind a break from the stress in order to deal with it.
For instance, in my case, I was living with a horrible insane woman. He literally had borderline personality disorder and it was making my life absolute hell (a vast understatment). I got on anti-depressants and it gave me a clear enough mind to see how bad things were and realize if they didn't stop someone was going to end up dead. Then I kicked her out and my life got back to normal and even better.
That's how anti-depressants are supposed to be used.
>trying to explain to your shrink why antidepressants are bullshit
dude come on, she writes a dozen prescriptions a day for this shit and she would lose her job if she stopped
you're not going to talk her out of it. she'll make a note in your medical record, something about refusing treatment due to paranoid delusions. and then she'll insist you take them anyways and you'll give in, cave to the pressure, because she's an authority figure. and you will take the pills. thats how its going to go down
Psychiatry is a pseudoscience. There is literally no repeatable objective tests to prove the existence of any disorder or to prove the existence of any neurochemical 'imbalance' that would need to be corrected or that any of the prescribed medications actually correct such an imbalance.
The last two have never been tested in a single human.
Don't go. They will not help you. They will only make things worse to keep you coming back and paying.
T. some fag that creates 'training programs' for mental health workers.
Oh shit, nigga, I forgot a letter. That totally invalidates everything I said.
There are lots of bad side effects to antidepressants, but the good news is you can stop as soon as you believe those problems may be manifesting. The drugs aren't permanently going to change brain chemistry unless you take them permanently which no one will recommend unless you have serious problems like bipolarity or schizophrenia.
I take 1g phenibut every now and then, it kills my anxiety and depression for a day or two
Perfect description.
I was taking Flouxentine, Hydroxyzine, and Trazadol.
A good friend took the shit and got rid of it, still debating on whether or not I'm going to get them refilled.
They work a little too well.
your dick won't work
you also might grind your teeth at night
if you're so incapacitated you can't get out of bed, and you believe you can use a "crutch", then do it until you learn to walk again if you can deal with life "with the volume turned down"
actually antidepressants have been proven to be marginally more effective then placebo. yes indeed, ever so slightly superior to the placebo effect
They fuck up your brain chemistry, lead to suicidal thoughts, and can do permanent damage.
Many of them are also addictive, and most likely you don't have a disease so the doctors are just guessing at the problem. Things can get really bad if they give you false prescriptions.
TLDR, mind control.
Turn in your guns now please.
Trazadone you mean?
Why don't you simply talk to your trained psychiatrist who spent years in uni instead of idiots and schizophrenics on Sup Forums. Inb4 triggered schizos
You realize you don't have to justify to her why you don't want to take them right?
I quit em. Hard but best decision ever.
Congrats on spending years at uni communist.
>doesn't understand that the pharmaceutical industry influences the universities and government
>doesn't know about the political influences in science
>doesn't know the peer review process doesn't work
>thinks being university indoctrinated means a person knows what they're talking about
>muh diploma
>doesn't realize that any shrink not willing to tow the line and prescribe the pills would have never been allowed to pass med school let alone keep a license
>doesn't know about the cult of scientism
>trusts authority figures
>trusts the establishment
If you don't want to be on them:
A) You don't have to be.
B) Find an alternative...
>Regular exercise.
>Forcing yourself to do the things in your life you know you're avoiding, no matter how shitty the run-up is.
>Study some philosophy.
>Cut all sugar out of your diet.
>Go on the Keto or Paleo diet.
>Get CONSISTENTLY good sleep.
You have dragons and demons, we all do.
Hunt them.
Slay them.
Take their power for your own.
nah dude, he's going to let the shrink talk him into it because he's desperate for a treatment. and she's a slick talking drug dealer who knows just what to say. he will be prescribed the pills and he will take them.
Dont do it. Take 4k mg of D and 1k mg of magnesium everyday. Do NOT fall for the (((SSRI))) script.
Been on smallest dosage of Citalopram for 1-1/2 years now. Makes the peaks and valleys turn into waves.
>didn't take his pills for the third time and got released from the mental health unit for causing a scene.
I take 5mg atarax (hydroxizine)
Theyre super small and barely do much
Always take the lowest possible dose and don't take xanax friend.
Also, do you guys think i should ever stop taking my doses? I take 1-2 every few days. Not regularly, i just seem to get anxious in my 40 person calculus lecture which is about 3 days a week, when i take them.
First start supplementing with magnesium.
"A clinical study contrasting the effects of magnesium (450 mg daily) against a popular anti-depressant drug found that magnesium was highly effective in treating depression and as effective as medication."
Then try Emsam patch (not a pill). It can be safer and more effective but harder to get.
You'd be surprised, adherence is actually a huge issue in the pharma world.
People GET drugs a lot, but often they don't take them unless they're straight up opiates.
I mean, they'll keep you nice and sedated for when the Deep state kills us all.
Learn to they're you fuckinig leaf
>still doesn't believe the government can read anyones emails and facebook messages
>still doesn't believe that his cellphone tracks his location at all times and reports it to the nsa
>even though the snowden leaks happened he still doesn't believe it even though he could easily read the proof for himself
>doesn't believe anything unless its been approved by a mainstream establishment source aka "reputable sources"
Exactly. They get released, get pills and because they take sometimes 3 months to start working they stop taking them or run out of neet bucks then wind up back posting on jewbook about fluoridated water and chem trials.
antidepressants made me hate life, work, my room a mess, dislike fun, dislike, girls, start liking guys, vote democrat, turn in my guns, take an interest in watching my wife fuck black guys, and enjoy anime.
dont do it op, definitely the worst thing in the world. My anecdotal evidence proves this
Depression isn't real it's just your psyche rejecting society.
Society isn't natural, we were not evolved to live like we do today.
For some people their mind rejects the society, which is seen by others as something wrong and something that should be fixed.
However it is our way of life, society and the mainstream outlook that is wrong and your mind is telling you that. All the drugs do is dumb down the part of you that screams "something isn't right here"
>Thinks I'm just an idiot and not one of them about to come pick him up for his activities
agree to go on the meds, but never take them
then when the shrink gives you a vlean bill of health, tell him you never actually took anything and call him a quack pharma shill and threaten to sue
trust me, you won't be hauled away to the looney bin
You can eat a banana three times a day and it gives you the same effect as it contains serotonin.
Just say you don't want to go on pills. Fuck her.
Consider nootropic supplements instead of consuming anti-depressants. Anti-depressants will only lead to more problems in the end. It's like wearing make-up when you don't take care of your skin.
well there are un treaties against weaponized geoengineering and even mainstream news articles have admitted that fuel additives cause lingering condensation trails that don't dissipate as quickly as they should but that the exact composition of the fuel additives is not widely known and the fuel is onyl mixed in a few centralized faciilities, all admitted by the bbc. hasn't seen mainstream news mention that aluminum is already being sprayed by planes for weather manipulation.
doesn't realize a university study from england already linked fluoride to depression at the levels we consume in tap water. doesn't realize that the fda lowered levels of fluoride in the water during summer months in some states (not canada) after research that hot weather causes fluoride to have more adverse effect. doesn't know that the soviets and nazis added fluoride to the water for reasons completely unrelated to teeth.
thinks taking an ssri, a druig proven marginally more effective then placebo, will somehow "cure conspiracy theories"
probably doesn't know about the gay frogs and dismisses the idea without even looking up the evidence just as he dismisses everything that is not in line with popular official establishment thinking
antidepressants are not only for depression, sadly
they also are for neuropathic pain
I gotta take some, since a thalamus stroke
actually just tried another kind yesterday (amitriptyline->duloxetine) and can't take other pain killers tonight (pregabalin and tramadol) because I apparently can't withstand duloxetine (all signs of serotonin syndrom), which is too fucking bad because I have a fucking headache, and the left side of my body is going to hurt as fuck tomorrow
if you have no actual need for taking them, indeed, just don't
I for one don't take that shit for pleasure, only for necessity (not that I'm really functional even with those; just not 100% disabled)
if you have an alternative for a scratched thalamus, I'm all ears...
Actually 5-HTP supplement is proven to be as good as AD. And without the nasty side effects too.
>2nd post/ best post
It's a zombie state of mind, it's shit.
I'd get the prescription, if I were you, and experiment with it, BUT
Never, ever, EVER, take them at the recommended dose, EVER!
You don't need them. Go on a Keto diet, take magnesium supplements, and start working out.
That's proper psychotic meds, not antidepressants.
Depression is real, but it's poorly described in common vernacular.
In the common mind, depression is this 'thing' you can catch and once it has you, you need medicine to get over it.
I've spent a great deal of time considering depression, having beaten it myself, and I believe its truest description is something like...
When enough unaddressed negative issues in your life build to a sufficiently severe level, they collapse into a metaphorical black hole that becomes its own problem, transcending the legitimate issues that feed it.
And like a black hole, its reach and strength is enough to start pulling things that were only minor problems deeper into its ever-increasing mass until it feels like everything in your world is a massive unsolvable problem.
It's a meta-problem.
Bills and debt are a problem.
Social anxiety is a problem.
Failing academically is a problem.
But the thing they all have in common (the negative feeling) can become a self-perpetuating problem. A meta-problem.
Anti-depressants just interrupt your sleep cycle. You can't think about being sad if your brain is sleep deprived.
exactly, you cant feel happy (you wont) but you cant feel sad, its hard to explain, you are super depressed but cant cry and you feel like you'll explode... dont go to shrinks , go to church instead
they are fine of course, why even make this post?
Mitigate the source not yourself.
I'd reckon you're depressed because of an outside factor.
I was on Lexapro and Zoloft for a little while made me feel numb on creative and pretty much just blank. They both had pretty bad withdrawals. Definitely stay away from them.
An even bigger mistake was one of my doctor introduced me to klonopin and Adderall. Used for about 4 to 5 years. The klonopin withdrawal was absolutely fucking horrific and took two plus years to get me back to normal. During those two years I had horrific psychological and physical symptoms from withdrawal. I was useless and basically existed in my room for those two years.
I am much better now and living life and enjoying myself. I was young dumb and in my twenties and made the mistake of listening to doctors.
Psych meds should be reserved for the truly mentally insane and people who have severe depression. Stay the fuck away from them unless you are absolutely desperate.
I am on them. I can function and don't sleep 14 hours a day anymore. It was the right choice for me. Figure it out yourself you fucking retarded man child.
lmao what are you talking about dumbass? you have to take antidepressants for at least 4-6 weeks to get the full effects. they're not "as needed" pills. dumbass
How much Mg per day? At night? I've been taking one pill before bed (200mg) and I sleep great and don't wake up intermittently. Weird vivid dreams though. Didn't realize I should be in the 800 to 1k range
They make it so you can fuck forever. But they also ruin emotions and creativity.
>trusting the medical establishment to alter your brain chemistry
is being naive a mental disorder?
Unless you're suicidal, I recommend you don't take them but look for alternative forms of therapy instead.
>Chemicals that alter your brain chemistry
I mean if that sounds like a good thing to you then by all means take them.
It looks to me like they give you the false impression that you're happy.
Vitamin D is measured in IU, not milligrams. I take 5,000 IU daily, but 2k IU or 3k IU daily should be plenty for you. It stays in your system for a long time. Watch your calcium intake when taking a lot of vitamin D.
As for magnesium, don't get any magnesium oxide, it's a garbage form of magnesium. I use magnesium glycinate powder, though I have an accurate milligram scale, and it tastes outright awful. 2200mg of my powder equals 401mg of elemental magnesium, and ideally, you want to shoot for 400mg ELEMENTAL MAGNESIUM daily. The amount listed on your pills is not the actual absorbed amount, especially if you use a poor form of magnesium like magnesium oxide. Additionally, if you take 1,000mg of magnesium oxide, you may likely start having diarrhea or other complications. The person messaging you earlier doesn't know what he's talking about.
Magnesium citrate or glycinate are two good forms of magnesium to consider. Do some quick research on how much elemental magnesium your source gives you, and choose whatever will get you closest to 400mg daily.
I would advise not taking anything but sometimes people forget how to feel happy. I would take 100mg of mdma ONE TIME rather than months of big pharma pills. Once you know it is possible to feel happy you will be OK without anything else.
Okay, story time:
>be me 21-22
>already prescribed adderal because I hate homework and if I don't sleep I might get bored and do it
>get prescribed Prozac (fluoxetine)
>feels fake but whatever, kinda like rolling on a low dose of really clean molly, but 24/7
>think I can save the world
>drop out of school (fml, was in a great program)
>1 month later get kicked out of a town (no seriously)
>turns out you can go manic from this shit
>Dr. prescribing me all the drugs gets his license revoked for pilling up kids
>biggest mistake of my life
>wish I had never seen a psychiatrist ever
Seriously, see a psychologist if anything. Psychiatrists are for people with Schizoprenia, to anyone else they are a drug dealer. Learn to deal with your problems by facing and overcoming them. You don't need pills to be happy. Exercise does tons for energy, go running or hiking in nature if you can. After three weeks you will feel so much better. Eat properly. Read a book that you like (I highly recommend The Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolf, first book is Shadow and Claw, second is Sword and Citadel). Only go on the internet or drink after you get home from work or school.
That's a very different issue then, friend.
A physical debilitation is not the same as... I suppose you could call it a 'mental and spiritual crisis'.
In the mental world you're something like a god that doesn't know they're a god, and you bumble and stumble about doing massive biblical levels of damage to yourself not knowing the strength you wield, but that same danger is the saving grace of the mind - when you do realize just how much power you can have over yourself and this inner world, fixing it is not only possible - it makes you a significantly stronger person than those who never broke anything in the first place.
But the damaged body is a very different issue.
But one a strong mind can make significantly easier to bear.
I don't recommend you perform this experiment but it is all the evidence you (or anyone) will need:
1. Start taking them at the introductory dose. Notice some initial weird side effects, hard to name.
2. 2nd appointment: report on initial side-effects, note no real improvement in symptoms. Upping dose possible but see how things go.
3. 3rd/nth appt: up dose. notice those weird side effects again. drongo for a year or two.
4. decide to come off. omfg. weirdest side effects of all, even harder to name but try "slew", you fuckin interdimensional traveller you have some relativity or whatever.
5. finally off. still a fuck up but trying another route. residual symptoms include possibly arrythmhia and liver problems.
6. take the red-pill instead, holy fuck
7. ?
8 ...
9. too many steps can't even profit right
as a peon of the mental health machine for really my entire life, basically my advice for antidepressant use is:
feeling pathetic, everything meaningless, hate the way the world looks, etc.? DO NOT take ADs. really, don't. they do not make the world look any better than before. rainbows will not start shooting out of your mouth, you will not become energetic or charming or organised. all they do is make you care less about the feeling that everything is garbage. serotonin is the neurotransmitter that basically signals satisfaction, that is, "everything is fine this way". obviously this is only desirable if everything in your life actually is fine. in high enough doses SSRIs function as nothing more than a pharmaceutical lobotomy and arrest emotional development and motivation.
on the other hand,
already willing and prepared to win at life? serious goal? organising yourself? planning for the future? but still having mood swings and going off the rails or having distorted thoughts? try ADs, BUT, set a deadline at which you will review your usage, no later than about a year. if then your life is going well enough that you think you can sustain it, tell your pharmacist that you want off the ride. never take any higher dosage of psychoactive drugs than you absolutely need and for no longer than necessary to find a place that is decent and makes some sort of sense (which is the real antidepressant).
brain drugs can do weird shit to your personality that you can't consciously perceive, because subjectively your thought processes always pass through your mind as being sane, regardless of how distorted they really are. a good diagnostic is to keep a basic journal of how you've been feeling during weekdays then read the entries back at the end of the week. if the pages still sound reasonable at second sight you're probably okay. if they sound like an idiot or madman wrote them something might be wrong (or you might just really be an idiot).
good luck
Tfw how it feels to be a sociopath
Not zombielike just blank. Really not that bad honestly
Don't go. It's snake oil. Fuck that shitty religion. The AMA is trying to make big pharma your new religion. They get paid big bucks to promote it. They leave mass shootings in their wake. They lie. They deny responsibility. They are killing your children. Why are you feeding them?
Also if you don't have a job and aren't in school get any job you can. I had some of the best times working as a bus boy for jack shit. Every night my buddy in the kitchen would throw me a steak/ribs/prime rib. It teaches you social skills, it puts you in contact with girs (and when you are a bus boy the cute waitresses will be nice to you so you will take care of their shit for them). Especially if you are in a college town work at a fucking restaurant if you have no marketable skills. You will make friends as long as you aren't totally useless and lazy. Seriously, we had Mexicans who couldn't fucking speak english who we would all joke with and try to socialize with because they worked hard and had a good attitude.
>le brain chemistry
There is no evidence of brain "chemistry imbalance" theory, in fact it's not even a theory, it's a hypothesis that suggests chemical pathways and is tested by applying chemicals to those pathways and seeing what results.
"What results" is reported by drongoed out depressed atomized zombie plebs desperate to feel alive and who haven't killed themselves, and a few brain-bleeders, sudden-psychotics, and various other complicated statistical thingumajigs that just disappear into the numbers.
depression is a moral issue. the problem with depression is every depressive secretly enjoys their condition.
So instead of taking anti-depressants OP should help establish global communism?
This is true, but it stops being effective after a few months, probably why it's rarely used
i also suggest vitamin b12 in methykcobalamin form not cyanocobalamin. the kind that dissolves under the tongue not the pill kind. for energy anyways. and vitamin d especially during winter months everyone should be taking some
>Then I kicked her out and my life got back to normal and even better.
Thats not how depression works, idiot. Real depressed people spend a good amount of time in a vegetated or agitated state. sometimes both at the same time which is special hell. having racing thoughts and feeling like every nerve is exposed but feeling physically stunted and mentally retarded. every second feels like an eternity. Your existence make the world a worse place.
Pills do nothing for people with depression. They work for guys like you because you respond to placebos and because there was nothing wrong with you other than being easily manipulated by the PharmaJewticul industry
The idea that average psychiatrists and doctors today have even the slightest understanding of advanced brain chemistry is fucking laughable. The idea that we believe they can safely and accurately medicate people is absolutely frightening.
OP, the human brain and how it works is far beyond mainstream scientific understanding. Maybe some researchers in higher levels of the study are making progress, but your typical doctor who writes prescriptions doesn't have a fucking clue what they are doing to your head. I would advise you do not take mind altering chemicals.
Depression, anxiety, etc are all important biological symptoms to tell you something in your environment is out of whack. It is not unlike receiving pain after an injury -- that pain exists to let you know something is fucked up. Suppressing a symptom does not heal the injury.
I think people experiencing depression and shit like that just need to fix their environment. Fix their diet, their physical health, get out of the city for a while, get away from noise and crowds, get away from the cellphones and computers. These ailments are modern things, predominantly found in people living an urban lifestyle. When you see a caged lion, does it look happy?
I was depressed until I moved to a smaller town and started lifting / hiking / eating clean. I lost a good 30lbs and put on some muscle, and I feel great now. I grow most of my own vegetables now and spend a lot of time hunting and fishing. I haven't been unhappy in a decade. Fix your life, man.
This guy knows. Just for fun, check out 'paroxetine'. Big Pharma doesn't give a fuck about you. They just want to sell more of their poison pills.
Everything you say and the manner in which you behave appointments is documented. My wife still has problems with doctors ten years after an appointment in which she had an 'Aggressive manor' when asked about a possible course of anti-depressants.
In reality she got annoyed after the doctor tried to push a third course of anti depressants despite her having severe reactions to previous such medicines. This was after my wife had our first child.
In reality she had a Vitamin B12 deficiency. Ask for your B12 levels investigating and say you will be happy to look into pills if they come back fine. In reality stay away from medication as much as possible.
Also do your research into B12 it is a serious Rabbit hole to go down and I mean literal major red pill stuff.
Best of luck to you pal. I honestly wish you the best. P.S. my wife is much better, since she has her vitamins.
not disagreeing with you, mind you
I take them for atrocious pain, but I still gotta cope with the mind aftermath
I actually was offered the change by a piece of shit neurologist (don't know of any other kind, sadly), who didn't take my pain seriously, and was astonished I took such mild dosages (12mg amitriptilyne, on top of the rest)
told him it was because I took the minimum to bear my state while spending most of my time bed ridden, because the mind after effects were so shit I actually had to choose between being rly physically handicapped with quite a functioning mind, or quite physically handicapped with a fucked up mind
gave me that shit (30mg duloxetine, expected to rise it to 90mg in a month... bet it would have fucking killed me)
I'm to a point where I tried, because it's not like I have so much to lose
the choice ended up obvious to me, though
without my mind, I consider I'm fucking nothing
guess it depends on people
and on the particular molecule you get for your particular case (back to amitriptilyne and all the rest as soon as I can...)
but yeah, people should be very wary of that kind of shit: they're not trivial at all
and be even moreso wary of the doctors prescribing it
My psyche screamed at me and deteriorated the longer I stayed in Academia instead of working and learning technical skills on the side. I regret not learning a trade from the start.
good goyim. self help is impossible
They fuck you up but they don't make you shoot into a crowd of 1000 people. Be they SSRIs, benzos, or whatever. All they really do is have long term effects on your brain's reward center and your sex drive.
Psych major here.
Plus cured my 10 year depression in my own( started when I was 12)
Eat well. Vitamin D, and omega threes
Read, keep busy.
Socialize as much as you can.
Make sure you have a job or school and a sleep routine.
Do cognitive, or cognitive behavioural therapy instead of meds
You'll be okay, desu.
Before you try some pharmaceutical bullshit, get an over-the-counter magnesium supplement. There's a good chance that's all you need, but nobody talks about it ever. It did wonders for me and several people in my family
Took a slew of antidepressants in my teens. Stopped feeling empathy/most emotions, dropped out of college, then finally quit them. Wasn't allowed into the Air Force because mother forced them down my throat years before. Never really felt like myself ever again. Fuck the pharma jew.
they're delicious