Is university worth it?

Is undergoing all the mental gymnastics to prevent brainwashing worth it at the end?

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>Learn Trade
>Specialize at University
Don't fall for the straight to university meme.

Don't pay for it, at least. You're being defrauded.

What If the university is free?

Only if you're planning to be a doctor or a lawyer

I'm at university for an engineering degree right now, I have no classes that even present the opportunity for a teacher to spew propaganda. So I say yes its worth it so long as you are attempting to get a real degree, don't waste any time with any social science or English degrees, they aren't worth it.

It's worth going to university. Just make sure you aren't getting an Arts degree at Harvard for 50k. Pick a reasonable university that has reasonable tuition fees and decent education.

If you're planning to do anything unrelated to STEM, don't. Just learn a trade and specialize in uni.

If the country you live in provides free high-level education, then study whatever you like.

Not worth.
Prepare for a coming ice age
T. Tinfoil hat wearing college student who hates college

College made me more redpilled

yea, PhD in ECE here, you aren't fucking looking then faggot

Going to University no longer makes you that uniquely attractive candidate to employers. Everyone and their dog is able to go to Uni and come out with the same qualifications and then flood the job market. It lowers wages and devalues your qualification overall.

It's much better to consider your options and go for an apprenticeship or get into a trade.

Don't get me wrong, Uni is still a great thing to go for and is perfect for expanding your knowledge but it's not great for getting a job unless your job really does require you to have it.

This is true.
I did get smarter in college. But it wasn't because of what I learned in class. I took time to watch and read about things that have given me way more than any classroom I've been in.

I swear to god Sup Forums makes it sound like the minute you step on a college campus you're subjected to an endless barrage of gay shit and diversity. I study engineering at a pretty good school and I have yet to hear from any professor any political or social propaganda. If youre brainwashed that easily you shouldn't be in a university anyway.

If you're smart enough and you don't have to pay for it then it's most likely worth it. The "smart enough" part is quite tricky though, a lot of people overestimate themselves.

>History Major
I would say it's worth it if you plan on going to law school or attaining a masters, at least from where I'm standing. I would say if you plan on going into liberal arts 1) go to a local community college first and try to bump up your gpa so you can transfer to the best school in your state and decide if you really like the field of study. 2)Be prepared to mostly interact with lefty peers and professors. I've learned that it's not necessarily bad to read material produced by the other side of the isle since it helps you formulate your own counter arguments. Also that can get really infuriating after a while.

Go to Slovenia and get a free education.

Preventing brainwashing by going to university? lol
Have you ever talked to students or profs? It's just sophisticated brainwashing. Once you get to the higher levels they are just brainwashers.

Nope, I'm depressed and burnt out now. The funny thing is most people come out of college like this

Professional degrees like accounting or STEM

If you're absolutely certain about a certain field and want to be an academic then go for it. But make sure that is actually what you want.

The humanities and social sciences are littered with post modernists and Marxists. It's pure ideological incoordination.

Unless you're gonna study something that guarantees you a job (medicine, law, accounting, etc) then don't go. Join the military or go to trade school and learn a marketable skill.

College isn't as bad as you think it is.

They aren't going to be pushing liberal talking points every single class

Sup Forums is very paranoid about college, it's the best time of my life desu

If you have a strong personality you won't be brainwashed. You'll automatically sift through the bullshit. Just tell your commiefag teacher what he wants to hear, get your 'A', and move on.

If it's free, do IT. Don't be fucking stupid and listen to NEETs at /pol telling you it's a scam and college is useless.

As long as it's STEM or maybe business, economics and law then there isn't a lot of room for brainwashing since politics don't have any relevance to those subjects (except economics). You're supposed to be taught how to use formulas and a lot of applicable knowledge. If a prof starts talking politics all of a sudden during a comp sci people will be scratching their heads.

Depends on the course, the tuition, possiblity of going into trades, and if you can commute.

For most state schools, u can skip all the liberal bs classes with ap credits. Essentially take all ap classes, and couple classes from local cc. Graduate bs in two years and do masters. Ofcourse im taking about stem

Which is exactly what I said. Get a marketable apolitical major that will actually land you a job.

The fact that it's NEETs and sub-$25.00/hr workers that are the ones trying to dissuade people from going to college should be throwing up red flags anyway. Even if you don't learn anything, the fact remains that having a 4-year degree on your resume qualifies you for a bunch of jobs that otherwise would send your resume straight to the trash bin. You don't have to like the game to play it.

It's an investment. If you aren't going to come out of it with the ability to pay off any debts incurred don't bother going at all.
Just skip the lib arts classes and stick to either STEM or business.

I went to a state school here in the U.S., relatively reasonable fees. I had about four classes that I remember as very good. The teacher was very smart and prepared, great lectures, I learned a lot, great experience. The rest of the hundred odd classes I took were complete bullshit and worthless. Of course I majored in English so it was going to be a worthless degree anyway. Your results may vary but nowadays you have so many options for self education, in my opinion it's really not worth it unless it's free AND you know exactly why you're going. At the very least delay a bit, take a year or two off before trying it.

and don't be afraid to drop out if you've already started. Getting a job is much more worthwhile.

Post your flag dipshit

this. College is easy to manipulate. Practice making people happy, social skills, and working the system. Read Philosophy and other political things your interested and get a degree in something you dislike, but is a good degree to have.

Absolutely it's worth it. Universities aren't places of brainwashing. That's just a dank Sup Forums meme spread by the insecure and uneducated. Universities are where you potentially get exposed to the full range of thinking there has been across world history. They give you the confidence to think independently, to know how to evaluate information well, and to find alternative ways of thinking. There's honestly nothing better for a human brain than to go through this experience. Just make sure that it's a good university, that you take a wide range of classes, and that you take at least a few classes with superstars in their fields.

>or English degrees, they aren't worth it.
where you'd have learned how to write...

This exactly this. Don't go just to go, delay a bit and research, decide if it's really worth it for YOU.

if youre not paying for it then yes

your also cucking yourself out of potential jobs in the future. It really sucks but companies just throw away resumes without college degrees. while your major is important, it just is a symbol that proves you can complete a task.


>people who went desperately try to justify their choices
This is how we got into this mess to start with.

Unless you want to go into a high science, stay the fuck away. College is a scam to bleed you dry and keep you in debt for the next 30 years. Not to mention the brainwashing. You either mess with your own head, and go with it to survive, or you fight the thinking the whole way and probably waste your effort and get failed because they don't like the way you think.

Learn a trade. Get a job. Be a productive man. Support yourself. This is what they don't want you to do.

>Is undergoing all the mental gymnastics to prevent brainwashing worth it at the end?

you don't need to do any of that if you take any STEM course. Worse case scenario you get one useless class where they try to brainwash you.

English Major here. the only reason I havent dropped out to intern or apprenticeship is because I started a research project. By working with professors and through the guise of the school, it's going to making getting information easier, and I can reference people for recommendations. Planning to get a comfy research job at the FBI or a 3rd party investigative research thing.

>repub flag
>flat out lies

nothing to see here folks

Yesterday I got accused of being sexist, and today we had to tell the comp sci class our pronouns. Does that sound worth it to you?

Engineering and related, math, medical/veterinary, and law are worthwhile. It is a waste of time and money to major in humanities as that degree qualifies you for nothing and the information is all publicly available if you wish to learn it on your own time. Same for business.

If your grades are not stellar and you have no interest in the above, I recommend trade school or going directly in to an apprenticeship with a tradesman. With trades you are sometimes required to obtain certifications in order to legally do the job, that will cost a bit but not nearly the amounts you pay for university.

Honestly, I'm telling the truth of my own experience here. Further disclosure: I teach university classes.

>By working with professors and through the guise of the school, it's going to making getting information easier, and I can reference people for recommendations.
This is wise. By finishing a college degree, you allow yourself to enter the category of professionals. This means you'll automatically be more respected than if you have a trade or work in sales or in some investment field. It leads to higher incomes and greater life satisfaction, in addition to all the pleasure that comes with being better educated.

Can people in the back even raid what's on the blackboard? kek

what fucking magic fairy school did you go to that didn't have a leftist bias

There were plenty of left-leaning people where I studied, but if you break it down then you see a massive range of views there. It's not all homogeneous. The communists don't like the identity-politics, grievance advocates. The liberals don't like the black radicals. And there were plenty of conservative voices and perspectives on campus too. There was no consensus or uniformity around what to think. I did go to an Ivy, so had some high quality profs around. Try to not break the world down into leftists and non-leftists. It'll be much more interesting for you if you avoid this reductive trap.


Figure out what you're going to do first. STEM based degrees are always solid. Be careful with the humanities, they're low paying jobs unless you stand out from the large disgusting herd. College will teach you how to solve problems and deal with degenerates. Don't go into debt over it. It's not that great anymore.

Learn a trade. Society put too much emphasis on college to the point that experience trumps your degree.

Another route is go do 4 years in the military with a good job like IT or some shit. Get out, get hired due to your experience and go to school for free via your GI Bill.

>going for engineering
>not brainwashed

Nigger you’ll never engineer a fucking thing. Have fun running line trials for next gen dragon dildos and filling out coaching on the dindus who ignored the metal detector flashing and beeping for their whole 12 hour shift.

hey cool i took organic chemistry in that room.
now im a convicted felon.
isnt life funny.

This. Military is a solid plan to.

>STEM - Yes.
>Everything Else - No.

>Are you already on the way to paying your bills/ making a decent amount of money to sustain a family (if you care to have one) & stay out of debt? - If yes, then don't go.
>Do you need experience & connections that you are unable to make on your own volition? If yes, then go.

I personally find that college is little more than a mental prison. You fill be spoonfed information that you could learn on your own. You're wasting your time to take filler classes that aren't even related to your major. I.E. SB/HU fillers to indoctrinate you/ worthless classes like Geology in Computer Science major.

If you are like me and you value your freedom and ability to achieve on your own time & volition, college will make you depressed & put you in a mentally unstable state.

>Personal Experience

Yes, provided you major in something worth a shit like engineering, pharmacy, etc

I got a psychology degree (FUCKING GARBAGE) on a full-tuition academic scholarship. I have a decent job now but all they cared about was the bachelor's degree, not what it was in.

That was six years ago. Now, I'd probably have gone to trade school or just invented something.

Am I glad I got it for free? Yes. I'd be glad to get a nickel for free. Would I go into crippling debt for it? No way Jorge.

>Mentally depressed and unstable

Feeling it friendo




Then the value of an education is completely meaningless.


How about don't go to some 2-bit backwater ass university or one with a population over 20k?

Spread that dank lie/meme more.

Ah and what do the enlightened non-brainwashed students study?

The value of education is already meaningless as you can learn everything you need to be successful in a field on the internet. Paid college is nothing more than a scam that people fall for in America due to the illusion that a college degree will land them a job. This fallacy is leading thousands of college students into debt with virtually no certainty of being able to later pay said debt with your college degree.

Education should be free. Education is free if you are smart enough to learn on your own volition. Don't let people give you the idea that paid for colleges are somehow superior. In the United States you can go to Harvard/ Yale/ Stanford for tons of $$$, but in the end you're basically only paying for a safespace and the illusion of future success.

Where you end up in life is completely determined on how much you dedicate & apply yourself towards something you want to do.

mentally ill and abused/abandoned by family and didnt really realize these things until my 20s. a bad situation turned worse and i did something i shouldnt have done. im very smart but that doesnt count for much, really. ironically i might end up going back to umich because i dont really have any prospects at all now that im a felon so i might as well finish my degree. its very scary how easily everything can fall apart, though. sorry for bullshit life story.

No, its value lies in the hard work and learning experience. Free university doesn't mean handing out degrees. Of course, unless the university has enough money it will fail to attract top tier professors and students and fail to compete with better-funded institutions.

i went to the school in op's picture (university of michigan, the pic is a lecture hall in the chemistry building) and it cost me $26,000 a year and i learned more going to community college. this is one of the best schools in the us and certainly the best in the state and the majority of classes more or less expect you to teach yourself 80% of the material. paid educations are already a joke, friendo.

What a nice Student to Teacher ratio

So hows that female only scholarship going for you

As long as you get experience to compliment it. I'm in my last semester and have been working full time in my field for 2 years. Got a grad position lined up and bought a house last month. All a fluke though, was just at the right place at the right time so there's that...

If you need a good student to teacher ratio to succeed, you are a brainlet. =)

Not him, but I have a bachelor's in a STEM field from Texas A&M.

It's pretty damn conservative. Definitely more liberal than the general populace of the College Station area, but still very much on the right.

university of michigan is an absolute joke, almost everything involving actual teaching is done through tas (grad students/higher up underclassmen). if you have a question for the actual instructor you get to wait 45 minutes at office hours to get 30 seconds with them. some professors really do want you to learn the material and help you with it, but they simply have too many students (the chem guy in op pic has around 1300 students alone) to be able to teach effectively. i assume most other big state schools are similar, though.

only if you sit in the back next to a cute girl

A majority of the schools with heavy leftist bias are 'Ivy League Schools' or, as I like to call them, 'Affirmative Action Schools.'

>Paying money to have a teacher's aid do practice problems you can only see with binoculars

You can probably get a better education off youtube senpai.

Yeah, I could have made 50k a year if I went into a trade right out of highschool maybe capped out 80k tops? I graduated last year and I work for an investment firm, made 70k starting, 100k after 5 years or so they tell me. Extra 20-30k a year is well worth the cost of going to college imo. And my jobs fun and easy, I get to throw around other peoples money, and they pay me for it.

I completely agree. I believe that paid college educations are a complete waste of time & money. The only time college/uni is worth it is when it is free. Everything else is learnable online.

>Welcome to the Internet Age


Basically no. It was before but not anymore.

Anything you learn in programs that leads to jobs (ie marketing, law or software engineering) can be easily tought by Youtube videos. There are also certification websites online.

The only reason it's good to go university today would be not for the knowledge, or the status, but for networking. Join a fraternity, party a lot the first year and get to know people. Then transition the party relations into building a startup/getting to know future recruiters at big firms etc. Actually learning stuff at university now is obsolete. The professors just points you to websites anyway.

If something is offered for free then you are most likely the product.

In my opinion, no. I made two attempts, but it feels like a gigantic waste of time, and the brainwashing is definitely there outside of hard math and some sciences.
I want to work in IT anyway, so I've decided to go the certification route for the time being. Depending on how well it goes and what my job prospects look like in the future, I may enroll again if it means obtaining a higher position within a company, but otherwise fuck that shit mayne.

English major w/ a focus on Secondary Ed. here and can confirm. My multiculturalism class is unbearable. It’s nothing but brainwashing.

Whitey be bad, black iz opressed n shit.

Also considering switching to just English. I’m Is there really any jobs in the field or would I be shooting myself in the foot? I just don’t know if education is for me.

I am currently attending a Tier 1 Law School.

Today, my property professor pulled up a graph showing the current and historic distribution of property between ONLY WHITES AND BLACKS.

She then said, since the government in the past participated in redistribution of Indian land to settlers, and slaves couldn't participate in the land grab maybe the government should do something today.

My law school class is 40% white, and those that are white here have been shamed by peers into accepting groupthink in terms of politics.

I will graduate, open my Criminal Defense firm and make millions, however, just know, Law Schools are actively creating liberal activists that are then being pumped into the government and legal field. The majority of the legal community will be minority within a generation in the U.S.

Being a teach in the US is pretty terrible. Unless you plan on getting a master's or phd to teach at a college you won't be making anything. The pro to English is at least you can jump around between journalism, marketing, editing, social work or research. It's broad enough to get you into certain fields, but you have to stand out in some way.

No. You won't get a job unless you're the chad son of a rich family anyway.

>not learning all what you need in Sup Forums

Do a masters degree at some place like NYU or Columbia (or, to go down a tier, in a state system but then with less debt). Apply for consultancy work with a big company. This is how you can turn an English degree into a high earner if you're happy to work on writing and research in a corporation.
Otherwise, you might be look at publishing (not well paid), journalism (ditto, and you get shot), creative industries (like working for a theater company), or moving sideways into film and TV, or moving into politics (first as a party staffer and then eventually as Canadian PM), or into acting (Emma Watson, James Franco), or maybe into teaching (though you have to deal with brats then). You have many, many options. Just make yourself stand out and make sure you get the backing of your profs (work hard in class, show up, do the reading, submit good assignments).

He's the golden key to an almost guaranteed successful life that no one will tell you.

1. Pick a STEM degree. Not one with no job prospects though, but one that is in demand. The applied engineering majors are always a great pick. I don't recommend picking a major with no actual applicable real-life skills, where you'll only be successful getting a pHd and sticking to higher education jobs, like pure mathematics or chemistry. Don't get me wrong, those pay VERY well once you move up, but it takes a lot of time and patience. In these your only hope other than research is tricking more students into going the same route.

2. Pick a non-liberal school. The school must be AT LEAST 80% white and more known for STEM programs. Do NOT go to a black college and do NOT go to a liberal programs college. Your degree will be worthless from there. Typically if your school does not have a dedicated building for each engineering major, it's not a good school.

3. If you made it this far, this get internships during the summer and try to get a co-op during the semester. Employers want experience first, educations second.

4. During your final senior year, you're almost guaranteed to have an employer give you an offer. But don't stop there, shop around and throw your amazing resume that's full of experience around. You'll be at the top of the list for each employee. Use this as leverage to increase your salary and/or get a amazing job.

5. Make 70-80k per year easily as an early twenty year old. As always, this depends on where you live, but that number is for the cheap south-east and is a ton.

No need.

I'm making 6 figures doing trade work with barely any overtime.

Yes, go to a cheap public 4 year university in a STEM degree. Get the piece of paper, make sure you learn some translatable skills, and get a job.

Use the money to raise a family and raise them in your own image

Which job?

This user has it correct

I'm a mechanic in the energy industry.

Stem degree is a meme. Only leads to wage slavery.

>wage slavery
Are you one of those people that applies this term to literally anyone who has a job?

Jobs are form of volunteer slavery. Get one if you like cucking yourself.

Yes, university is a good move if you quit any class that instantly stinks of shit - ie. talks about things in terms of gender or race. That's 70s rhetoric and anyone who hasn't kept up with developing theory isn't worth listening to - their works is redundant. Most of your professors will actually not be idiots. (Unless, it seems, if you are in Canada).