ITT: Leftists you respect


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Maybe Stalin because he just became totally committed to being a fucking cunt and stuck the blade into his fellow "revolutionaries" who thought they were saving the world and pretended they weren't fucking cunts as well.

Total bastard and an evil evil man, but in an adversarial sense you can see his methods.
He knew the "workers revolution" was total bullshit and the only thing the left wants is total control.

They all died fitting ends, even Stalin was afraid to sleep in the same bed twice and that sums it up so well. If the boss can't sleep at night what hope does everybody else have.

Noam Chomsky

But only for his linguistics.

So ... Every Commy dictator ever?

Stalin in the purest sense, all the others deluded themselves in some form or another.

Actually I'd respect Orwell more than most people, but I don't count him because he wouldn't be considered left wing today which only shows how fucking moronic the left has become.


Beat the shit out of four empires in 34 years

Him and the Hitchens bros. I respect those who went down the leftist rabbit hole and saw the terrible end.

>tfw you realise he's actually holding a samurai sword in this pic

It was the Rushdie affair that made Hitchens give up on much of the left.

Unlike Noam Chomsky, he actually served.

orwell and huxley weren't warning us, they were in on it. they were bragging, rubbing our faces in it. it's part of the whole belief system the elite has that what they do gains more power if they warn us first. and in a way that is true, it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, we begin to expect it and do not become shocked when it happens. we try to warn people and they think it's just a fiction. by warning us like this, when we do nothing, they feel good and in their minds they know we deserve it since they warned us and we did nothing to stop it.

Laid the groundwork for Steve Bannon's political strategy

Owell would be a fascist racist KKK nazi gun nut by modern leftist standards.

You respect fucking *Zinn?*

The tosser that writes "civilization" in quotations because he can't accept that sanitation and rule of law is superior to a lack of?

i may be a cryptofascist but damn, ive read every single book from orwell, he deserves the respect he's earned!

>Leftists you respect
are you fucking stupid?

Every biography of Stalin leaves in no doubt he was a committed communist. He was a fanatical Marxist. Sometimes the people he put on trial agreed to be sentenced the death because the belief communism was on the "right side" of history. Stalin would promise not to touch the records so history could judge him.
They thought marxism was as exact as science in fixing human affairs.

Communism turned a 19th century medieval serfdom into a superpower with atomic bombs in 30 years.

Its understandable why Stalin thought he was on the winning side with the Great Depression and the successes communism created like universal literacy and winning WW2

Appreciating and upholding the workers is right wing.

>Marxist intellectuals write fawning appraisals of their saints

What a surprise.
I'm sure they eagerly agreed to dig their own graves as well?

Where my nihilist at?

*Teleports behind you

Mihkial Kalashnikov
The guy who created Tetris

Fucking lol. Stalin promised to not touch the records? Look at how many fucking photographs he had his enemies completely erased from. You're one dumb wop.

Far from a Marxist trust me. It was a total failure.

Believe it or not Stalin preserved numerous diaries of relatives and friends he had shot or sent to the camps. It was a mixture of historical preservation and him keeping a big record of reasons to shoot people.

He shot several brothers in law and people he actually liked because he thought it was for the "good of mankind". He called it black work.

He even murdered his closest friend Sergei Kirov because he started to pose a threat to him.

He truly believed he was the only person able to bring the Revolution forward.

>He truly believed he was the only person able to bring the Revolution forward.
He was a deluded moron who believed his own propaganda then.

None. Can you name any child molesters you respect? Nazis you respect? Cannibals you respect?

>He truly believed he was the only person able to bring the Revolution forward.

So pretty much every leftist then.

>Cannibals you respect?

Well those guys in the Andes mountains who had to eat their teammates to survive - that's pretty gutsy.

He was a massive book nerd. He would read about 500 pages a day. Wrote on paper only using red or blue crayons. Once sentenced 50,000 men to death doing it. His generals also noticed 3 stages of his mood wihen smoking his pipe
>Pipe unlit in clenched fist, someone would be shot, sent to gulag
>Pipe unlit but in mouth, moody and thoughtful
>Pipe unlike and stem stroking beard, pleased and playful
>Pipe lit and him stroking beard. Someone was getting a promotion from the Vozhd

No it's not.

are we being raided by leftypol today? what's with all this leftist shit
regardless, i think in general Sup Forums likes zizek because he's least marxist self-identifying marxist there is, also he is pathetic and funny to laugh at. in /lrg/, when it was still up, sometimes we would talk about stirner, although he's not really a leftist as the left-right dichotomy is a spook, but the stirnerites would generally just shit up the thread after a few posts, so it never really went anywhere.

Plenty of respect for revolutionaries who bled and suffered to bring about what they thought was just. Che and the like; true revolutionaries. They weren't children crying in the streets or morons who thought schoolyard scuffle-tier beatings are bravery.

It was only Zhukov that noticed that.

List of leftists I respect follows:

I respect Joe Biden quite a bit actually.

bait slide threads

Far from it he was extremely clever.
More Stalin facts
>He organized bank robberies and assassinations
>Hewas possibly a triple agent from the Okhrana.
>Workoholic who would work 16hr days well into his 60's
>He was a master of winning people over. He was so folksy and "feline" as Churchill described him that Roosevelt was completely won over by him. Roosevelt actually fucked over the British by throwing too much behind him.

He could have been toppled about 3-4 times in 30 years of rule and every time he reacted swiftly and expertly to preserve his rule and liquidate opponents. Khrushchev only survived because he was a few inches of being a midget and Stalins ex wife (who killed herself) liked him. Stalin would force him to dance the kopcha and make him drink till he puked.

Staying in power by using terror doesn't make you a smart man.
Russia would have been better served with someone that didn't use crippling deportations to curtail his paranoia.

Like a Tzar? :3

Communists controlled most of the territory on the largest landmass on Earth after WW2 and we're for most part held up by donations and aid from capitalist countries. By the 1960s the USSR was in total stagnation mode. By the 80s communism had been totally discredited on all communist countries.

And this is despite the fact the US totally failed in Vietnam and most US "thinkers" assumed the USSR would win

Orwell was right on the prediction of the UK government. It's a 1984 shithole now.

Honestly, yeah. Though the backwards way of the monarchs had other problems, mindless irrational destruction wasn't one of them.

Stalin was more evil than them in the sense that he caused a lot more unnecessary suffering. He could have upheld an even stronger and more stable state if he acted more rationally sometimes.



True, mindlessly killing the guys who make the food and run the army for starters. The USSR just had *so* many god damn people they could keep making these huge mistakes and not pay for it until much later.

Had he lived a little longer he would have become a full blown libertarian.

so he only smoked when in a good mood? Thats interdasting.

>George Orwell
>Left Wing

No Orwell was a faggot anglo.

As a huge hitchens fan, details please

>huge hitchens fan
>didn't know this

I used to listen to huge Hitchen's playlists years ago while fucking around with art crap man, I can't name it. At a guess you'll find it here.

Codreanu wasn't a leftist. He was strongly against the Bolsheviks misguiding his fellow countrymen. He obviously wasn't your AnCap advocate who put economic freedom first, but he was absolutely against complete state control of the economy.

>leftists you respect


I actually have way more respect for Stalin than other Communist leaders.
He was opposed to Trotsky and all the globalist Jews in the USSR who wanted a communist "world revolution", instead he supported a very bastardized version of Russian nationalism and "socialism in one country".
He basically hijacked the USSR from the globalist Jews who he called "rootless cosmopolitans" and kicked most of them out of the upper levels of power in the USSR.

>You respect fucking *Zinn?*

More than I do Chomsky (i.e. not that much)

>child molesters

Does feeling sorry for Roman Polanski because he grew up in Nazi-occupied Europe and his wife was murdered by crazed hippies count?


Skorzeny was a legit badass

>For some years past I have managed to make the capitalist class pay me several pounds a week for writing books against capitalism. But I do not delude myself that this state of affairs is going to last forever ... the only régime which, in the long run, will dare to permit freedom of speech is a Socialist régime.
>the only régime which, in the long run, will dare to permit freedom of speech is a Socialist régime.
>permit freedom of speech
>a Socialist régime

That was 1938. But he was still a democratic socialist when he wrote 1984. 1984 is not an anti-left book.

(I was skeptical of the quote in the pic, but apparently it's from a 1947 essay, "Toward European Unity".)

There aren't any.

Him and Orwell are the only correct answers.

Hitler was quite badass famalam.
Taking a country in an absolute Greek tier phase x1000 and make it the most powerful industrially and economically worldwide. Without the full autism on muh Russia he would have passed on as a good guy and a winner. Same thing lost our national manlet 1 century earlier.

Castro was quite badass and aesthetic as well.

Orwell was just a product of the faggotry era he lived in. The wet dreams and absolute peak of ideological thinking founded in Early Modern England during the Enlightenment era that took 2 centuries to reach its heights. Surprising how out of all these "great" men, they all appeal to what the norms were of their era in their respective nations or cultures, with absolutely no foresight to see how their own thought patterns would fuck everybody else over in less than half a century.

>ITT: Leftists you respect

Fuck off G

I met him lol

Fucker's short.

I'm not G you fucking nigger.

desu there are some far leftists who aren't anti-white that I think are alright.

It's the slightly left of center neoliberals that are the biggest problem

The only motherfucker to keep Albanians in line.
Also, stomped mudslimes and christfags all day

Why is he still alive then?

This thread is most definitely lacking in Hitlers.


The definition of right and left are skewed from nation to nation, but the standard seems to be that when those words are used, they're being modelled after the U.S. model of politics (democrats v republicans), to say nothing of the craft we use "left" and "right" mostly in reference nowadays to social politics as opposed to say, constitutionalism or economics, which would certainly put Hitler on the right. Most people today would certainly place Hitler on the right, on the imaginary scale we've invented that changes based on location and time.

Reminder that Orwell wrote some of the nastiest degeneracy in 1984. He literally considered being a degenerate person who sleeps around to be "an act against the state".


no Malcolm X? even white supremacists respect Malcolm

I could respect him if he was just a nigger advocating for a territory for blacks separate to Europeans but all goes out the window when you consider he was a Muslim. You know the religion whose prophet called niggers 'raisinheads', considered them less than humans and the descendants of that same prophet had all their negro slaves castrated.

that is true but religions too are pretty fluid.



Wew lad you britbongs certainly have a way with words, thx that's exactly what I was trying to imply with my statement.

I actually respect Max Stirner a bit even though I consider his Egoism inferior to Ayn Rand's.


Meh I don't need Hitchens when I can find a superior Atheist in Ayn Rand. Orwell absolutely.
Potentially tinfoil but am open to the possibility of it being true. Horrified if so.