What is it that makes people go out and do this kind of stuff to themselves?
Model Warns The Public: Tattooing Your Eyeballs Not Entirely Risk Free
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In other news, water is wet and Catalonia is part of Spain.
Dumb ugly bitch.
she honestly deserves it for beeing so unbelievably stupid
>Not anymore
GJ, hun.
>zelda/nintendo tattoos
at least she has a cool looking eye
Thanks, model. Saved my eye.
why does zelda look so pissed off?
did krang cum in her eye too?
Why the fuck does she have nintendo joy pad on her chest?
modern state of america(ns)
"My purple eye will be the envy of the gaming convention! OW! oh that feels kind of painful! oh nooo, I fucked up bad, my eye is swelling up! HOW CAN I POSSIBLY DRAW MORE ATTENTION TO MYSELF??"
NES is pretty cool
>classy gif
Good thing I saw that video. That eye tattoo looks really fucking tempting.
>t. cozy
i don't think it's permanent even if the procedure is perfect
>be contrarian moron
>feel need to express self in unique way
>tatoo myself, something done by tons of other snowflakes
>decide to be a ultra idiot and shove ink in my eyeballs like the snowflake I am, to show how unique I am
Every day, I feel more and more dissapointed, and it never stops.
>injecting ink/paint into your eye is probably not healthy
Thanks doc.
SHE'S LYING! I stick needles in my eyes all the time and nothing ever happens.
Why would anyone allow a skeezy drug addled ink jockey near their eye with a tattoo needle that vibrates at high speeds?
Degenerates gonna degenerate.
>Copying faggot prison culture
way to go stupid bitch
wtf apparently it's a real thing:
>Young Man Warns The Public: Stapling Your Scrotum To Your Thigh No Entirely Risk Free
If I do this will I get a lot of media attention?
This just in!
Women are fucking children that can't think for themselves.
More at 11
soldiers, sailors, criminals and prostitutes.
you know in which category she fits.
This happened in my town lol. Dumb broad had it coming, who the fuck gets an eye tattoo? The artist got fired over this, and I guess for good reason. He was doing it after hours and off waivers.
Also she supposedly didn't use the recommended eye drops so this could all be her fault. Artist said he's done it 11 times and this is only the second screw up. First one was caused by dog dander.
She looks like she smokes Newports and sucks Black dick. Not because she particularly likes Black dick, that's just the only type of dick she can find in her neighborhood.
thats a model in burgerland
to be fair, the three former categories actually are only one: fags.
yeah it is
>being a sissy landlubber
what sort of “model” was she?
Nothing to do with OP's post, but it did give me a chuckle
I have such low expectations for them and millennials keep surprising me.
> model
> that face
what did she mean by this
i just googled some and yes you are correct. My bad
fuckers in Prison did this with shit they found around the cell.
One would assume that the realization of the stupidity of the action would come at any point between thinking about sticking a needle into your eye and pour ink on it and the sight of that very needle at the tattoo shop. But no, it was right after when you started having a terrible pain that you finally thought "Boy am I stupid".
Jesus that makes me cringe looking at that. Civilization nowadays really is dysgenic.
She's canadian dumb fuck
wow thanks, here i was thinking about sticking a needle in my eyes a few thousands times to inject some ink into it.
Really saved me from some trouble, thanks a lot.
so is she blind, or is she mad cuz it just hurt?
let me guess, she is looking for a payout
I don't know, but from now on she will be a Pirate. Arrr
That's pretty impressive desu, doing it with rudimentary tools without fucking it up.
You would think a model would be smart enough not to get any tattoos.
Heavy inbreeding, but most likely was raised by a single mom on welfare. I have no doubt though that the family tree is a flagpole without the flag.
Women that get tats are totally haram.
Also I saw something on it about prisoners doing it. Another group not known for having any critical thinking abilities.
You talking to me?
Oh a Leaf then she is definitely inbred. At least she has free gibme HC to help her out.