Kiryas Joel

Have you been redpilled on Kiryas Joel yet?
>Small village north of NYC
>completely populated by hasidic jews
>massive tax fraud everywhere, they are listed as being one of the poorest cities in the country
>meanwhile they live extremely well
>steal land from neighboring towns
>pay niggers to protest on their behalf
>literally inbred kikes living off the taxpayers dime and having 12 kids per family
Jews are truly the most vile people on the face of this earth. I encourage everyone to look at this city. It is an instant redpill on the eternal jew.

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you need more replies.

Trucker here. I deliver to their little businesses there sometimes. Some real sinister shit going on in that town from the looks of it.


Going to watch this, thanks bro

live in Monroe bro, you don't need to redpill me here.



Please share some stories with us

Lol holy shit.

These Jews got a nigger (probably paid him) to come protest for them. Around the 7:50 mark.

They know our weakness. Luckily the people aren't having it.

A big Jew with extra long curly things (I guess he's a leader?) even comes up to him and corals his ass when he starts to get heated.


its like america was condenced into a little township.

I know! And hes sitting there looking high or something, and someone asks him what he's protesting for and all he can say is "for what it says on the sign!"

>Constantly steal land. Currently trying to incorporate into their own town of palm tree (there isn't a palm tree for over a thousand miles suspect its an attempt to hide the fact that its a hasidic community)

Run red lights while looking up to god

Pays protesters to stand at the corner of monroe's town center with "We stand with Israel" signs to they can pretend to be offended (They're strongly anti secular Israel) They got caught when someone followed the flow of money back to prominent rabies

Attempted to negotiate the building of a park in the village of Harriman (which is part of the town of Monroe) demanded that if they were paying for it that it should be segregated (they have this weird thing going on about separating male and female children from male/female parent or some shit.) They essentially wanted to build a park that only they could use outside of Kyris Joel limits, added bonus is that it would have caused property value to drop around it in an area they wanted to annex.

Have their own police force that they make enforce their absurd religious laws.

Throws batteries and rocks and any vehicle that enters the town that isn't their own.

Constantly denies service to non Jews in most of their establishments.

Cops are known to pick up non jews walking the streets and escort them out of the town.

Will add more when I can think of it.

Amazing. How haven't the people surrounding them not kicked them out yet?

They have a LOT of money and its in the hands of politicians. They constantly wheel and deal behind the scenes to cover their ass. One of the local political groups "United Monroe" was challenging their annexations in court but sure enough they put out a news letter saying they would no longer be doing so once election time came around.

You realize if we falseflagged this into the consciousness of some left wing progressive groups operating in New York, we could have some hilarious fucking consequences, especially if we tie this to a nationwide gentrification epidemic.

>Convince some Islamic organization to show up and protest
>Every leftist group under the sun steps in and, like always, try and make it about them
>Kikes hire private security to drag their asses out of their town
>The left takes another bite out of itself

Because gentiles are indolent and lazy. Divided and weak.


Are Hasidic Jews what , Ashkenazi?

Some kike experts here?
Confused with the differed type of Jews
Sephardic are the ME lower class Jews, Ashkenazi the eliite political ZOG Jews, billionaires and CEOs, hasids are.....

I was under the impression that Ashkenazi were largely European in origin, the sephardic were from Spain/Portugal and the Mizrahi were the ones that stayed in the ME. Hasids are a religious movement from eastern europe jews, not so much a race unto themselves.

t. yidographer

Jews are so scary lol if one ever came up to me i would stab them!

Chassidic Jews are secret Sabbateans. Why the fuck do you think they keep molesting kids?


Redemption through sin. They are disgusting people of Khazarian origin

There are a lot of Sephardic Chassids though. Sabbatai Sevi himself was a Greek Jew who spoke Ladino.

>that pic
Thank you for that, I will research more deeply into this.

Pretty sure Adam Sandler has bodyguards.