Sup Forums please help her
Don't tell me you are a transphobe too.
Sup Forums please help her
Other urls found in this thread:
What you wouldn't such her feminine cock? Transphobic CIS scum!
>ruin this guys career cause he doesnt like penis
Now THIS is how you get normies to support LGBT
>Transgenders aren't mentally disturbed
>Goes on doxxing rampage because she was rejected by one guy.
You're not a woman, you're not a man, you're a psycho. These people need mental help instead of reassignment surgeries.
But we can still use SRS on other kinds of mental disorders of course.
Fucking transphobic republikkkan nazi misogynist!!! How dare he not want to suck a woman's penis!!
Kek, I just saw his tweet about having his dick cut off, and there's a pagan who said that they were going to witchcraft sweet vibes
Maybe he shouldn't fucking trick people in his tinder.
Fuck off
Thank God uOttawa is not like you guys.
She doesn't have a penis anymore.
>school working to get him kicked out
This is why I'm scared to speak up in University. This shit is fucked up.
He is a man, he will forever be a man, if you're trans, you should also know you're a man, no matter how deep your artificial vagoo goes
I bet he is a piece of shit Trump supporter. Help her find him. You guys have done it before.
Kaczynski round two anyone?
Not your personal army
Trans"woman" detected
Come on Alex, dont be a transphobe
NYPA btw
Thank God for the support she is getting. This guys knows what's up.
Maybe he meant Cherry would be in the ground getting his ass pounded 40km per hour? That's the only explanation.
That's one mad dude with lipstick and a mutilated dick.
he didn't have to go out of his way to be rude and say 'hey bud you're a dude'. her response is excessive but i'm sure this isn't the first time she's had to face unwarranted disrespect. a little civility goes a long way.
>calling a dude a dude is rude
3/10 bait
Kill yourself
who fucking cares about these insipid tweeters
retards acts like 1000 retweets is world agreement
44 100 tweets, christ on a cracker
even news sites cherrypick dumb post with
Yknow. As a passable post op trans female. I had FWB with a guy for about 5 months, then my old friend asked him if it felt the same fucking a trans woman.
Dude flipped out. Told me he never wanted kids. Seemingly enjoyed the shit out of the sex until that point.
I'd like to hear an argument as to why that is gay? If you can't do it with out referring to chromosomes. It's not really an argument.
You should address why a heterosexual man finds some one they would view as gay and gay to be attracted to. Fucking attractive.
>posts screenshots
>no screenshot of supposed death threat
Oh no way, that suuuuucks.
I thought it was a fedora at first
>Transsexuals think heterosexuals want to date them
Are heterosexuals supposed to be attracted to homosexuals too?
I don't give a shit how passable you are.
You were born with a cock between your legs, your face, your body, your oversized hands, your gigantic feet and ugly crooked toes don't resemble a woman.
Sure, If I go back 30 or 100 meters you'll seem like a woman, but what does that do? I'll get close eventually
So kindly FUCK off, take your chasers with you, they aren't the proof you're a woman, trans experience suicide rates higher than kikes in the holocaust, you're unnatural, and the fact you transitioned will just make you biased, since you secretly know there's no going back -- you fucked up, that's it.
The twitter account is probably run by some student union SJW because no way can a school release confidential information about their students. If they did, he could sue their asses for a huge settlement.
She is pure inspiration
Him having sex with you (a male) is by definition gay. Homosexuality.
Being a Paris Hilton fan is a worse... transgression
>this guy is going to be expelled because he didn't want to suck a dick
why do I even bother fighting. The west is dead. Islam won, this crazy super far left bullshit won. It's fucked.
A qualifier meaning you can pass for the opposite gender, but are not said gender
A qualifier meaning that you actively desired to be the opposite gender
Determiner of the previous qualifiers to show that you pass as and actively desire to be a woman, despite not being biologically female
You tricked a dude into fucking you and then were surprised when he no longer wanted to do so after you told him that you are not a woman.
Even fake women fall over themselves for guys who are rude to them, maybe there's something to this pua stuff? Look at how far tranzilla is going to pursue a date with this guy!
>He literally said
>no proof whatsoever
i can't wait for the day you commit suicide
she does not have a penis anymore though
>implying Sup Forums isnt going to doxx the transhuman animal trying to get a white man in trouble for not wanting to hook up with a faggot tranny
>watching stream of topless naked chick
>30 minutes in
>stands up
>cock falls out
Feeling a bit deceived over here.
the jews did this
>He cut off his dick
Eunuchs aren’t women. Neither are trannies.
Faggot. We will go after the cherry faggot you idiot.
Mental help? That's a nice way of saying bullet through the head.
A bullet through your head would work too.
Even worse.
Imagine the outrage if a man tried to get a woman kicked out of school for not wanting to fuck them. Hopefully nothing happens to the guy but knowing Canada he's probably going to get kicked out.
tricking someone to have sex with you is rape you know
>I literally haven't successfully tricked you into fucking me yet, why are you so transphobic?
He lives for this shit. Every guy that turns him down is going to end up just like this kid. Publicly shamed for not wanting to put his dick in a flesh wound.
I'd laugh but this is Canada, wouldn't surprise me if it became mandatory to suck these trans feminine penises or jail
those fucking sandniggers are better than leftists. more sane. sad because it's true.
The most important thing to remember when you read this gems is: their brain still works like a male brain.
I only date traps, but they must take my seed.
Lmao the faggot got so triggered.
I remember you guys used to say dilatation was horrible. Look at this brave soul. You can only hope to be like her
wtf I hate trannies now!
What the fuck is happening?
5 years ago I had never even heard of trannies and now I've seen a handful of hairy men in dresses walking around the city.
Whoever demanded we stop beating up and chemically castrating the queers needs to be shot.
All you lolbertarian idiots with your "dude gay marriage why do you even care?" deserve a slow and painful death.
so no proof of this guy doing anything wrong and the tranny is trying to hurt his education?
The more proof trannies are fucking nuts
maybe you could go pay a visit to the member of the Dilation Nation if it lives nearby.
>We are women! We are women! We are women!
>When *clap* a feminist *clap* speaks*clap* she*clap* is*clap* right
I wonder why they always talk like this.
> tricked a dude
Explain another scenario in which that is actually tricking.
He saw what he saw and liked it. Give a metaphor that is close. No straw manning.
Its like a guy telling a girl he makes millions and he makes 900k a year. He found me physically attractive. The only thing that made him worried is the perception that he was gay.
Which if heterosexual men find me attractive and homosexual men dont. How is that gay?
>le ebin mutton dressing up as lamb
Hopefully every transvestite is found, shamed, and driven to suicide as they prefer.
This reminds of one time my buddy is over and we are killing some time before going out by doing some tindering. He is just is swiping right at any profile that catches his eye. I ask him if he ever reads bio, he says not really. Just then one comes up on my phone, looks nice at first glance but I always check bio. A passable trap if there ever was one but open about it. He was horrified. He just kept saying, I would have done so much over and over.
I will burn you, nu-male.
Neck thyself
Are you dumb? If the dude took a prettier up and deceptive profile pic it could very easily be made to look like a female. Doesn’t make him gay nor does it mean he feels threatened in that.
>You were born with a cock between your legs, your face, your body, your oversized hands, your gigantic feet and ugly crooked toes don't resemble a woman.
Intellectually dishonest statement. One couldn't know such and the fact men and women only know when told. Gives very little weight to such a claim.
>Sure, If I go back 30 or 100 meters you'll seem like a woman, but what does that do? I'll get close eventually
Yeeeet a guy sticking his dick inside of me for 4 months never knew until told.
You're reason is illogical when you get down to it. You're trying to explain Quantum phenomena with only an idea of how Newtonian physics works.
I live in Ottawa. Hell, this could've been the trap.
Is there something I should know about Eska water? I drink that shit and now I don't know what's going on.
>muh lady
So you tricked a guy into fucking you too?
Can't you see what you are doing is deceptive and immoral?
How about you go dilate?
Stupid fucking creature :)
Can we really change the direction the West is heading lads?
Look at what the University responded. This guy is going to have his life ruined because he didn't want to have sex with a man in a wig. This is what the west has become.
With a genius level IQ that tops out at 155? I think not. Thats Stanford Binet.
You pollacks never imagine a scenario with a perfectly passable trans woman. I have a feel that its because you can't imagine it. To do so would break your small idea of who you are.
Bring on the apocalypse, please.
>We are women! We are women! We are women!
Xhe doesn't sound like a psycho at all.
I hate it when trannies register themselves as female on dating sites and apps. This should be a bannable offense, seriously.
They use a shitload of filters and shop to hide their man face, in order to trick men to into looking at their profile or matching them.
anglos and their faggotry ...
you can laugh at sweden but you are no better
That's a man baby.
No. It's my favorite brand of bottled water.
I was alluding to the estrogen in the tap water turning kids queer.
Because they don't exist and your lying.
Never saw one on tinder and I live near Paris.
>hey fellow girls
>looks like a fucking gangly goblin
Ah ok, thanks bro. Was afraid I was drinking poison again.
Tricked in pols eyes = A guy liking what he sees. Fucking it. Then willingly coming back multiple times and continuing to enjoy sex and even say I was the best.
Yet I remember seeing a thread here defending a guy for fucking a girl based on lying to her about having a nice car and watch. When he was borrowing all the stuff while house sitting.
Don't fuck men, it doesn't matter what they do to their body, don't do it.
You are a MAN. You need to breed and continue the legacy of your people, especially the whites, stop fucking trannies.
It's a man behind the kilos of makeup, thousand of dollars worth of surgeries, 100's of hours of voice therapy. It's still a fucking man.
Mental issues and they will all regret it.
These morons are going to get themselves sue...
Ok nvm
Self proclaimed genius, yet you can't empathize with males that don't want to have sex with trannies. You just sound like a troll to be honest, but if you aren't, you have serious mental issues, and that's excluding the fact you're a tranny