Can any one prove this is real?

Other urls found in this thread:!iAorfW6CWg/

So this is supposedly some kind of an internal memo or something right?
Any Sup Forumsice ever seen anything like this?


original thread?
Does anyone recognize this trip as being legit?


This is real. Fbi is scared to release the truth. Theyre waiting.

>>Does anyone recognize this trip as being legit?!iAorfW6CWg/

Hope it’s real!
>sees flag, loses all hope


Legit as fuck, it seems.



I bet it is, they have their own bias - right or wrong.

They're suppressing motive until people aren't as emotional. It's real.

I didn't see this one, but this deserves another if someone can prove this

if it makes you feel better, its not from me

Does the Fraternal Order of Police routinely put out bulletins similar to this one?


no its not real, the most they do is email

only by bumping will we know

of course they even knew the attack was coming and let it happen so they would have an excuse to go after antifa with fbi help

To any polacks that may be infiltrating Antifa chatrooms/groups for lels and keks, now is the time to start archiving absolutely everything.

I know you are out there doing this for the love of god tip us off, if this is real we need to know.

Law enforcement anons assemble!

What even media is this? Is it a computer screen? Where was it ever "up"?


this is an edit played on a screen and someone took a pic kys op

>10th of February





Fuuggg o/k/ boys how much is a mini14? About to pull a few grand out of my inheritance for a rifle before shit gets outta hand

>front page
>cant into catalog



Don't let it die.

has anyone tried scanned the barcode yet?

takes about 15 threads to stop us from being able to keep up with them all. there are currently three.



(UK Sub) ??


>still on page 4


/k/ would be a good place to ask. I know AR15s are about $1200-1600. was thinking of buying one but then I remembered that I live in a shitty apartment complex. I'd know no peace while I was away from home




> FOP is a non-profit that calls you for rmoney.
It is the FOP.

Like are like the Girl Scouts for Cops.
who cares?

> FOP is nothing
>Canadians ...


hurr wot is da murican date furmet, cunt? Throw one on the barbie mate.

Do it. Tell us what it says.

>page 4
is this strange?


Mandalay active/shooter unknown subject 4 leo kia

We civil war now?

stop any time you nut case

My old man's a cop so I asked him. He said he can't tell you if it's real or not because he has no way of knowing but they do get messages like that, especially for Amber alerts and shit.


Nice sleuthing there compadre

>Israel wouldn't be behind a bolshevik revolution in the USA
>Israel wouldn't be behind Soros who is pushing for a color revolution in the USA
Your own retardation is why nobody likes you.

Bump for the kids




how do that? phone?

Bump because fake





No, I'm just not sure where the picture came from, or what it's a picture of meaning the source it's on. doesn't look real but then again who knows

Do we have access to any unrelated FOP tactical alerts? It would help to see if the barcode is legitimate or not.

Mini14’s suck, don’t try and be a hipster, get an AR


WASHINGTON -- Twelve Israelis who were unaccounted for in Las Vegas amidst a massacre there on Sunday night have been identified and are safe, an official with the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles said on Tuesday.

"All of the Israelis that we were looking for has been located," the official told The Jerusalem Post, confirming that their diplomats on the ground in Nevada were on their way back to California.

dude just get an ar15! insanely cheap right now - S&W M&P II or a Ruger AR-556. $600!

Is this really real? Don't lie to me, faggots.

Your retarded theories about 6 gorillion shooters on illuminati monuments are just nonsense.

What about this:
>be Steven Paddock
>a little psychopath like his dad
>feeling empty
>working for the state
>someday you get contacted with an offer:
30 years of unlimited cashflow for a false flag in return
>day of the rake comes
>know when you don't do it they will get you + family anyway
>try it at another festival>chicken out
>get another chance by the deep state in Vegas this time

Because that's how it works in the ME, your family gets gibs for you becoming a martyr.
He took good care of his family, didn't he?

This would explain a lot e.g.:
>He didn't wear a vest
He wanted to make absolutely sure he is dead in the end, he cannot allow to be questioned.
If they managed to rush him he would still have a higher ratio of dying if he didn't wear a vest because US police usually unload a gorillion bullets.
That's why he set up surveillance and shot himself way before police arrived and didn't go guns blazing.

Another festival was potentially targeted before with the exact opposite of clientele...rappers, Lorde..basically leftists while country guys are basically rightists (I know it's a little oversimplified).
This would only make sense if the intention of this mission was to divide america.
Maybe somebody even wants people to think the american deep state did it while actually somebody else is behind this.
>divide & conquer

That said I think he was just an empty psychopath nutjob like his father. Maybe.

don't forget to screencap


>when the evil shill make up garbage to throw us off the track and then send in the nut cases to say its all lizard people


Say what you will about reddit but look for an AR on the gundeals sub.

Antifa and any affiliates will be mowed down. Get ready lgbt for reckoning.

fuck off faggot. There are CONFIRMED multiple shooters. CONFIRMED.

Here have a bump

dude, this shit is crazy

Probably around 800. Its 1100 up in Soviet canuckistan. Just be cheaper to buy a Norinco M14.

Nigger, please. Do you even US date code?

What is this though? Something some guy mocked up in paint? Is this a daily wire police check out? What departments is this sent to?

Yeah. They spit in our faces with this blatant bullshit.

What signficance are you implying? Because the pyramid with the sphynx seems more spoopy.

I put this in another thread too... just my 2 cents so far ...

Yes I'm familiar with these types of advisories. I'm that type. This unlike any usual advisory. Typical advisories print out automatically from a messenger, they're black & white, text only, and have a sending agency ORI on them. They look like a print out from 1990. The messenger notice looks the same as the print out online. This is an advisory from a police union (FOP) apparently, my guess is it's an e-mail... if it's real.... however, it did not come to my agency, or anyone associated with FOP that I know and checked with. I'm on the other side of the country though FWIW, but I did receive the usual type print outs from Clark County regarding the incident that said unknown how many shooters, multiple victims,. It's possible someone familiar with the incident sent their "unofficial but probably accurate" information to the FOP to disseminate to its members. The bar code interests me. Looking into it, but so far, it's unlike any advisory I've ever seen

quiet leaf you’re out of your element

It's every bit as real as the shooter being ISIS.

why is there a freaking bar code on it? do FOP alerts need scanned? looking for a known real one...
bump (stock)

I thought this was a jew conspiracy to sell metal detectors

Take the bolt with you when you are out.
>You're welcome.


All caps CONFIRMED =/= proof. Present proof or fuck off.



Even if it isn't a conspiracy the Jews will try to take maximum advantage.

I'm a data analyst at a Fortune 500 company. I live on Zero Hedge and post here when I'm not busy. I have sifted through the information for the past 24 hours. In order to ensure proper vigilance and attention to detail I consumed 200 mg of Adderall spaced out in a bi-hourly schedule. I also have been microdosing LSD for the past three years.

I can unequivocally say that there is absolutely nothing profound within this information. It is insubstantial at best, and outright exaggerations bordering on slander at worst.

It would likely be in everyone's best interest to focus on more pertinent issues as opposed to getting lost in a web of obfuscation.

Thank you for chiming in. However, this was sent in Seattle- same analysis?

hey hey guys wasn't there rumors that antifa will start a revolution in November? maybe they are starting to put the pieces into place