Give me a legitimate reason why America needs guns?
Give me a legitimate reason why America needs guns?
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So faggots like you can kill yourself
To prevent a police state
>see: UK
It's not guns that I have a problem with being available, its the semi-automatic kind.
actually this is a better answer
The more weapons we have access too, the higher chance there is of trap and faggot suicide
fun fact: we don't have to give a reason.
I wonder if he has payed his tv license yet?
To overthrow the government when the time comes
So pretty much every single gun owned today by the general public. Oh okay.
Kindly fuck off shill
Give me a legitimate reason I shouldn't reach in and pull your fucking spleen out through your fucking nostrils for fucking posting a shitty fucking bait thread. KYS Faggot!
Then you have a problem with most guns manufactured since 1930. Fuck off.
Banning semi-automatics wouldn't do much since people would just go back to bolt and lever action, delaying the firing time by a few seconds. I don't think most faggots even know what the term "semi-automatic" even means these days. Semi-automatics are fine.
Who gives a fuck what you have a problem with?
Fuck you.
To kill brits
Guns even if semi automatic are not nearly as deadly as bombs and chemical weapons which are far easier to make
>semi auto guns
literally erry gun ever made, including simple handguns like the Glock
cause if i want it im gonna get it
making someone a criminal just because they have a gun is like enslaving someone just because they're black
Atheists worship this man.
Dawkins confirmed for Sup Forums poster
So we dont end up as cucks like the UK and EU, also to shoot niggers and commies, and self defense or something or other
It's not swords that i have a problem with being available, it's the sharp kind.
So we don't end up like the British.
Ta faight th' gubbermint of course!
"... Extravagant as the supposition is, let it however be made. Let a regular army, fully equal to the resources of the country, be formed; and let it be entirely at the devotion of the federal government; still it would not be going too far to say, that the State governments, with the people on their side, would be able to repel the danger. The highest number to which, according to the best computation, a standing army can be carried in any country, does not exceed one hundredth part of the whole number of souls; or one twenty-fifth part of the number able to bear arms. This proportion would not yield, in the United States, an army of more than twenty-five or thirty thousand men. To these would be opposed a militia amounting to near half a million of citizens with arms in their hands, officered by men chosen from among themselves, fighting for their common liberties, and united and conducted by governments possessing their affections and confidence. It may well be doubted, whether a militia thus circumstanced could ever be conquered by such a proportion of regular troops. Those who are best acquainted with the last successful resistance of this country against the British arms, will be most inclined to deny the possibility of it. Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. And it is not certain, that with this aid alone they would not be able to shake off their yokes" ...
I Don't Know Shit About Guns: The Post
>its like enslaving someone just because they are black
We are trying to make an argument for guns not against it.
"But were the people to possess the additional advantages of local governments chosen by themselves, who could collect the national will and direct the national force, and of officers appointed out of the militia, by these governments, and attached both to them and to the militia, it may be affirmed with the greatest assurance, that the throne of every tyranny in Europe would be speedily overturned in spite of the legions which surround it."
Why does the civilian population need drones? It's only a matter of time before someone flies one or more strapped with explosives into a concert or sporting event and takes out 50 plus people at once.
I'm surprised nobody has done that yet.
If you give all your guns to the government, how are we going to overthrow the "big orange fascist dictator installed by a foreign government" who is in the white house?
Oh, you're going to vote him out? But Hillary won the pobular voteeeee already!
I don't understand, liberals who are booty blasted about Trump winning and who honestly believe he is a fascist dictator who is coming to round up their gay/brown/trans friends should be the FIRST people who want to hold onto their guns right now.
I will never understand these filthy statists...
if you don't like guns, don't buy one :^)
Banning guns even completely won't do a damn thing. You can make a gun with a lathe and a mill. You can easily cast parts from metal in your basement, you an even 3d print them now. You can make a slam fire gun with nothing but two pieces of pipe.
okay hold on
making owning a gun a criminal offense is racist cause a minority has to be able to defend itself in america
It's not a bill of needs.
Shall not be infringed.
To kill people who break into my home to steal my shit or harm me.
>Give me a legitimate reason why America needs guns?
Freedom is awesome.
So we do not become insufferable Englishmen.
>openly mock whites
>snivel and bitch for years when they don't vote for you
This is the sort of thing that makes it extremely pleasurable to watch good little leftists lose all of their power.
Because we can, fuck you thats why. Try to take mine and I will literally blow your fucking brains out legally :)
>Give me a legitimate reason why America needs guns?
Since you said legitimate: because it's the law.
Fucking retard. Learn your words and when to use them.
Europe simply doesn't understand the nigger problem this country has. I lived in the deep south for 5 years and feared for my life every day because of the negro.
Isn't it to protect themselves from the jewish conspiracy to take over the country and create a fascist police state?
So when someone attempts to throw acid to my face I can simply blow his ass straight off his moped
Give me a legitimate reason why America needs whiny bitches like you?
You don't NEED a gun to own one. There's no clause that states you must need one in order to own one, you can have one, or ten, or fifty, simply because you want one.
That's what's so great about our constitution, we can buy our guns and tell you to go fuck yourself if you have an issue with it.
This. Nobody seems to understand that the niggers here in Georgia have no empathy and even less intelligence.
Any user have info handy on why a ground war is really bad ?
>1 post by this ID
30 minutes old with 53 replies... you know what to do anons
>tfw un-American leftists like these are still Americans but I'll never be an American
life is unfair
he will pay for his insolence
best make sure you don't join him
Give me a legitimate reason why America shouldn't have guns?
>its the semi-automatic kind.
You mean the ones that will always be available to criminals
How about liberals just go back and stop spreading their mental illness and then trying to offer bandaids? Perhaps round them all up in Israel with the Jews
They make your mom wet
To ensure states have on hand sufficient power to enforce their absolute power over any federally controlled force with a 3/4th majority
>no eye or ear pro
>loads multiple cartridges, slide locks back first shot.
>weird cartridge with no bullet
Lost a lot of respect for this fag. Maybe he should educate himself before spouting off.
s-sauce ?
>banned from campuses for criticizing Islam
>sent death threats constantly over his opinions
>knows exactly how much control the left has over education and the media
>still thinks it's a good idea to cave to these people and give up our one literal defense against evil
I'm guessing he's trying to get back in the academic world's good books, because there is no other sane reason he could have for saying this.
I don't need them, I buy food from stores and burger joints. I am going to buy another just because you made this thread. Sometimes I feel a bit down, (pick protest flavor of the month) and think "if we just ban or legalise this one thing, we will be happy." This country was founded on chaos and butthurt. This is where kek shall descend.
That dude, Dawkins.
He literally said pedophilia is alright.
I liked him up until that moment.
Any pedo enabler deserves to be slain right before the eyes of their loved ones.
There's literally nothing wrong with pedophilia. Fuck off and die newfag camel jockey.
Wheres the actual based Turk poster when you need him?
To blow the heads off shitdicks who put a question mark after a demand?
Is that you, skippy?
God willing you'll die in the next mass shooting.
You /r/the_donald fags literally killed this place. Along with you came too the leftist cancer
Both of you are newfag normies. Die.
>us bans guns
>Mexican drug cartels start importing guns
>become the most armed and richest cartel in the world
>now only criminals in the United States own guns
Dog bless amerika
Give me a legitimate reason why I should listen to this man?
Sorry Le'monjello Al-Stockholmi, thats just how it worked out for you.
this. He KNOWS what cunts they are but he revels in joining them. He calls Teresa May "facist". He is basically antifa
It doesn't work that way. People have a right to freedom in the U.S. You have to come up with a valid reason to take that right away in order to take their guns. So far, we have a lot of laws limiting guns. So many that they are generally poorly enforced.
>you don't need a gun to own a gun
"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass"
Isoroku Yamamoto
> First, that "hysteria" over a fear of pedophilia is overblown by society; second, that instilling a child with fundamentalist religious beliefs is actually a worse way to abuse a child
It doesn't matter what reason people have guns for- the people who made this country did so with the pretense that people in it would have guns, and it was so important to them it was the 2nd thing they said. I don't care if guns are 100% detrimental(which they aren't), that's enough to have them. If you don't like it go live somewhere else.
To elaborate: how could someone own a gun WITHOUT owning one? Wouldn't that be a contradiction?
This kills the libtard.
This is why, you giant fucking faggot:
Hey it was just getting good
>Defend yourself
>Defend your property
>Defend your family
>Defend your country
"In the US they have guns, in Britain we have The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations"
-- Richard Dawkins
why do people listen to that pedophile
>how could someone own a gun WITHOUT owning one?
This is what happens when niggers have access to the internet.
Don't need a reason you crankshaft cunt.