Be 64 year old dude who decides to fuck shit up

>Be 64 year old dude who decides to fuck shit up
>plan my day of the bullet over the span of several months
>buy an excess of 40 high quality guns
>buy nice scopes
>buy tacticool accessories
>buy enough ammo to equip an army
>how much mags do I need? Hmm around 200 will suffice
>bring some handguns too just in case it gets close
>"shit if I do this, I do this right. I'll fucking set up recon cameras outside my room."
>"Ok I have planned everything to my best abilities to do maximum damage. I'm ready"

>Doesn't wear at least cheap armor.

Totally believable

Other urls found in this thread:;_ylu=X3oDMTBydWNmY2MwBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwM0BHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1507181906/RO=10/RU=

he was trying to die that day only shooter w armor i can recall is that pussy james holmes

Oh and:

>Do I need a 23rd gun on this mission or should I bring some of the tons of explosives I bought?
>I think the gun is more important

He wanted to do max damage though. Imagine if the first security guard that engaged him fired a shot through the door instead of retreating and that killed Paddock. I can't imagine he wanted it to end after 2 minutes.

Oh and also:
>I'm planning this over several months, should I buy a suppressor through NFA or should I buy another fancy gun to leave at home?
>gun it is

Well, we will see what info is given to us by the FBI. Attaching a scope to a gun isnt as easy as just screwing it on. It has to be calibrated for the range you plan to use it. And the bump modifications, etc etc.. these aren't things done by a total amateur, especially to as many guns as he supposedly did this to.

So maybe FBI will find on his computer that he read up on guides on how to install this stuff months ago, and he purchased these fire arms over time, etc etc.. Maybe it will all add up. But if he they cant find any evidence that he was slowly buying guns and learning how to use them, I am very, very suspicious.

suppressors aren't used for near-automatic or automatic weapons. they melt due to the heat buildup.

> want to do max damage
> shoot for 10 min
> have plenty of ammo left
> you have plenty of targets within range and you have optics on your rifle.
> chad is standing up right there flipping you off while holding a beer
> strategic location in tight hallway with camera, it would be very difficult for law enforcement to move in on you
> at worst, you will get sniped if you keep shooting and die instantly.
> commit sudoku lol
> police didn't even break into your room 1 hour later

what if defiant chad snapped him back to reality and he realized what a worthless coward he is?

Because you're probably on Hartz 4 you won't understand

But if you're rich you don't give a fuck

You just do what you do if you think it scratches your itch you have

Why would he buy armor if he intended to shoot himself?

Exactly because he intended to shoot himself. Pretty hard to shoot yourself if a 7.50 $ an hour security turd shoots you in the back.

why did he have cameras watching the hallways & guns for close quarters?

MY question is and always has been this:
Who paid for this?

23 automatic rifles ina luxury suite and some goober 64 year owning this stuff doesn't strike anyone as odd?

I give up on playing along man, I'm going full on truther, this shit is too much

This story can check out
>old man
>tired of life/wants to die
>wants to go out in a glorious blaze
>knows he won't need money so spends it on the most expensive weapons, hotel room etc.
>shoot at the concert, like you've been planning for your glorious suicide
>die by hands of police

He would have needed mouth armor to keep him from shooting him

He was hoping he could respawn and reset his wamted level.

He didn't die by the hands of police you shill. Glad your 12 Israeli brethren made it out safe. :^)

I get that but:

>wants to go out in a glorious blaze

This isn't a glorious blaze though. I would see you point if he robbed a bank like his father and shot it out with police. But who thinks shooting fish in a barrell is glorious?

Except for the last part. Geez goldstein you should have Just bought out the whole swat squad instead of cheaping out and going for the cheaper suicide narrative.

Traveled to
Dubai Philippines Spain
Sent 100 to Philippines

He did have some of the explosive making material in his car at the casino

Isis in the Philippines;_ylu=X3oDMTBydWNmY2MwBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwM0BHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1507181906/RO=10/RU=

yeah he knew he had to die buddy, no point in wearing armor

you just don't shoot up a country music concert and expect to be accepted by the aryan brotherhood in prison

FBI says not isis
Sup Forums mkay

What area did they find the girlfriend who fled there?
Isis presence in the city?


This is certified bullshit.

t. Actual gun owner

>an excess

The term near-automatic gives it away.

It was Jews.

Where can I find the picture of him dead?

WASHINGTON -- Twelve Israelis who were unaccounted for in Las Vegas amidst a massacre there on Sunday night have been identified and are safe, an official with the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles said on Tuesday.

"All of the Israelis that we were looking for has been located," the official told The Jerusalem Post, confirming that their diplomats on the ground in Nevada were on their way back to California.

Sorry wanted to say "in excess of". I'm not a native speaker.




Gotcha senpai.

hey what's up, I have no idea what the fuck is going on.

>O wait, I'll shoot for 9 minutes and call it good

>>Doesn't wear at least cheap armor.
hurr durr
He was a millionaire
But he already spent all his money on that one old whore and on the guns and ammo.
No money left.

Check mate.

What the fuck is this shit?
Every planned terrorist attack for Australia was stopped within days/hours before the attack
But this guy somehow managed to buy all those guns/bullets and plan out his attack without any suspicion

i like this idea

>> you have plenty of targets within range and you have optics on your rifle.
hurr durr
>Want to be a hero now

check mate.

so you decided to not spend at least two fucking seconds on a google search for this man, yet you wasted so many characters to type out your bullshit open-end conspiracy question?

you fucking mouthbreather.

Using explosives from the 32nd floor seems unlikely

He had cctv cameras set up in front of his room. Why not place explosives there to greet the police?

He chose to kill himself so he wouldn't feel any pain... being riddled with bullets from behind can't be painless, the breaching charge, the officers talking shit about him as he bled out, the very remote possibility his body survives. He wanted complete control. He could have broke the record if he spent 5 more mins at it.

>Who paid for this?
Guy was a high roller and millionaire.
So the answer is: he paid it all. And then even sent $100.000 to his whore.

eats whatever he wants
plays poker $100 a hand
owns 2 planes, several houses, 5 luxury cars
Gets laid regular and could buy unlimited $50 whores in Las Vegas

he suddenly decides life sucks...........
>whattttt?????? that is some bullshit

I've been thinking this all along. He likely had suicidal and sociopathic tendencies that he inherited from his bank robber father.

>He didn't die by the hands of police you shill
That's what (((they))) want you to beLIEve.
(((They))) also said he was all alone. Which was already proven to be a big fat lie.

Suantzy is Costa Rican, not Israeli you moron.

That is why I don't get the lack of armor. He wanted control. Where is the control if a stray bullet from a security guard stops your show? Come on at least throw on a level IIIA. It's soft, doesn't weigh anything and now you are impervious to pistols up close and distant rifle shots.

is that an effigy of the twin towers?

And then shoot himself?
>I got all this hardware, i can hold off the cops, go out in a blaze of glory!
>Nah just kill myself lol


His brother is a psychopath also


>That flag
>That post
The bait is strong here.

I haven’t seen it mentioned that it’s pretty fucking odd that he spends months planning this and didn’t bother to spend 30 minutes barricading the door at all apparently. Plenty of couches and chairs and mattresses in that room.

Affluence does strange things to people.

>Still kill fewer people than a Norwegian guy who had one rifle and no vantage point stocked with extra guns and ammo

50 bucks really?

also why didn't this guy liquidate SOME of his assets.... everything he worked for his whole life will be sold to pay his victims

This guy was a selfish fucker and I doubt he would just lose out on all the possessions he owned without trying to use that money for something........One final huge bet? He was a gambler and an accountant

yeah remember the dupont guy and durst

Breveik really was the man with the plan

willed everything to his brother

Maybe down by Fremont street....I'm not sure

Even if the whore was a whopping $300, that was 3 hands of poker to this guy

What in the actual fuck is a non-autistic man supposed to take away from this absurd image?

On an island of children. PLus he wounded nearly 600, divide it by half for muh bruised ankles, and he still probably crippled a few hundred for life.

his brother will get nothing, as he committed a crime and all his money is subject to forfeit

He was an accountant so he knew that...his family gets zip and all funds will be in an estate that will be sued by his victims

Hence......why not one big final bet? He was a gambler about to die

That fucking Jews are addicted to numbers.

I love Sup Forums in complete confusion. It's like watching autistic children in socioligy class.

>twin towers prop
>9 to 11 minutes
>route 91 festival
What did the Jews mean by this

Its time to fucking bomb israel.