Michael Moore wants to repeal the 2nd amendment

Is he right Sup Forums ?

I'm conservative and I support gun rights BUT it's clear that the 2nd amendment is an outdated document. It was also written by the founding fathers who were slave owners and several believed in anti-semetic conspiracies. I don't think citizens should own military grade assault rifles either, you only need guns for hunting.

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Fuck off, leaf.


>I wanna start another civil war!
>I'll surely be safe inside my city!
>The soldiers will be on my side!
I hate shitlibs, but I want them to try.

I bet you've never held a gun or even gone hunting before, you faggot

move to venezu... oh leaf. Wait 10 years and see if you'd like some guns to defend against fascist socialism.

Suck my Glock, concern troll.


Going to have a lot of fun when the disgusting leftists try and I get to slit open all of their bellies.


A. Fuck off leaf.
B. Mr. Moore and all the other commie revolutionaries know that there is a process currently in place. Problem is, though, that they lack the institutionalized ability to do so and an attempted coup is all they've really got left.
C. Because OP is Canuck here are the instructions:
The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.

I fucking hope they will


The day of rake is coming leaf. Can you alreay feel that noose tightening around your neck?

It's refreshing honesty and clarity from a liberal. Instead of these other faggots who pussyfoot around it and suggest laws that are already in place or absolutely ineffective interventions, at least he says, "Let's make it legal to ban guns."

Hes a fat plug and yes we all lock our doors.

My solution.

I'm not sure it should be removed, but it IS ancient and outdated.

Americans are getting fucked in the ass by gov and corporation of every single possible kind.

And they could nothing. And whatever there would be to do it wouldn't be solved with guns.

How guns would remove corruption from Washington? How it would make medical insurance providers not fuck people out of their money on every single step (rabid capitalism) in most soulless way?

How guns are improving american higher schools, how they are fixing environment?

One way or the other, in 60-80years US will look more like a Mexico mixed with Brazil, so it doesn't really matter that much.

Yeah, 2nd amendment is a bit outdated. I feel like it gives too much wiggle room for morons to try to drive leftist bullshit into.

I propose a change to the second amendment that simply makes it read "The right to bear arms shall not be infringed".

If he thinks it's bad now, wait until he(they) try this.


> Ancient
> 1791

Burger education strikes again...

Michael Moore is one Frito away from the Trump curse.

>I'm conservative and I support gun rights BUT
Stopped reading there.

Faggot candy ass going to vote for Trudeau again I bet.

>tfw Pompey wants to take your gladius away


At last I truly see
I'm just a cuckold

Why not repeal the 1st? That's also ancient.

moore says something fucked up again. whats new?


I think you would need an excavator for that planet.

Wow the fat fuck offers his suggestion on the 2nd amendment. Not a single fuck given.

>it's clear that the 2nd amendment is an outdated document


>I'm conservative and I support gun rights BUT
Stopped right there. Kindly turn in all firearms to the nearest actual conservative, go down the police station, and perform police-assisted suicide.

Moore is a leaf.

I want to make 2 years military conscription gov. funded testosterone therapy mandatory as a cure to noodle armed soy boys.

Has Michael "fat fuck" Moore ever ACTUALLY accomplished anything beyond his kvetching and """""documentaries"""""?


I wouldn't want anyone joining the military until they reversed the Obama era nonsense protocols and wussification of the branches








No he is not right shill. These gun right attacks are hackneyed at best...You have no new arguments.

What kind of hellhole do you live in where you lock your door when you're awake at home?

That fat fuck has been at it for like, 15 years now?
When is he finally going to die from diabetes?

It keeps things from getting worse at a faster rate than they are currently worstening.

We are the oldest running national government. Everyone else has either had revolutions or reforms or major shifts of one kind of another that have provided a sort of reset. We continue on with out any software updates, a testament to how well programmed it all was to start with.

>Talcum X

Try it.

He'll get shot before that happens

Nothing before this word is true.

>BUT it's clear that the 2nd amendment is an outdated document.
How? Which part, exactly, is outdated?

How are you going to change the Constitution?
>not enough anti-gunners in congress to pass amendment
>vast majority of state legislatures are pro-gun


So are they letting any asshole rewrite the constitution, or do I need to put on 200lbs and make boring movies?

He also thinks Bush was responsible for 9-11 which shows just how smart his ideas are.

>altering the constitution
Good luck..


Great. Just convince the government to seize the moral high ground by disarming itself, first. Have the police and military give up their guns, tanks, jets, nuclear missiles, etc., then we can discuss giving up ours, too. Odd that those whose power is completely based upon its ability to murder its opponents demands that their opponents disarm.

I think we should add a new amendment that people who eat too much should be denied food.
It will never happen in my lifetime.

Projecting much!
Ahahahahahah, that guy is a joke!

If only he could pass legislat- oh wait.

All you gotta do is have the FBI create illegal gun-buying honeypots to attract would-be shooters like they do with terrorists and explosives.


>Have the police and military give up their guns, tanks, jets, nuclear missiles, etc.,

That's actually something we support.

Abolish the police and military.

>I'm conservative and I support gun rights
NO you aren't, and NO you don't. Fuck off. Saged. Slide thread.

Fuck off leaf.

Force him to live on plants for the rest of his life!

The Second Amendment has no place in modern society. When America got organized as a country, they wrote a fairly radical Constitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount of individual freedom to the radical American masses. There’s too much personal freedom. When personal freedom’s being abused, the incorruptible State, the only entity deserving of power, has to move to limit it. The National Guard fulfills the militia mentioned in the Second amendment. Citizens no longer need to protect the states or themselves.

good thing the right to lawful self defense comes from the declaration and not 2A. why don't you redcoats write a declaration of dependence and send it to the queen?

Kill yourself.

>the 2nd amendment was made only for muske...

I agree we should also ALLOW people to have machine guns, rocket launchers, high power sniper licenses etc... Along with IUDS... The second amendment is too restricting, FREE IT UP

the left doesnt actually understand how the government works, which is why all they ever do is vote for the president and wonder why courts can just make up their own laws.

>having any concept of how our government runs
>having any concept of how any government runs

2a is more relevant in 2017 than it ever has been

Use him for lamp oil

The "militia" is *well regulated* because the citizens are armed, dork.

Once the government is disarmed, and we are still armed, we'll rewrite a lot of laws. To benefit us. On day 1, without their protectors, we will exterminate the niggers and the leftists. The thin blue line is the only thing keeping the niggers and leftists alive.

reminder that moores fathers biggest regret was raising a child that turned against all the principles that made his childhood good through his fathers hard work.

His father legitimately couldnt stand hearing the things his son was doing with his life.

t. my grandpa was best friends with him in a Naples old folks home.


I unironically agree with this.

I guess freedom of speech is also ancient and outdated. T

You’re one of the good leafs but. I’ll feel bad when you go in the pile on Rake Day.

Well, fag, there's a wide, no radical world out there. Live in one of those countries. In this country, the people are supreme, and created the government as a servant. And a servant has no right o dictate what the master may or may not own. In fact, we have an absolute right to change our government if we please.

A Canadian conservative is just an American liberal. Fuck off, leaf.

This is entirely correct

What Michael Moore doesn't understand is the more you make a public stand for something, the less it means. And he never really had the cache to change any minds anyway. He just weakens any side he takes.

I'll gladly give up my guns, if the police and private security forces give up theirs as well. If I can't protect myself or my family with a gun then leftists in gated communities should face the same danger from the armed criminals they love so much.

The 14th and the 19th should so first. Then let's see what happens.

>Martin Luther Cream

Fuck you and Michael Moore!

Jokes on him, I like my guns OD green.

sensible kek

Well regulated also means that they have weapons similar to the military since they also become a part of it without the need to supply them more that ammunition.
And the whole National Guard argument is a false one that gets dragged out. The NG is a part of the government, and therefore is classified as military. The Militia is the general populace. Also the Militia used to have to annually practice to make them proficient, and viable for defense.

Michael Moore's ideological brother kills conservatives and now guns need to be taken away from conservatives?

It doesn't matter what the soldiers think, it only matters what the politicians think that order the soldiers.

>> conservative
>> should part of constitution be struck
Lol ok

The militia as defined by statue is armed, dork. Look up the Militia Acts and tell me they intended it to apply to everyone. The 2nd amendment just means public security shouldn't be in the hands of a distant and potentially negligent government like the Crown overseas. If you read the Declaration of Independence they complained about such negligence and it's the basis of the militia system which the 2nd amendment safeguards from total federal control over security everywhere in the country.

come take it leaf faggot ill serve you breakfast at 1100 fps

He's from Flint, Michigan


What did he mean by this?

>what is a military coup
how old are you

Come and take em.

>supports gun rights
>supports the repeal of 2A
>2A is a document