Bongs are not allowed to carry acid in public now
Will this stop the acid attacks?
Probably not
Bongs are not allowed to carry acid in public now
Will this stop the acid attacks?
Probably not
Sounds like they need to bin that acid. They also need to bin their cocks because they're a bunch of dickless cucks.
Ban drain cleaner
I don't understand why carrying acid in public was ever legal when they've had tons of these attacks and have already banned guns, knives, pepper spray, etc.
I mean, they weren't a problem until more recently. Why would you ban something that wasn't a problem?
How would you know if someone is carrying acid?
how annoying. me and so many other brits i know really love to walk miles with 8 litre fluid containers full of acid. Of course this law only applies to whites. shitskins ignore brit law, except murder sometimes.
they are only a few more laws away from being a completely safe crime free society
> Vinegar? Lemon juice?! You can't carry those around, they're illegal ACIDS!
> Ammonia? Lye? Drain cleaner? Nope, those are alkaline, you're good to go, buddy!
Seriously, do these lawmakers live in Hollywood land? Do they think acid is that green goop in movies? Have they never heard the terms 'corrosive' or 'caustic'? Jesus fucking christ.
>be bong
>go shopping
>buy drain cleaner
>drain at home stinks like old cunt bruv
>walk to car with shopping
>ello sir what u ave there ay
>get arrested
What reason would you have to carry acid though? It's not even something you can realistically use for self-defense.
>How would you know if someone is carrying acid?
How would you know if someone is carrying a gun?
This is a disgrace. You need that acid ready at any moment for when whores step out of line and question your dominance over them.
does this include citric acid?
looks like bongs cant carry lemonade in public anymore.
>banned assault acid
be more placid, pour out that acid
>Irish education
don't be a creep. bin that bleach.
>be bong
>put vinegar on "chips"
>get arrested
Don't be sinister, bin that vinegar.
Thus is some next level stupid.
That's it we don't have any other fucking choice, raids everyones home's and make sure they're not making homemade acid. For teh safety of our people at all cost right ????
It is not stupid in the slightest. They are treating it like every other weapon which they should have been doing anyway.
Speaking of stupid have you bought a helmet yet?
wtf, I just got arrested coming out of my local supermarket and the bloody rozzers took the bleeding vinegar I'd just bought, just salt on my chips tonight lads, lots and lots of salt.
my sides fucking KEK
This how the fuck would you even know if someone is in possession of acid, these fucking Orwellian type laws, Uk bro i love you guys as an ally, but you got some really fucking weird laws :/
>Bathroom is dirty
>Go to Asdas and pick up some cleaning products
>Can't use the self checkouts so go to the normal ones
>Checkout woman sees my stuff and hits the panic button
>Suddenly police come out of nowhere and force me onto the floor
>Sentenced to 15 years
All that means is that the good guys with acid won't be able to defend themselves and others in public. Not good.
What if you need to buy some drain-o and are walking home?
who puts vinegar on their chips?
more like don't be a nigger, ban that vinegar
We just need to ban muslim rape gangs and we'll be sorted
good guys with acid would be people carrying their groceries home.
The only thing that can stop a bad guy with acid is a good guy with base.
nigga I left that thing so clean that the Virgin Mary herself would be proud to go in there and take a dump.
You shitted all over it again, you animal?
You'll need a drain-o license.
um culturally insensitive much?
>bongs will finally beat the frogs in smell
Truly a brilliant plan
Then you are not doing anything illegal.
>carrying acid in public
>not illegal
good try britbong
>Acid attacks weren't a thing before Muslims
>Ban Acid
Seriously, do these people even think?
Oh god
Bongs are so fucking retarded it's legit amazing to see.
Taking the role of government up to the most absurd levels for the rest of the world to see.
so what? they're gonna stop everyone carrying a bottle and check if it's acid? what a delusional, Orwellian piece of legislation
It is like carrying any otherwise weapon. If you are carrying it for some lawful reason then you are not doing anything illegal.
You'll be spared on the day of the rake.
Drain-o is caustic
Bravo. Strong leadership and brilliant policy. Now if we can only ban assault, rape, and murder our cities will be safe again.
where in the legislation does it specify what a lawful and illegal acid carry is?
Damn, this will put a huge dent in the legal acid attack market!!!
Question for Limeys:
How long of a prison sentence can you get in """your""" country for eating pickled pork hocks outside of a mosque?
They should also make it illegal to throw acid on people's faces!
Damn! What am i to do with all this acid now?
better ban carrying flammable substances
How long before they ban people having arms and legs, then dicks?
I will bob over and bite someone so they ban teeth
this is not funny anymore anons, the west is mad .
>use your brain
>don't unblock that drain
>the absolute state of your thought process
how cucked can you be?
when it’s melting your eyes out and they’ve run off
>gun violence
oh no ban guns!
>now knife violence
oh no ban knives!
>now acid violence
ban acid!
whats next? many doors bong boys.
But it's their culture.
Forgot pic
just about everything is an acid though
>where in the legislation
There are eight centuries of case law.
dude no more lsd lmao
>Car violence
Lets ban cars
>doesnt know
bin that cid you dumb limey
Why are you smiling like a maniac at the thought of a shit-covered toilet? Do you like the idea of people taking big steamy dumps all over the porcelain seat you just cleaned?
What the fuck is The UK doing? I had hope after they voted for Brexit, but it seems they've gone completely off the chain. Brits, brighten the fuck up.
Or a Based black man
Some cities are already planning on banning gas fueled cars.
>bin that 'cid
>you limey skid
Improved upon.
Make sure that you're placid, bin that acid.
thank goodness we now have common sense acid control laws
STFU YOU dumb limey retards
UK is literally THE MOST cucked nations on the planet. IT WILL BURN,and this is a good thing.
You're so fucking irrelevant that I dint even know who your president is since Blair
>TFW North Korea will have more cars in their cities than us in the west.
That doesn't even rhyme you dumb cunt.
Brits. I bought some in scotland once. They tasted exactly as you'd expect. I don't know why they exist.
>was going to go and throw acid in someones face
>government makes it illegal to carry acid
Not going to throw that acid now, don't want to break the law. ACID CONTROL WORKS.
Know what? All eight centuries of relevant case law? The case law for knives since 1950 is enough to study for a working lifetime. If I knew that much about that narrow part of UK weapons law, I would not be on Sup Forums. I would be in a townhouse in Hammersmith with a cigar. There are criminal solicitors who make their entire living on knife cases and loopholing people out of prison.
Damn "Asians" and their acid
>be britcuck
>78% of white British women have dated a black guy
>top rated males of UK are Stormsy, J.Defore, Ashley Cole, Skepta, and Ed Sheeran
I'm honestly surprised by how fast it's going downhill now in GB. I shall call you Germany's brother for future references.
so you just admitted you have no idea.
>thing not allowed
>thing won't happen
they're also using le ebil terrorisms to justify government control over the internet
soon our bongbros won't be able to post here because of all the "right wing terrorists"
rip in piss lads
>78% of white British women have dated a black guy
Are you fucking retarded?
why don't they just ban throwing it in people's faces?
surprisingly enough its already banned, and even more surprisingly people still do it. Really activates the almonds.
>be britbongo
>shit in your toilet
>your log blocks the whole drain
>Water doesn't flush anymore
>U need fucking drain cleaner to get the shit free of shit
>Go to the court
>Asks for permission to transport a 2£-bottle of drain cleaner from aldi to your home
>Pay shit for the permission.
Guess the Brexit happened 10 years too l8, m8
>Your honour, I, Sadiq Hussein Ali'Baba did not throw that acid into that girls face. I poured it very quickly is all.
>Well bloody ol' right you are there old chap! Sodding case bloody well dismissed I say I say.
I remember the Acid house seen,when life was more genteel,those were the days.