This board is collapsing in quality so fast its scary

Any other oldfags notice how bad its gotten in the last 6 months?


>threads with old as fuck outrage bait "this college professor did something really shitlibby 6 months ago isnt this CRAZY"

>Threads obviously designed to create narratives counter to reality. Infowars tier shit.

Anybody else see this? After the election this place has collapsed into shit

Remember the zimmerman trial? remember dorner? Where did the quality pol shit go

Is it newfags? Is it redditors trying to fuck up the board?

Other urls found in this thread:

after trump won, they went home and became family men

pic related

>old fags remember
>posts things that have been happening since the dawn of this board.

You aren't an old fag, stop pretending to be one. You've likely been here no longer than the Zimmerman trial.

Shilling organizations and normies who come here because they see it in the news are fucking it up

The media tabloids and youtube celebrities keep name dropping Sup Forums
What did you expect to happen?
We dont even blame reddit or ebaumsworld anymore.

Shits been pretty much the same as I remember. Only thing I've noticed is an increase in genuine shills as the board's gained more notoriety

I was a Sup Forumstard since I was 9, seriously

And? 4 years doesn't make you an old fag.

I have been here since the 2008 election and no in the last 6 months the quality of this board has collapsed into shit.

Antifa nov 4th we need to troll them NOW

Butthurt hillary support remember trauma.

JIDF have been here nonstop for 72 hours. They are doing major damage control right now.

It has it's ups and downs. It's best during and immediately following a happening. The rest of it is generally pretty shit with a good thread every now and then.

>Any other oldfags notice how bad its gotten in the last 6 months?
>6 months
well maybe there's your problem
although pol has always been aweful

Alll in all, it has merged with the homogenized social media internet. There's nowhere left to go.

Will we last in the next meme war or shitpost antifa into sane people

Nobody really cared about Sup Forums, info wars or Breitbart until after the election.... I'll let you think about that

im a old fag also lol

Fuck of with your slide thread, If you are not helping to find multiple shooters, you are complicit in what you call low quality threads. You are no edgy-neo nazi, you are a whiny little bitch or a (((snopeshill))) who says Paddock was alone

Use your brain, were at war:



>witness testimonies (4:00 - 9:06)
Multiple shooters, A 'hispanic' looking woman was taken out of the concert by security after telling people 'they are all going to die'

>police scanner (radio)
at least 2 shooters

>swat enters 32nd floor

>LVPD press conference 1
Police is asking assistance in looking for marilou danely, nobody asks about the second shooter. "The primary aggressor in this incident has expired".

>LVPD press conference 5 (skipped to press questions)
'Radicalisation'?, Say the Marilou is in philipines and will be returning on Thursday

shillbook com/ryancarrawake1/videos/525213534495045/

We normiestream now senpai

>Sup Forums

choose one

>Threads obviously designed to create narratives counter to reality. Infowars tier shit.

We've always has /x/ threads foo.
But I agree with everything else you said, this place is a fucking toilet.
I knew it was dead when people were unironically having bible study threads.

Oldest fag here
I have a simple solution. Want to hear it.
Come over and I’ll whisper it into your ear
You ready?.....
>don’t fucking reply you cancerous whiney entitled little bitch
Feel better honey buns?

>Any other oldfags notice how bad its gotten in the last 6 months?
This board was really only quality for it's first year. It has been consistently low quality since then

newfag observing. MM sent me.

We all know it was antifa
>> we need them to go ito down syndrome

>multiple shooters

See? infowars shit
A single thread can turn the entire board into a witch hunt for something that doesnt exist

>Any other oldfags notice how bad its gotten in the last 6 months?
try 2 years & 6 months

Did you have a coma during the election? Vlad ruined this place. Now that Vlad has been beaten back by the CIA only the stupidest of retards, such as yourself, remain.

i daily have hidden +100 threads during session. looking for needles in piss soaked hay

What will we do about antifa though !!??

>Open the sources
>Close your (((shill))) mouth
Pick one, then come back

It's been like this for years. Trump's election victory just gave justification to a lot of shut-in autist virgin losers to speak their minds among what they see as like-minded individuals. Sup Forums is no longer a haven for trolls doing it for the lulz, it's a magnet for trolls and the scum of the earth.

Est. 2006 ayyyyy.
Board quality has been fine considering the level of traffic and paid infiltration. When it's not happening idiots play darts with fish sticks. As soon as it happens it's fucking centcom which is what it's all about. It's a learned ability to get nuggets of truth out of all these dingleberries hanging around the sweaty, hairy, and repugnant asshole of the internet.
If you can stand the smell you're right at home.

I am a "fag" (homosexual) and I'm 86 years old. Does that count?

this is a long rant

i read the whole thing, its garbage.

he could have summarized it by just saying 'vapid attention grabbing posts flooded out quality comments'

it doesnt take 11 posts to say that.

hes guilty of the same thing he is trying to call out

> inb4 some dumbshit references "eternal september"


lots of libs here and they cannot let go of losing the election . so
they are just smearing shit on the walls because it's all they can do

this board has been cancer for years faggot


If there were 2 shooters you would have heard it. You dont hear it. You hear one shooter with reloads in between. You are dumb and not smart for falling for conspiritard shit

>threads with old as fuck outrage bait "this college professor did something really shitlibby 6 months ago isnt this CRAZY"
If only. Often times they post articles years old, old ass shit from Sweden, from fucking 2012 and shit. A lot of posts don't even seem real, like they're made by fucking bots or something. I almost wish I was a mod so I could clean this place up, but no way I'd do that for free.

Clearly you still have not watched the footage
Clearly you're just as much of an idiot as
>antifa guys
>aintidepressant guys
>jewsdidit guys
>muh guncontrol guys

You fuckin nostalgia over dormer but you did not even listen to las vegas police scanner.

KYS shill

im not even saging so people can see through your shit

Yeah I'm definitely seeing a decline in quality of posts on Sup Forums but I blame it on higher website traffic due to Sup Forums becoming more mainstream with the normie media.

I watched all the footage. I saw the blinking light that did not synch up with the rate of fire.

There is no second shooter. There is no conspiracy. Believe it or not its possible for one person to shoot at people at a concert which is what happened


It almost feels like all the level headed people with valuable contributions have left. From all sides. I legit changed a lot of my views after reading compelling evidence against previously held beliefs.

It's Jews.

its now just /pol, is entire Sup Forums. Look at /v,/tv,/x,/gif. They/are become shit day after day. Blame gamergate, a lot of redditors/tumblr faggots come here in 2014, and some of them remain, and 2016 election, when you see Sup Forums news everywhere with bullshit like dark army and shit. and is not just Sup Forums, is internet in general, goes to shit. Look everywhere, people before have fun, make jokes about everything and people don't get offended and cry . internet was a nice place, 10-15 years ago. Now just a rotting corpse

>A lot of posts don't even seem real, like they're made by fucking bots

This. You'll often see the exact same thread posted 2-3 times per day. It's bots trying to influence board discussion

Sup Forums is, has been, and will always be a containment board
like your mums cunt

The Donald defeated Sup Forums last year. this is nothing more than a reddit outpost now.

they definitely haven't gone to cripplechan

You're correct. A sizeable portion of the former userbase left for other sites. Unfortunately, they're all shit and have splinted off into even smaller communities. This isn't the only Sup Forums, but it's by far the most active.

this user speaks the truth. but i still having fun while falling into a giant shiter with the rest of the internet.
i bet i can outstink all you other turds out there

Didn't Fox make that report in 2006?

Do you really think it's adults with firm knowledge of politics that are visiting this site nowadays? Of course it's not, the only people that are visiting Sup Forums now are underage children and trolls.

im noticed a shit ton of INSERT RANDOM PICTURE HERE with text Sup Forums BTFO that should be added to the Off-topic and Sup Forums-tier threads that will be deleted


I think it's a lot of newfags confusing Sup Forums with Sup Forums or old Sup Forums tier material

Where / when was this image taken? It appeared in infowars video but no source given, but would explain the sound of gunfire as heard from taxi video. There are some video where the gunfire audio is definetly o e shooter (particularly near the hotel) closer to the concert videos you can clearly hear the bullets (supersonic at that distance) hitting the concrete floor and surroundings then u hear the sound from the barrel, in correlation. However this does not explained. The sound from the taxi video and a few others where its clearly very load closeby gunfire and further away gunfire not in correlation. If this image is from the night then it could explain the sounds as coming from the other side / wing of the building or from another distant location (gate 7?)

Been to Sup Forums on and off since 2007
>I am still not an old fag
>Old fags are people who were here in 2003

everyone knows its a hoax. including the shills. the crisi actor, police drills thing has been studied exhaustively. the community has completed its understanding of kikery.
whats next to do? If we don't set out to do anything, then anons will lose direction & enthusiam. With every hoax we need 2 things : an infograph exposing all the bulshit : and an array of counter memes \ piss takes of their hoax memes. if anons would spend more time using PrtScr and mspaint and less time shitposting then we'd be doing a lot better

You are exactly the cancer that guy talks about.
Kys nigger kike

>its a hoax

but its not some guy literally machine gunned tons of people and there is videos of the carnage

I wonder where the older users went ???

>implying 6 months ago were good

6 months ago were the HWNDU faggotry. Where frog posting, Trump faggotry, and shit memes like bog posting were at an all-time highest. This board died after Sup Forums-harbor

You for sure ain't no oldfag

Can confirm. Been here since after the election and I've definitely noticed how cancerous this place is. I can't seem to leave though which is the scariest thing


The biggest shills were stormfront shills. All this nazi larping is waering on the quality of the board. Remember when moot had to shut it down? Said if it got this bad he'd shut it down again?

Well, moot is gone. I mean, I understand nazi threads, but now the same dissenting opinion is just shit on over and over again. There were good threads before where intelligent discussion thrived. Sup Forums has become Sup Forums because of stormfags and nazi larpers.

been here since Sup Forums was fucking born and I agree with you 100000000000%

DNC operative David Brock literally has an army of shills funded by the Clinton Foundation and George Soros to stir dissension on these boards

>fellow oldfags
the ocean of piss has always been an ocean of piss

Six months? It’s been like this for over a year. The board doesn’t even take the JQ seriously any longer and anons unironcially believe the saudis did 9/11 and not Israeli Mossad. They also think saying the holocaust never happened is a satirical meme.

Good. I shitpost every day to make sure this place stays shit. Nice to see some results finally

Fuck off kike

We need a forum with like minded mods who will weed the crap slide posts out and ban the shills!

Checkedtruth in digits

Sup Forums is about 50% foreign bots trying to get Americas youth to become radical.