How does everyone feel about Ryuuko getting fucked by Sensei?

How does everyone feel about Ryuuko getting fucked by Sensei?

They make a beautiful child.

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Does seems like a pretty reasonable scenario.

Unfortunately I became a dirty shipfag and this was the ship I made while watching the show, so I guess I feel good.

Wait, what?

I'm okay with this.
As long as Gamagoori and Mako fuck like rabbits that is.

Didn't she end up scissoring Mako though?

So... did that ship sailed? I didn't watch the final ova.

He'll end up ripping her in half.

Please fucking explain

They didn't interact once in the OVA.

Ryuuko is for sister lovin' only.

W-why does this look like official art

Still holding out for this

I like this thread

This, superior pairing

Also Dog x Snek and Gamagoori x Mako


You wish. Mako is canonically Ryuko's side chick for when Satsuki is all worn out from rough sister sex

Wasn't he going to confess to her in one of the ending credits, don't think it was OVA but he blushing with a suit, holding flowers and being encouraged by the other devas.

Sasuga /u/faggot.

Kamina: infancy

No ship sailed.

Nakashima obliterated shipperfags after the show ended and after the OVA.

His writing sucked in this show and even more with Imaishi's influence, but the guy sure knew how to hold his ground.

The flowers were his lunch.

This is how KLK ended.

>He Posted the unfunny newgrounds clip again


You just remind me how Sup Forums and Sup Forums used to shit this place during the original broadcast.

It's just a video, gosh

I need a source on OP's image, it's making me very nervous.

Why? It's just old fanart from someone at twitter


I got bad news for you.

You do know that an actual animator who has worked on actual shows made that art.

Not them

Nani sore?

user, the time to troll people about this was about three years ago. Stop before you end up embarrasing yourself.

If Ryuko was your waifu, just know beautiful children and getting fucked by a older dude is in her future.

>he doesn't know

Five stages of grief and you are at denial.

Last episodes ending credits. He ends up following Mako while she's in a group date with Ryuko and Satsuki.

Oh shit i feel bad for ryukofags

Man I kind of want Tsumugu to fuck her


And? That's still fanart. Not a promotional pic. Animators never really had a word about who gets with who. They just throw easter eggs and indulge themselves on teasers with or without the writers apporval.

That's like saying Tai x Sora from Digimon Adventure is canon just because Nakatsuru and Hosoda drew Tai x Sora fanart.

Plus like Nakashima already said what he had to say.

I need more motherly Ryuuko in my life.

Just let your waifu be happy with her man, you are too angry to let her be with her lover.

But user, I don't have a waifu in this but husbando.

And even though I like my ships, I know when to stop before going full delusional.

I thought scissor sisters was the end pairing. Sensei x Ryuko didn't have much traction in the later half of the show, if I recall. It's been awhile, though.

Creators seem to have a different concept in mind, OP.

What is sex with Ryuuko like?

Didn't the staff say that the best job for Ryuko would be as a babysitter?

If anything was end pairing it was Ryuko/Mako. Gamagoori's crush on Mako was one-sided and the only actual incest in the show was on Ragyo's part.

Off yourself.

Mako belongs with Ryuuko

Nakashima at an event for the script collection, I believe.

He said that she finds work without going to college and that babysitting would suit her.

That's what the OP image was fanart for.

Is that bulma?


This show really fucked up with my brain

it's terrible!!!!


All I know is that Ryuuko is sexual in this image and I want to stick my dick in her heart.

She's either a homosexual or a clothingsexual

I'm clothingsexual too and would use Senketsu as my cum rag.

>that one post about Ryuuko trying to find a place to touch herself without wearing Senketsu and she keeps thinking of Satsuki

I'll never be able to erase that story off my mind, fuck everything

Ryuko loves Senketsu you goober. Literally the plot of the show.