
>strong, ripped and muscular
>alpha personality
>big dicks
>great in bed, can last for hours

How can us whitebois compete? I feel like i just should kill myself desu

Jesus Christ that thing is huge



>How can us whitebois compete?

not politics related

reported and saged

>obvious shill thread is obvious

$.02 shekels have been deducted from your account

photoshop will do that to a dick

Wow... Blacks really are kangz

that's a pointy bbc.



>history that's long gone and done for

are you mad nigger?

OP (who happens to be an asian boi with tiny penis) BTFO

What's the psychology behind women that do this?
My theory is its like straight guys that end up fapping to traps.
These women get so bored of regular guys and all the attention they get, that the only way to get off is to go for a big ugly ape

all you nasty fucks and your women... girls. go for girls. yours and no one else's. treasure them with love and gifts. rebuild your race.

>low iq
>oonga boonga gibs me dem air jordans
>cannot into civilisation
>muh dick


cannot win wars tho

Who gives a fuck about some stupid slut who prefers big dicks?
Real women are attracted to brains and money, which white people actually have.

Why does he keep photoshopping himself?

That girl in the OP (can't remember her name but she does incest stuff usually) posted on /gif/ a couple of months back after some user from her old highschool posted about her and her current boyfriend, also from the same highschool, saw it and encouraged her to post. It was a fucking hilarious thread. Search her name in the /gif/ archive and you should find it.

By having jobs? Accepting responsibility as fathers? Raising decent children? Not being criminal degenerates?

Should I go on?

Ohh look, there is a literal subhuman with the intellect of an actual gorilla and a donkey dick. If he doesn't beat me to death he will leave me the single mother of a half human child! Sign me up!

It's not even a real dick Romania. Learn the ways of the American Jew.

whats her name, cant you just link it
what was said

Lets be real here. This is a specimen of the black race, this isn't your average nog. It'd be like getting a picture of Arnold and saying "haha nigs, how can you even compete" when in reality most white people dont look like him.
The sadest part about this guy is that his just going to add his genetics to the white race rather than the blacks, that is if he isn't killed by a fellow black first.

Awesome thread. Just wanted to say thanks for the quality stuff!

- T. CIA

The responses here are just fucking sad. No wonder they post fake dick pics so much.

This is all you need to do

a nigger got a whore huh, really makes you think...