Sup Forums review

I'm honestly very curious what Sup Forums would think of me. I have some qualities you will despise, and some you may like. I will list them as pros and cons, starting with cons (what you won't like)

> cons
paternal grandmother is Jewish
grad student at a somewhat prestigious private university
supported Bernie Sanders
I like punk and jazz
was in the Peace Corps
Last girl I slept with was black
Have been to West Africa
pro-abortion, stem cell research, environmental regulation, single payer healthcare
against conflict with Iran
practice Zen meditation
lightly capitalist, but for social programs
speak an African language

> pros
considering officer position in Air Force
I like baroque music
pro-nuclear family
have worked in labor, building hiking trails
doing NoFap
fan of Jordan Peterson
enjoy MMA, some experience with muay thai
Have been to most of the European countries
free speech is a paramount value
anti-radical feminism (though fine with egalitarianism/liberal feminism)
speak French

Nobody cares

go away

shit nigga really ruined the cover of one of the best albums of all time, reported

You gotta wonder about a poster that writes such a long fag teaser tale about shit that no one cares about. And no i didn't read the stupid story.

It's not a story. I really am curious for anyone's perspective

>against conflict with Iran
every non-jew puppet is against conflict with Iran


Sort yourself out.

Marx may be socialism's biggest thinker, but socialism goes beyond Marx, it existed before him, and there are anti-Marxist socialists. That said, Sanders isn't actually a proper socialist, he's more of a New Dealer progressive.

Only a jew would be that concerned about validation. So, my verdict, without even reading your blog post, is that you are a jew.

Go back to fageddit you self-absorbed faggot

Never used Reddit, I find its layout abrasive. I've been on this site, on and off, since '09.

>immediately reveals his power level so he can get attention from anonymous shitposters
i'll tell you what i think, and i dont even need to read the pros or cons - you're an attention whore who needs to lurk more

Been here since '09.


>dont care
>dont care
>dont care
>dont care
>necessary evil, good, sure, sure
>whatever really
>you do you
>congrats, you arent a full blown leftist and rightist
>literally why


>dont care
>doesnt mean anything at all
>doesnt mean anything
>probably the only thing that's sincerely positive
>same as above
>good for you
>doesn't matter at all
>no shit, anyone with a brain is
>no shit, anyone with a brain is

user, you are one of the most bland people I ever had the effort of looking at or reading about if the only shocking or good things about you are these. I cant like or dislike you, you are so immensely bland I just cannot give a fuck.

you just sound like a fucking redditor


What types of things would make a person less bland, positive or negative?

Tbqh I'm bored and threads are shit. So I'll bite...

Your pros are alright to be fair.

But your cons...
>paternal grandmother is Jewish
Does not matter unless your an actual Jew.. if so; neck yourself you kike fuck.
>grad student at a somewhat prestigious private university
Depending on what you're studying: fair fucking play. Intellect is admirable if applied correctly to something meaningful to society and joyful for you.
>supported Bernie Sanders
Up vote for not voting Hillary.
>I like punk and jazz
Why is this a fucking 'con'?
>was in the Peace Corps
This is a little disgusting...
>Last girl I slept with was black
Not bad. It's okay to race fuck but no impregnate! Don't pollute your already Jew diluted genes! Save your white sperm for white qt.
>Have been to West Africa
((been)) to is OK I suppose... travel broadens the mind
>pro-abortion, stem cell research, environmental regulation, single payer healthcare
>against conflict with Iran
Tough shit!! It will happen at some point... in fact a full scale holy war is getting closer and closer.
>practice Zen meditation
Not my cup of tea...
>lightly capitalist, but for social programs
speak an African language

All in're alright OP.

>paternal grandmother is Jewish-

Not asking pol for recognition, analysis of personal life or other stupid shit.

Not falling for bernie and knowing basic economics, not treating meditating or half your shit as even slightly shocking or interesting, in general, your list of "radical" qualifiers are all mild at best, get a hobby, read papers, know economics and just be something other than a cat posting person who needs validation and attention off Sup Forums.

since Sup Forums is obviously one person, i'll defer to those who already called you a plebbit faggot