It's happening!
Shills blown the fuck out.
With 10 billion dollars, you could actually fix a lot of shit wrong with Mexico which would actually stop people from migrating here. You think a wall will do anything? Fucking lol.
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>With 10 billion dollars, you could actually fix a lot of shit wrong with Mexico
What's your plan, then?
Gibs from wealthy countires to poor countries fix nothing, they are a temporary bandaid fix that doesn't treat the underlying problem: genetic inferiority
Great. Now put Hillary in jail until the whore dies
>we should give the money to mexico
You're a retarded little bitch boy
The wall would actually be a very good start.
Are your bags packed just in case?
O noes =(
My tacoes!
Would somebody think on the tacoes?
fuck off destiny
>Giving money to corrupt mexican govt. will make the country a better place to live...
It won't pass the Senate.
10B for abortion and contraception clinics.
With 10 billion, you could
>help build housing
>get rid of a chunk of poverty
>start farms to provide food
>equipt the police forces with better weapons/tech
>start organizations to help Mexico
Just to name a few. :)
You're heading back, Paco
With 10 billion, you could
>build a wall
>build a wall
>build a wall
>build a wall
>build a wall
Just to name a few. :^)
That's great, Mexico can get started on all that since since they won't have America as a recourse.
It's amazing how fast it went from.
>lol drumpfturds got conned he will never build a wall
>big beautiful fence
>but think of all the poor babies he could feed with that money
it literally says in the article that it probably wont make it past the senate
Stop illegals and there will be houses, food, and jobs on the market
>Mexico steps up to pay for Puerto Reek-o
>Trump takes disaster money and builds wall
I don't even support the wall but all you libtards going "HURRR MEXICO WILL NEVER PAY DRUMPF LMAO" should neck yourselves. By getting Tacotopia to play whack-a-mole with all these peripheral issues they are indirectly funding the wall. Trump didn't become a billionaire by drawing direct A-to-B lines in his ledgers.
> "House Panel" approves
LOL. It's nothing.
We've tried that. It hasn't worked. Learn some fucking history, retard.
And as usual, lefties will complain that $10 billion on a wall is going to somehow bankrupt is, even though the US already spends billions every year helping out countries like Israel, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.
I don't want to help Mexicans
It won't even make it past the house, or even get a vote.
Just another nail in the coffin for the environment. >Ecological collapse within 50 years
Actually, the fiscally Conservative Republicans will kills this. You forget, the Dems don't have the power to stop anything.
Or create a large renewable energy infrastructure :)
>T. My relatives in Mexico won't be able to embezzle any of that 10 bil
Hahahahahahaha this can't be real Hahahahaha nigga you dumb, you really really dumb. Hahahahahaha everyone look at this dumb faggot hahahaha.
None of that shit will fix the Mexican people, the same way if we threw 10 billion at niggers it wouldn't fix them (see Africa).
So fuck you. Fix your own country. Enjoy the wall.
That's true, but it still won't stop lefties from complaining.
>tfw I get to see it getting built and the ensuring butthurt from everyone crying taco tears
One step to making the borderland the US again.
>he actually believes throwing money into third world shitholes ever achieves anything
Fucking huge, mexicans BTFO.
Mc Cain is a rabid faggot and I hope he resigns soon, he would vote against the wall
just like PR!
>mfw anyone thinks 10 billion is enough for a border fence
>this not concerning an actual tangible wall
You dumbasses are the most gullible piles waste I've seen in some time. This was Ryan throwing breadcrumbs to Trump and I guess anyone still clinging to him. 10 billion is enough to get things started. Mainly on the fucking highway you'd need along it to deliver tangible supplies for an actual WALL. Which is what was promised.
This is ignoring the secret CIA programs to make it "see through." Fucking hell.
>secret program that everyone will be able to see
Yeah a wall will stop the mexicans that build those tunnels. 13 tunnels and counting!
They dont know about the tunnels the mexicans dig with spoons to get here!
Yeah making it more difficult for them to come in like stampeding cattle is pointless because they can build some tunnels that surely can't be detected.
Hell why deport them at all and enforce any border laws, I mean, they'll surely still try some way to come, right?
Drumpf will never make it past the primaries either.
According to democrats, the wall would cost 21bn. Which I take as the worst case. Illegal shitstains pay ~2 bn in taxes each year, and recieve ~100bn in benefits and shieeet.
So you could build 4 fucking walls every year.
Tunnels are detectable with seismic surveyors. Small mobile well diggers are available. AFFF laced with OC, and florescent glow in the dark yellow are available.
HORY CHIT! It really is 10 feet higher!
Won't get through the Senate drumpftards. Enjoying "winning".
What a cunting eyesore
At least China's was aesthetic
Try to tell the left that.
>b-but what if they build catapults?
Can't wait to see what they say when it actually works.
Wait the mexicans finally agreed to pay for it?
Which is bullshit. No wall will cost that little. It would be an extension of the fence.
An actual, tangible border wall that was as high as say the Great Wall would cost 1 trillion or more dollars considering the need of a highway system along it to deliver the endless supplies.
Then we need to address security checkpoints at decent levels and the sheer amount of new border security officials.
Then we need to address rivers along it which fucks with it's normal length. Then we need to address cartels from Mexico, terrorists, and general protesters who would probably fuck around and try to blow holes in it for shits and giggles once it's built.
All being told in general maintenance, supervision, repair, defense, 2 to 3 trillion in just first say 10 years of its lifespan.
don't post this shit or they'll all scramble over before it's up.
There is a reason it's not being talked about dumb leaf
niggers gonna spray that thing with grafitti too, so it will become many times worse.
Has there been any talk about trading a constitutional amendment ending birthright citizenship for making DACA permanent?
>Trump will never run for president
>Trump will never beat Jeb
>Trump will never win the nomination
>Trump will never beat Hillary
>Trump will never accept the presidency
>Trump will resign on day one
>Trump will be impeached within the first month
>Trump's wall will never get through the Senate
Why does Trump make the left go full Hodor?
Fuck Mexico!
Did you really think the wall wasn't happening?
It's literally the only thing Trump needs to make happen to guarantee reelection. Do you even know who Trump is? He's a bit of a narcissist who would value reelection quite highly.
pppffffftttttffhahahahaha that's Trump's wall? pppppffffffttthahahaha
>I make the best deal folks, believe me, believe me...don't worry, don't even worry about it folks
Just speaking for myself, but i never thought for a secon Mexico was going to pay for it. Sure we could force Mexico to pay for through various means but not without journalists clutching their pearls over it
>giving 10 billion to the cartels
Yeah, that would solve a lot.
Delete this post and go back to plebbit.
Oh and I forgot to add the wall would take longer than an actual full 8 year term Trump presidency. It would take multiple. All with those problems and it draining us constantly of hard earned tax payer dollars with illegals passing either way.
Throw them out, they'll crawl through another hole blown through it in protest. ICE would have basically become a new US Military branch and a draft would have to be instated to keep it under check.
I cant wait to travel south to take a picture with the wall.
>infrastructure crumbling
>spend $10b on a wall because you're base is so fearful of little brown people
we really are mentally ill
>Trump won't win the second election.
Can't wait for 4 more years. I don't even give a shit what happens between now and 2020. The salt mining is all i need.
If we take the cost of the Israeli wall and multiply it, you get to 6.4bn. Even the democrats could not push the number past 20bn, that should tell you something.
>need of a highway system along it to deliver the endless supplies.
Or, you know, a fucking dirt road.
>sheer amount of new border security officials.
A single man could probably monitor tens of miles of wall with the help of motion sensors and software.
Aaaaa shieeet rivers.
>Then we need to address cartels from Mexico, terrorists, and general protesters who would probably fuck around and try to blow holes in it for shits and giggles once it's built.
And what the fuck are you basing that on exactly?
>All being told in general maintenance, supervision, repair, defense, 2 to 3 trillion in just first say 10 years of its lifespan.
Nice numbers.
We don't have twelve centuries to build it though.
Why do you hedge your bets on liberal salt?
Conservative salt is just as good. As a matter of fact we're getting double doses at this point. Trump is failing, his cabinet is failing. McCain is creating a new Dead Sea of salt among Trump loyalists (which themselves are shrinking) and meanwhile actual conservatives are lost in the mix. Shamed by Trumpists and loathed by leftists.
Then you get the regular media, rightfully, shitting on Trumps stupid moves but it can still be seen as salty.
This is the highest salt mark. You'll never see this again unless Trump is actually fucking impeached. But you shift salt mining primarily to Trump supporters which are only around 33% so a considerable loss.
I mean seriously, George Lopez is going to fuck that dinky shit up, easily. I'd rather give the $10 billion to PR.
>i'll compare Israel to a lower border of the US mainland
>dirt roads = HUGE success in tangible walls outside of a fucking desert terrain which is tiny
Fuck off. You defeat your points before you make them out of greentext.
>With 10 billion dollars, you could actually fix a lot of shit wrong with Mexico
Look at your flag, boy. We're not Mexico.
Hello? Can anyone tell me if Mexico is paying?
those 'little brown people' cost our country 10's of billions each year, you shitlib fuckstain
hopefully they build the wall nice and sturdy so that we can line you pieces of human garbage up against it
At least try to convey your retardation in an intelligible manner, Paco.
Yes they do, this requires 2/3 majority unless turtleman uses the nuke.
Damn and he actually got Mexico to pay for it
oh wait lol
>fat obese diabetic boomers all over the US cost our country billions of dollars every year
I fixed that for you. Do you want your mom, dad, uncle, aunt, yourself to suffer? Thought not. The South ironically votes against it's own self interest every, fucking, time.
>implying it'll pass in the house/senate
They built tunnels way before any talk of wall
A German wants to tell me how to speak the King's English. Cute.
House and Senate are a Republican majority, why wouldn't it get passed? Sure Ryan is a giant faggot but he can't block it alone
>Trump is failing
t. butthurt closet liberal pretending to be le best centrist
And, you're incorrect, faggot. Kill yourself.
Just like they passed Obamacare repeal right?