How did nationalism emerge?

How did nationalism emerge?

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Civic nationalism is a viable ideology.

Not entirely sure but trace back to the earliest large organized village and you've got a lead. If anything nationalism is just a larger form of territorialism.

Same reason why religions emerged.

As soon as human beings had tribes and wanted to further the interests of their tribe over others

From civic nationalism thanks to the French revolution.
The French spread it to the Germans, but of course Germans have to ruin everything that making a new ideology be all about them.

Usually from a shared hardship, either mythical or actual.

Affiliation to the nation becomes more important that affiliation to the local tribe/feudal lord when there is a sufficient threat that local authorities are not capable of dealing with it.

English and French Nationalism started after the end of the hundred years war.

The roots of German Nationalism started after the Napoleonic Wars.

The "American" identity over the "State" identity emerged after the Civil War.

Chinese Nationalism started after the Opium Wars.

France sneezed

Low IQ white rural and suburban retards who can't compete with superior people of color willing to work for less.

Depends on who you ask and the definition you use. Nationalism is a form of identity politics based on the view that the political boundaries of a state ought to correspond to a cultural/linguistic boundary. It either comes from the emergence of capitalism and the printing press in 16th century Europe or from the transition from agrarian to industrial society in the 19th.

During/after the Napoleonic Wars

15th century Bohemia and the Hussites. Any other answer is brainletry.

It’s tribalism 2.0 not that such a thing is necessarily bad.

nationalism usually springs from the military but ofc there are civic variants

When nomadic tribes settled and formed nations.

modern nationalism only came around in the 19th century with italian and german unification

It's funny because the death of nationalism and the rise of multiculturalism is what's killing our society

It was so much better when tens of millions of young men were killing each other in the vicennial European fuckup back when Nationalism was really big.

A function of roads, mostly.


Religion kicked the bed and the separation of Church and State started. After the religious wars, nobody wanted to die for Religious ideology for the most part anymore. It is also in this time period that the sense of Europe as an entity rather than formerly Christendom emerges.

for example. People used to walk literally thousands of miles over months to fight for their religion. This was for the most of the middle ages. during the enlightenment people started getting a sense of what it meant to be free spirited and free willed, but this wasn't good for the ruling elite and so a new identity needed to be formed.

*angry libertarian noises*

Its just basic human condition to form social bonds given a proper term.


Humans are tribal. You can convince yourself this isn't true but you're using confirmation bias and omitting clear and easily identifiable patterns and trends in human behaviour.

From what I've noticed, with limited research of the development of nationalism:
Usually ''National traumas'', which begin as religious conflicts and become ethnic nationalism. It is the transmutation of the ethos of a people into a pseudo-religious meme. This requires a large population. Smaller groups have a more direct and 'real' form of ingroup behavior. But it takes a memetic ethos to identify with several millions of people.

The revolutions in the Balkans and the Spanish reconquest seem to exhibit this perfectly IMO.

>civic nationalism
>On January 27, 1794, during the initial period of Revolutionary fervor in France, the French politician Bertrand Barère de Vieuzac presented a report by the Committee of Public Safety (the de facto executive authority in France during this early stage of the Revolution) on the different languages spoken in France. The report famously states that, “Federalism and superstition speak Breton; emigration and hatred for the Revolution speak German; the counter revolution speaks Italian, and fanaticism speaks Basque. let us cast out the instruments of shame and terror”
French revolutionaries larped as universalists but they were fucking parisian supremacists and ultra nationalists

Richfags convinced poorfags to go die for whatever government was propping them up.

Buddy if you think that was bad wait until you see the bonfire that consumes the woodpile multiculturalism has been stacking up for the last fifty years. Shit is going to be UGLY.

I too like to LARP fellow Sup Forumsack

People got past their own tribe and then ethnicity.
If you want globalism we need to meet aliens

Uglier than WW1 and WW2 combined from what I heard. Shit, the internet may go down for a few hours and you won't be able to wank it to chinese cartoons. Now that is terrifying.

What he is trying to say is that the culture will change a less desirable one to live in as whties become a minority.

Firstly, learn how to write a sentence. Secondly, jej you fucking loon.

He's not wrong.

>After the religious wars, nobody wanted to die for Religious ideology for the most part anymore.
And now after two world wars people feel the same way about nationalism.



If you think America is going to peacefully turn into Brazil when its full of heavily armed White people that claim a moral and legal right to overthrow their government, you're dead wrong.

Meh, I don't see it in anyway escalating from LARPing and domestic terrorism. People really don't understand how centralized and overwhelming state power is these days

>How did nationalism emerge
As a pragmatic observation of common unity in a given area. The concept which nationalism is based around, tribalism, has been around since the dawn of mankind.

It's already happening. Marching on the street won't stop birth rates

Honestly this.


>muh white minorities
Irrelevant. America is Amerindian land. Prepare your luggage.

No, but deportation and a sudden surge in white idpol sure will :DDD

Yes it sounds right but also read more because actually no


By people drawing lines in the sand.

Too late for that, Trump is too incompetent for him or a succesor to be able to ram that through


>he actually thought any POTUS will deport citizens

Toppi kekkinen

>Liberals/leftists think their ideological criterion is based on praxeological understandings of human nature and not just abstract utopian concepts of "ought to be".
user plz. In group preferences are innate beyond anything else, even people of similar idealogy segregate based on ethnic origins and are instinctively nepotistic based on these preferences

>First they laugh...

>then they keep laughing because you are pathetiv

Again if you legitimately believe a movement backed by LARPers in pickup trucks and AR-15's will succeed against an army supported by Multinational Corporations, Deep state, and the vast most of the populace , you're not thinking logically

Actually, it's then you take over the country because your opponents are too egocentric to understand their opposition and fail to account for their own hubris.

Jej, look who the fuck is talking about hubris.

Again, if you think only white ruralites in trucks (who are the highest demographic people to join the US military) are the only people who woul take up arms against an anti-white government , you aren't honking logically


>This statement will end the conversation and force you to think

How can Nazis take over the US government? Even with the most sympathetic voices for them possible in power, the Fascist Party of America got shouted down the moment people noticed the Nazis.

Innate tribalism and self preservation in human socio-biology leads to nationalism. The collective unconscious shared within cultures turns hostile when the tribe is threatened, like a switch being flicked, the entire group becomes hostile to conflicting cultures as they look to preserve themselves. Cultures can be not at threat and still nationalist, you will find that in the generations prior to the advent of nationalism in a particular culture that they will have been at threat in some way and the nationalism that forms while under threat hangs over into the following generations, especially if the culture survives and then enters a period of prosperity, where the culture self-aggrandizes as a result of their achievements, nationalism recedes slowly after successive prosperous generations. When prosperity declines, the country will again become nationalist, usually conservative as well as they attempt to recapture their previous prosperity and enter a new period of struggle.

Could you please give evidence to support your concerns that a government that tries to eradicate everyone with light skin is at all possible?

It legitimately doesn't matter. Look at Syria, Sunnis were 70% of the population and they lost. What do you think will honestly occur in the country with the biggest military in the world and that's 62% white and dropping? Demographics and time are against their side and they have no experience waging guerilla war, less even an open rebellion. If they can't even build Alt-right media platforms, how can they build bases and logistical pipelines? People who are hoping for a day of the rope are nothing more than autists on Sup Forums wasting their time posting on a chinese cartoonz basket weaving site and LARPers who'll never do anything else but fantasize.

Who said anything about Nazis we are just talking about white nationalist who cite the founding fathers (who restricted voting rights to land owning white males) gaining voting power in the United States as Nationalist rises amongst a heavily conflicted nation?

Who said anything about Pan-German Nationalism? You realize we fought against them to preserve our liberty as free white men, right?

>anti-white government
Sure thing

You know that US institutions (it's government, institutions, academia, blue chip corporations etc.) has only been multiracial for 50 years right?

Where we are now culturally is a historical aberration.

Sure. Just look at neo-liberal immigration policies that judges people based on economic merit rather than ethnicity because it a assumes that ethnicity doesn't matter a priori, which also censorship and harshly attempts to dismantle anything that tries to shed light on the secret conflict between people if different ethnic backgrounds to support a massive LARP fest where we all pretend we have no issues with each other?

This is Canada except they discount people from White countries that have high scores on our points-based system because all the jobs are in cheap-labour roles.

What is the secret conflict?

What's the issue with it being multiracial?


>appeals to fucking SYRIA, the fucking rubblepile of a country that kicked off the refugee crisis, after mocking the idea that there is a huge shitshow on the horizon thanks to multiculturalism forcing a zero-sum conflict between native and deliberately imported foreign cultures

Oh, and by the way I wasn't even talking about America when I made that post before.

Dark skin bad light skin good. All dark skin want rape-murder light skin. Is light skin duty kill dark skin before rape-murder light skin.

What are you on about, I'm talking about the shift from Count/Duke/King allegiance to a populist reaction called nationalism and the nation state. Your Sup Forums is showing

You get racial conflict and identity politics.

The issue that other races feel no sense of connection to America's culture and historical figures beyond the belief that it and they were oppressive and needs to be dismantled.

>Secret conflict
It's called an in group preference. Whits against blacks, blacks against Latinos, Asians against everybody, etc. People who live in cities who don't escape into ss consumeristic fantasy land every day filled with Game of Thrones and Vidya, actually begin to notice striking differences between rival communities and their ethnic voting block

Weird how the works huh? Because after anyone who has had actual cosmopolitan experiences( who isn't a total ideologue) is branded a Nazi fascist, eventually, a lot of people begin looking at ethno-nationalism and think
>Where is the lie

Can you show me the survey?

>He doesn't realize Syria was a proxy war between Iran & Russia vs Saudis and Deep State
>He doesn't realize no one would back Western chauvinist rebels
>He doesn't realize if someone even would they'd have to get it past the largest Navy in the world
Like I said LARP, and if you honestly think of all places Canada will rebel, go the fuck outside

If Canadians don't rebel against this neoliberal state, I'm going back to my homeland in Europe despite being a 7th generation Anglo-Canadian.

>Oh no I was really criticizing you for not being reactionary *enough*
Sure kiddo

Can you show your proof or is this anecdotal evidence?

>be around people from my state
>other states have competing interests
>decide to band together for our common interests

Not that hard to understand

>my homeland
>7th gen Anglo-Canadian

>Leaving Canada in it's mess
You'll just solidify yourself as a coward. Besides, what is there to go back to? Sadiq Khan and May? Maybe you should just vote for someone who is actually willing to prevent the Chinese from forcing property value rates to sky rocket by banning their ability to purchase land?

>he doesn't realize a movement doesn't need backers to get people killed
If rioting in the streets is "LARPing" to you then the term has lost all meaning.
ONE fucking lunatic just murdered fifty people and injured hundreds all by himself this weekend, and you seriously believe massive destabilizing violence can't happen? Oh and what part of "I wasn't talking about America" didn't you understand?

De Nile ain't just a river in Egypt.

>He hasn't hung out with back people
>He hasn't hung out with Latinos
Double nerd
>He doesn't know about Robert Putnam

Seriously, all this takes is to notice the voting patterns of different ethnic blocks and actually venture out, like a proper adult, into other ethnic communities and try to see how they operate beyond what you on tv/movies

I can show you the monuments that have been torn down by angry mobs if you'd like.
>inb4 a riot is just anecdotal evidence

I inherited Polish citizenship through my father's line, mother's line is from pre-confederation.
There's nobody to vote for that understands the nature of change that's required to salvage the country. Poland is an ethnostate for the Poles and with my trade/work experience plus English skills, I could probably do well for myself in Poland.

Isn't antifa white?

>chimping out = institutional change
That's exactly what I mean, nothing more but violence for violence sake. No real strategy to actually institute the political objectives of the movement. Nothing more but Angry Aggrieved LARPers

Who said anything about antifa?

Shows pics then, i guessed wrong.

Jesus Christ you're fucking thick, I didn't say anything about institutional change I said the world is on the brink of massive fucking conflict, and "nothing more but violence for violence sake" supports my fucking statement.

Unjam your head from your ass.

Look pal' I get that Canada is beyond fucked with your current PM but you're a white man. Whether we are fully aware if it or not , we are not some God, we are not some impervious force, we are just men. When we are stabbed, we bleed like everyone else.

At some point, the white man needs to realize his success the product of his ancestors and they did not cower in the face of oppression to get what we have today. Anglo or Pole, you're white now. You are for all of us now. I'm not about to force myself and my family into an endless ethnic conflict between different ethnic groups and let myself flee, what about you? The Faustian man does not feel from conflict, he embraces it

What the fuck are you "guessing" for?
Read the fucking news.

Give me the pics of ethnic conflict where people break monuments.

Here you go.

>inb4 I see white people in the crowd therefore it somehow isn't a revolt against the idea of America as a white nation by those who feel alienated from the idea of white ethnic identity.