Is there any chance that the tension over Catalonian secession could escalate into another Civil War in Spain? Are there any outside groups that have a vested interest in this issue? Could we see a resurgence in other separatist movements, such as the Basque Country? Any chance I could volunteer to fight like my hero Ernest Hemingway?
Conflict in Catalonia?
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Very likely there'll be a civil war, the army is mobilizing the troops.
E.T.A: 96 hours
Check who is funding the separatists: Big boi Soros and charities for some reason. Catalonia is lying to their people. Puigdemont is on the verge of being arrested for treason.
The Basque country has no reason to leave Spain. The rest of Spain is happy, it's just the rich, entitled Catalonians who want to leave.
Russia is pretty balls deep with this
Civil war is likely.
Hasn't even been a hundred years since the last one, Spain has always had issues.
>Any chance I could volunteer to fight like my hero Ernest Hemingway?
No to all the above, and if you want a war go find an active war. He did. You are just larping or you would be in Iraq or Syria. Plenty of sides to choose from. Now piss of to rebb1t.
Where can I volunteer?
Honestly, theres no chance of civil war. Theres nobody to fight against. Scatalans ppl havent got any army.
We are witnessing history in the making, this is the most significant single event in Europe since WWII. I never thought I'd see the day of a true habbening in Europe
man, those damn catalonians not wanting to fund the rest of a failing country
so entitled
>What are Civlians with weapons
Civies with weapons are more dangerous than military vs military. Because the army can't fucking tell the difference between civilians and insurgents.
Why fight for some sandpeople?
I don't think you can join the army, but you are welcome to come here, get a blackmarket weapon and join us in killing commies.
They got investment from Spain, and now they refuse to acknowledge it. Sounds entitled to me.
Catalonia might have its own police, but not its own army. A "civil war" would just mean soldiers on the streets like in France after a terror attack. This would be over before it started.
The troops are going to shoot every single Catalonian Communist traitor dead in the streets!
This is unprecedented in Western Europe in modern times.
This could be a catalyst for California secession. We should meme it.
Of course you are going to shoot your guns, machineguns at best against eurofighters...
this, they'll just raid a few police stations or something.
Also black market dealers will probably try to make a buck
Hello /ic/
2 millions civies is a lot, if only 100.000 of those decide to take on weapons. This is going to be a very big habbening
Yes, we need to deliver 3 containers packed with weapons to the independentists, they will fuck up and you will see real commie removal.
yeah and your economy got investment from soros and the rest of your jew overlords that love the EU and paki immigration
why are you so entitled thinking you can brexit, faggot?
Jew it
Kek, it will be over before it started
>100.000 kek
Catalans are made of air. More like 10 indepes with weapons.
There's the possibility that they'll try to stop the comboy that's moving into Sant Boi right nor, or even try to invade the military base they are moving to.
The army are not police officers, if they get attacked...chaos will reign.
The eu, NATO and likely the UN will not allow Spain to start killing their seperatist civilians in Catalonia.
I honestly think this is going to kick off if Spain tells everyone to go fuck themselves.
>i am a bong cus i have Sup Forums-flag™
At least pretend to not be retarded for longer
That's silly, if the Catalonian independentists ATTACK the army, they have the right to defend themselves. The UN and EU can't do nothing about it.
What did they do when an attack helicopter and a F16 killed cilivians in Turkey?
Just how the Guardia Civil "started" bashing people for no reason.
You attack someone, you get attacked back. You attack the police, you get beaten. You attack the army, you are fucking retarded.
leonor is so much hotter than sofia desu i bet she is really lewd too.
Yeah they would give it away for free and set a a new precedent to illegal activities against it's members
Good, i hope they die, the former did to and it was like this to
>Franco, Hiroito, Hitler, Mussolini
All heroes for doing that
This is how it starts everytime.
The people want independence, the government send in police and beat it down.
The people get angrier and the government gets nervous so it sends in the military.
There will be big protests against the army presence probably while the army tries to keep the protestors in check.
And then somewhere in the chaos someone will loose their cool and set off the spark for an armed insurgence, where both sides claim to defend themselves.
Whos side I'm I on?
>bong this salty about being called out for being a bong
There's a guy who left the Mossos d'Esquadra (the regional police of Catalonia) after the 1O, according to him because of the shameful way Mossos were ordered to act. Two newspapers talked about it:
Now, the important part is on October 3 he spilled some inside info on twitter. I'll do my best to translate:
>22:41 - Me informan de que los mandos más politizados están sondeando a los Mossos más nacionalistas para un operativo "especial" a final de semana.
>22:45 - Me dicen que los Mossos seleccionados llevarán subfusiles Heckler & Koch MP5. Algo gordo va a pasar.
>22:47 - Lamento no poder dar más información ya que pondría mi seguridad y la de mi familia en peligro, ya he recibido varios avisos
>22:48 - En un par de días mi familia y yo nos vamos a San Sebastián a pasar unas semanas. Cataluña es un polvorín.
>22:50 - La ley ha desaparecido en Catalunya, cuidaros mucho.
>22:41 - I've been informed the most politized higher ups in the Mossos have been sounding out the most nationalistic Mossos to make a "special" operative unit for this weekend. *Note*: this weekend (actually on Monday, I think) is when the Unilateral Declaration of Independence is taking place.
>22:45 - I've been told the selected Mossos will be carrying H&K MP5. Something big is going to happen.
>22:47 - I'm afraid I can't say anything else due to safety concerns regarding my family and me, I've already been noticed several times
>22:48 - In a few days my family and me are going to spend a few weeks in San Sebastián. Catalonia is an ammunition depot (Spanish expression to denote a place where a high risk of a violent eruption happening)
>22:50 - Law has vanished from Catalonia. Take care.
Is there any truth to what he said? Possibly not.
Why do you think he's so butthurt about Catalonia? You're talking to a spanish gibmigrant in the UK.
True, they think they will be able to leave spain just by a fucking referendum. TOP KEK
>What did they do when an attack helicopter and a F16 killed cilivians in Turkey?
This is different, if something major kicks off it will affect western Europe.
And an illegal one by the way.
The point is that they can't do shit. What are they going to do? Invande Spain? Nuke it? They already stated the constitution must be followed to resolved the issue, and this is an internal affair of Spain they will not partake in.
The constitution of Spain justified military intervention.
Nah, separatists are just beta cucks that don't even have an army.
of course. Russia wants a militar base on the Mediterranean. It's strategy
Yeah id wonder who would win, Spanish nationalists and the military against leftist faggots, nu-male communist, LGBT parades and the occasional mob of civic niggers and pajeets.
Wouldn't a war be a good excuse to legitimize all the refugees as actual citizens if they fight for their country?
>the people who see their riches wasted on the rest of spain have no reason to complain
But that is the complaint...
Ok but even if no one does anything about the actual civil war nations around the world will start picking sides to fund and help out which could make the situation worse.
ding ding ding
we found a winner!
>The people
Do you mean separatists and antifa scum posing as normal people?
This is the so called fascist spanish army, a bunch of effeminate manlet shitskins.
Maybe even take more refugees as a requisite to recognize the new country?
This makes the Jordi soil himself.
Yeah, welcome to war. First world populations live in in their own little bubble. Always thinking nothing bad can happen or that countries can't turn into war zones from one day to another.
It's time for things to burn. Kill all commies and hopefully, we end up so economically crippled the EU kicks us out and we do our own fucking thing.
Jews want to start another 'spanish civil war' and want the Catalonians to play the part of the Commies and the Spanish Gov't to play the role of the Fashies. Literally the same shit, different century.
The state of Catalonian politics, it's honestly not a meme that commies and liberals relate everything to Harry Potter, Game of Thrones or Star Wars
Against people who tolerate having this person as the Mayor of their capital, even homosexuals with dildos could defeat them.
It's called hegelian dialectics.
Stop being a nigger
0/10 Manolo. People are not as stupid as you think.
I don't think they're doing that right, because it didn't work and it's actually going back in time. Not 'progressive' at all. Shit was going on in the 1920-30's. Old fashioned kikes.
That's not Colau, but she had a political position in her party.
>Any chance I could volunteer to fight like my hero Ernest Hemingway?
Honestly consider it... You know what I mean.
That's Águeda Bañón
I didn't know, she loks exactly like her. Anyhow, I think my point still stands.
learning spanish right now just in case it is spanish civil war 2.0
Pop-culture was a mistake
So what's the ending game once the EU legitimizes all the refugees as actual citizens, reshape the EU so it meets their needs and not the actual people who have lived there for years?
it's spelled convoy desu
If Spain starts killing people they are going to be sanctioned to hell. Also the interest rates on their debt are going to fucking destroy them if that happens.
This all depends on if the Catalonians actually have the balls to stand up to the Spanish military.
>Spain owns a shit ton of debt
>The solution is to give them mode debt so they can pay off the debt
Doesn't make any sense, if anything the EU would rather kick us out so they don't have to carry us from the economic crisis a civil war will cause in our country
>Spain starts killing people
You have to go to school. Hurry up.
I doubt it. Last civil war commies and nazis were killing each other in the streets for the 3 previous years at least. But things could escalate in the next few years to that point.
Catalonia has no guns. You cucks gave them up, remember?
I hope they separate from you as soon as possible.
There is nothing worse than coming in contact with you toxic motherfuckers.
Unfortunately the sickening spaniard influence will stick with them like an incurable disease, even with their independence they're fucked up
Being touched by spain is like contracting AIDS. I don't care how many ass sucking mexishits want to kiss your balls ITT, you pieces of shit ruin everything. Remember that
Free Catalonia
>honestly they might as well stay with you, they're already messed up
im pro-cat but i fucking love this mem
Catalonia won't win, and you'll have to come to terms with that fact.
If your point is that we need to genocide xarnegos then I agree. From Ada Colau's bio:
>My grandparents came to Barcelona in search of opportunities. My father's parents were shepherds from Huel, a small village in Huesca, and came to Barcelona after the war to seek a better future. My maternal grandparents came from Almazán, a town in Soria.
This is the Spanish army...
Why is everyone LARPing as if anything is going to happen? I think you're all spending too much time on Sup Forums and daydreaming inside your head. Get real.
Who will win: Faggots with arms so small you can't tattoo a hammer and sickle on them or the fucking army? Hmmmm
They unironically look like homos. Kinda reminds me of "Top Gun".
how do I volounteer for UNA GRANDE LIBRE?
You are the one who doesn't understand how things work. You think Catalans are just going to get back to their homes and shut up? Shit is about to break lose, you fool.
The Russian Government is funding the separatists.
The European Union is siding with Spain.
I think I know who the good guy is.
So what you are saying is if we brits/jews/anglos -all the same
>sell weapons to the cats
>we get more money and a civil war closer to home and hot spainiards chicquitas as refugees
>Anglo Kike british senses activated