Learn from your shitposting gods

Learn from your shitposting gods.

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awesome, sounds as good as capped internet connections and $120 video games.

A million huh?

What do you propose to do about the 500 million (known, registered) firearms Americans own?

now do that with 300 million guns

>be Australian
>have house bought by chink
>sleeping in the streets
>get run over by contraband assault truck
teach me o master



There's like 600 million guns in America. That's not even remotely the same.


really makes you think

>be American
>go to country music concert in vegas
>get shot multiple times
>get denied healthcare

They should bring back guns in Australia. Just not Tasmania.

^activate little almond

When Autistralia banned guns, faggotry has increased incrementally every year since.

>pay compensation
>raises taxes to finance compensation
I hate gobernment.

>not having preactivated almonds

In 96 they were still 99% WASP

All this implies is that mass shootings are false flags to get the guns. You get the guns, no need for false flags anymore. Because you know damn well there are still automatics floating around.

It's like the jews wet dream
>steal peoples guns
>raise taxes

nothing, considering the australian gun buyback only got like 20% of the guns in australia

every cunt over 40 has a rifle tucked away somewhere

but Jim Jeffries didn't say that on stage during his last shill act :^))))

the only reason the gun buyback even worked was because the government had no clue of the value of the guns they were buying

you could sell a $200 .22 to the government for $500

>dumb ass abbo thinks it's because of gun laws and not because of their 60% asian population

If guns are such an ineffective means of defending yourself against the government, why doesn't the government just take our guns?

And what would you do if they actually came to your house with warrant to take your gun?

haha gunban, how about those stingers buried in the outback from those sydney lebo jihadis??? go marry a dude ozaroo fags

Was there even a statistical prevalence that justified the ban? Or was it a knee jerk reaction to a singular event by scared politicians?

>be meme flag
>can't even meme

smug chan a cute

I'd think the latter. But it did indeed work.

fuck me jim jefferies is a shit poster

>go to Australia
Gets assassinated by ninja reptiles breeding with the kangaroos


They were founded as a male penal colony. Lots of latent homosexuality there. You just watch - gay marriage is gonna pass, no doubt.

Cuck culture, cuck gun laws.

It's just not in our DNA here. We'll tolerate the 500+ dead niggers in Chiraq every year, and we'll tolerate the biannual mass shooting too. Besides, in the end, it's statistically insignificant. 51 people are killed every year by lightning, another 60 by tornados. I get it's not a natural disaster, but in the end it's just another extremely unlikely way to die. Sacrifice a basic freedom like gun ownership and personal self defense, to prevent a couple dozen more random deaths? You'd have to be a faggot like a Euro, Kiwi, or Australian. Never happen here.

oh you mean that mass shooting done by a supposed retard who somehow had the rifle skills of a navy seal? #falseflag #kysOP

gang violence and armed robbery is up though lmao. guns are more expensive and harder to get, but they're still there, except it's only criminals that have them and joe blog who doesn't
NZ is better than u re guns so getfucked

be like australia
stick your head in the sand
chad will come up and fuck your ass

lmao a buyback would literally bankrupt the US

nice try fbi

The fuck's up OFA, how's Barry doing? Ever get tired of licking his balls?

>mass shooting
we all now it was an inside job so your emu overlords could confiscate your guns

>violent crime is going up in Australia
>ban guns
>violent crime keeps going up
Sure, if there are fewer guns there will be fewer shootings, but there will be just as many assaults, murders, robberies etc.
Gun bans don't do shit



another thing i didn't know about in the other anglo countries that banned guns - lowlifes call in fake emergencies to isolated areas and then beat the living shit out of the paramedics when they arrive. you can say what you want about us burgers but you'd have a fucking closed-casket funeral if you tried that shit here

Tassie is best state

FPBP Leaf Bro

>shots fired

You have gay marriage already idiot

>This is America
>America's white population has a homicide rate of 1.5 per 100,000 according to FBI statistics from 2014
>1.5 is around the average for some European countries, including Belgium
>These are niggers, they inflate the national average for homicides almost ten fold!
>Don't be like niggers!

that happens so often we give our paramedics martial arts training

wow i love harry potter black doctors and a long ,cutesy instagram posts that only describe one dimension.

Now do one for the emus and how easy of a time they had dodging your machine gun fire

Why not just give them guns

>le no mass murders in austrlaia meme


hmmm its almost as if you can still get guns illegally and you can kill people without guns

the stats are pretty clear:
>all suicides and homicides were declining steadily in australia long before 86
>the gun bans mad a statistically insignificant change to the rate of homicide with guns
>the rate of suicides and homicides overall dropped so significantly over that period that it's impossible to tell, statistically speaking, if the bans had any actual effect.
>the numbers have been turning around since the 90s

and why have the numbers been turning around?
>decreasing real wages
>increasing Gini coefficient
>importing of terrorists from iran
>rapists from south america
>gangbangers from somalia

before the 90s all the gun violence was basically restricted to Bankstown: lebo mussies killing lebo christians.

now theyve imported every god damn warring faction under the sun and put them in the same neighbourhood as old mildred and the other ladies at the RSL.

if we did that the cops wouldn't be able to rape the thugs and get away with it

doesnt peurto rico have something like a mid-30s p. 100k homicide rate?
with that and gangbangers, there's your numbers

Why destroy the guns?? Couldnt they sell them to like Timor or somethang?

>tfw Port Arthur was a bigger meme than Sandy Hook

Good look trying to take our guns cuck. We have 356 million you kangoroo fucking faggets had only 2 million at the time of the ban

>have no real issue with mass shootings before gun grab

>continue to have no real issue with mass shootings

>claim the problem they never had still not being a problem is due to them fucking over law abiding citizens

well then, move to fucking Austrailia faggot. Make freinds with a bushman, get eaten by a digeridoo, throw another dingo on the barbie.

i heard an interview on talk back a couple of months back about the issue, the lady from the medical board that's pushing for "changes to improve safety" etc literally had no idea what to actually ask for. when the host asked simple questions like "should paramedics have optional self-defence or firearm training" she just kept saying 'no'. she eventually said that she wanted to have emergency rooms redesigned for safety (i guess to be more like cattle-floors) and for security on site to have training on dealing with schizos and psychotics (despite the issue being regional/rural ice junkies and paramedics in the field).

so there's your answer. they're not getting actual self-defence because the 'representatives' dont want them to actually be safe, they just want to use the issue to get funding to redo hospitals.

faggot australia is riddled with pedofiles and degenerate radical libs... your going to wish you weren't such a beta soon boy

Politicians that would deny us the right to self defense really do think of us as livestock, don't they

Guns are banned in my country....

>the US government isn't bankrupt already

The subhuman beings will make it to cuckstralia anytime now and your women will be defenseless and u will be "racist" for wanting them defended

Because that'd cost a shit ton of money and potentially be ineffective. Fuck Sup Forums is retarded, I'm out.

>I'm out.
out to the cuckshed i presume

Na your CIA just just resell them...

So OP, how's your free speech thing going?

>1 million guns

ok come grab 330 million

I don't - and many more don't either. Get real.

This is Australia

Australia's government staged a false flag MK Ultra level attack on its own citizens.

Those same citizens then asked their government to ban the weapons that they could have used to protect themselves from their immoral government.

Nope. Fewer guns or better secured guns means fewer suicides, fewer mass killings. As you know.

kek its true
yet another reason to make friends with respectable old men. they will give you valuable life-lessons and maybe even a gun or some inheritance when they pass

I'll consider giving up my guns if you consider a wall between U.S. and Mexico.

otherwise there's really no fucking point. We're not an isolated Island. Every gun we remove today will be replaced yommorrow.

pedofiles - that's a child-related document?
And we asked them to go back to the USA, but they like it here.

No, it just means people will find new ways to pull those things off
As you know.

It wasn't self-defence that killed 59 in Las Vegas, was it? Or Orlando, or Sandy Hook. Sure, have a gun for defence, but a military weapon? Why?

In case the government tries to come and take my self-defense weapons from me

Sigh. Worse with more, and high-power, military weapons. Just look at the USA.

Explain to me why a mass shooting is worse than multiple unrelated shootings? Doesn't seem like the new laws changed much.


In case there's more than one assailant. But more importantly, fuck you, that's why. We should be glad they opted for guns instead of bombs

why do anglos think they can uninvent things they don't like? military-grade weapons were invented, its too late to go back now. this is how life works. you have to adapt to the world around you.

ARs are great for self defense. Lighter recoil than a 12 gauge, and more accurate than a handgun.

Something to consider: the Australian "buyback" that happened after Port Arthur was a "forced buyback" -- as in turn your guns in or you'll be in effing trouble. About 1/3rd of the total guns in Australian private circulation were bought back.

Try that in America. It won't work. #1, there's not enough money to do a buyback on that scale, and #2 only a few commie states like CA and MA keep registration records on file. So in general, the government doesn't even know who owns guns.

In the cucked American cities where they sometimes do buybacks, all that's turned in are rusted 22LRs, unfinished 80% lowers, and shotguns made from PVC pipes. Why? Because the only thing the police are offering are 20$ starbucks cards. No one is going to turn in anything of value.

So really, stop with saying "be like Australia" -- Not going to happen here in America.

sick burns

do Europeans even know this about the U.S.?
i don't think they do


I object to the term "military weapon." Are not handguns and knives also military weapons? It's a nebulous term you use imply some absurdity you have yet to prove.

Yeah, asshole, because of a 5/9 ruling by our judicial masters. Everywhere, including CaliMexico, where it was put on a ballot, it lost. It was forced upon us by our liberal overlords. Oz will vote for it willingly.