Why are Germanic languages so ugly?

Why are Germanic languages so ugly?
Is it beacuse of our barbarian heritage?

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not on my watch, self-hating sven
go fuck yourself

Go neck yourself murifat

Better Germanic than Spanish or Italian, which make my ears bleed.

well the sound structures of languages are completely arbitrary, so i agree with the americunt here, your self-deprecation is subjective

German literally sounds like a language made up by 12 year olds who say they fucked your mom on Xbox Live. Edgiest language I have ever heard. Compare it to the beautiful and civilized French or Italian language.

Thank you Ameribro

I'm pretty sure the Shetlanders and Orcadians haven't spoken their own language in at least a hundred years.


>I wonder why someone of the wondrous Germanic race is self hating
>Looks at flag

English is the only one thats sounds good, and its beacause its mixed with french, germanic languages sound barbaric. An d if are going to talk about spanish, remember mexican is not the true spanish.

They are definitely ugly, but english is an exception, same with french, italian and spanish can be nice but they got a bit ugly because of stereotypes. Would say latin sounds great. Most slavic languages sound eh to me aswell and im a slav.

>An d if are going to talk about spanish, remember mexican is not the true spanish.

while I agree with you regarding Germanic languages I have to say that your preemptive damage control is pretty pathetic.


This, the only beautiful part of English is the Latin words, i wish the latinists in the 1700s replaced every Germanic word in our vocabulary

Look at Germanic words
They are disgusting words used by commoners now look at latin words
They are beautiful words only men of class and privilege use

German is a cool language though, I like that it has an almost identical grammar system to English. I hate the way romance languages approach grammar
>adjective after the word it describes
pants on head retarded

i like swedish intonation, but danish is fucking bland. they speak like they have a cock in their mouth. may be it is cultural

What he says is true. In American Spanish classes they don't even teach you all the verb tenses because Mexicans have butchered it so badly. You could lock a Spaniard and a Mexican in a room for four hours and they would not be able to get a single piece of information out of each other.

faggoty lispy spanish spanish sounds a lot worse than south american spanish

You should hear the turks trying to speak danish.

The swedish language isn't that bad.

The english language is fine because it was heavily modified with latin and french.

A Swede have no right to call any other language gay.

Frisian language best language



>Germanic languages ugly
Have you ever heard Finnish, Romanian, Turkish, basically any Asian language except Japanese?

Sweden plz


why are all Swedes so fucking dumb?

Japanese grammar is absolutely retarded

I went to Germany and the Netherlands and I legitimately wanted to kill myself when you mother fuckers spoke. Dutch was particularly horrifying to listen to, it was like Satan himself was throwing up words from his throat

He's right though.

We're talking about languages that are still alive Foppe.

I actually like so-called "harsh" languages like German and Russian. I know French is supposed to be considered beautiful, but I find it grating for some reason.

Shut your dirty mouth, sandnigger.

user, I...

>meme flag
i wonder why

when u put in iceland but the population are temporary residents and the first people there where irish

nordcucks or whatever there called >>btfo

Fuck you cunt!

Ta livet av dig, horunge.

The most important word should come first. Do you think an adjective is more important than the word it describes?

Fuck off cunt
Go read some Beowulf when you're done sucking Ahmed's cock

French sounds fucking gay and annoying.

>beautiful and civilized French or Italian language.

Lowland Scots(and by derivative Ulster, but they are diaspora so I forgive that) should be considered Germanic.

>men of class and privilege
saxons hunt the deer, sell it, they call it germanic "deer"
ruling class french eat it they call it latin "venison"

English is not ugly, come one! Is pretty easy to learn as well.
Sometimes people here learn slowly cuz we speak Romance and Hard Germanic sound really odd, like German.

I really like Spanish tho. But to write a good song and make it rhyme is kinda difficult.

I unironically have the same thing. Even as a little child I found french to be gratingly soft. English might've been on the edge if I weren't so used to it.

I think arabic is one of the ugliest languages though, while it seems to be rather rough.

Not such thing as "south American Spanish"
Hell, we are mocked for talking weird down here.

is SHO not IO! me importa un carajo loco!

jävla parasit åk hem

Germanic languages are fine.
Stop whining self-hating cuck.

Swedish sounds awesome you fucking cuck, so does dutch and german

flemish dialect (some) are beautiful you fucking somali asylum seeking nigger.

Germanic languages are generally simple for most people to learn through english.

English as a language is one of the most difficult languages to learn in the world as it's been culturally enriched by every language group in europe except ugric. English is in dire need of a spelling reformation.

French is literally a baboon language, where spelling and pronunciation has been unlinked from each other.

Danish is a direct result of inbred babies who couldn't speak no good, and it caught on with the rest of the danes who admired their slurred speech aristocracy. Probably.

>You could lock a Spaniard and a Mexican in a room for four hours and they would not be able to get a single piece of information out of each other.

Retarded hick murican.

English has a lot of French influence, but the general sound of the language is very Germanic, similar to Dutch.

Anglish is an artificial language where they speak English using only Germanic words. It sounds just as retarded as one would expect.


learning English must be so easy for you.

ok, now you're just silly...

German is the best Germanic language along with English
>Is extremely high T

now we have the shit tiers
Grossest of them all , sound like a mentally retarded chicked being decapitated
Literally the southeast asian shit-tongue of Germanic languages

>swedish, Norwegian ,Icelandic
Literal lingo of autist with added weird aspie pronocioations and mouth sounds that are completely unnnececary

Dorky sounding German
Speaking it you automatically sound low T

Bastard lingo , simplified and low IQ
Can sound eloquent I'd you're a pretentious private school snob born I to a pedo satanic bloodline
Has very high literaric capacity for beauty tho

Lmao you literally can't compete with us krauts

>literally the language of poets and thinkers
>speaking german rewires your brain to think more logical

sure degenerate bolshevist

>I like that it has an almost identical grammar system to English
But it doesn't though. The structure and composition of German and English sentences are quite different. You can see the shared origin of many German and English words though. If anything, English grammatical structure has more of a Norse origin.

Colorful expressions carry more weight than a few thousand "beautiful" words.

Dutch is the worst- sounds like a shipwreck on the tongue, German sounds angry, Swedish and Norwegian sound sing-songy and lilting- so not so bad, Danish sounds like Norwegian on Xanax, Icelandic sounds like some LotR language elves speak because of all those interdental fricatives ("th" sound) and riding the r's so hard- they sound like they're blackout drunk and whistling thru their teeth. I can't objectively judge English, but I imagine to non-native speakers British sound like retarded songbirds, Aussies sound like car horns and burgers and leafs sound like aggro geese.

Rude desu. I can't help it that we had to go and colonize Indonesia.

But that's literally for liberals and women, you just outed yourself as a massive faggot.

How's my language worse than yours? Your language literally matches your people's personality perfectly, in the way that you're all extremely effeminate. I swear everything you Swedes do makes you look like cucks.

t. spic

Absolutely devastating shitpost

how the fuck is english difficult you fuckwit? it doesnt have case markers. is there anyone ITT who actually knows linguistics?

Leafs sound like americans with a blocked nose to me.

Awful literature inspired by disgusting barbarians!
Germanics are poor barbarians who look after the Latin masterrace livestock
>cow -Germanic, beef -Latin
>pig -Germanic, pork-Latin bacon-latin
>sheep -Germanic mutton-Latin

Germanic words are for low class scum

This. SVO masterrace.

Read your post in pic voice

>I can't objectively judge English, but I imagine to non-native speakers British sound like retarded songbirds, Aussies sound like car horns and burgers and leafs sound like aggro geese.

Funny thing is retards like that are the norm in Greenland.

yeah i dont think you should go aggro mika you are linguistically mongol rape children

As a native English speaker it seems the language is very easy to pick up but somewhat difficult to get to an advanced native like level because of all the irregularities.

>I can't objectively judge English, but I imagine to non-native speakers British sound like retarded songbirds, Aussies sound like car horns and burgers and leafs sound like aggro geese.
Close actually, if I remember correctly from before I started learning English. English in general sounds whispery with slightly off consonants. American-English has an overdose of loud "OAH" sounds. I never heard Aussie-English as a kid, but I suspect it would be similar to American.

So what? Finnish still sounds alot better than Swedish does.

Rare as fuck!
How you doing bro? Get away from that rope!

>he speaks terrible English cos it's not a language he's used to

>turkish roach trying to make fun of anyone being a rapebaby

Funny thing is that's just a meme, Turks actually are rapebabies though

English orthography is fucked up.

Those come from Latin through French as an intermediary. Your culture and ruling class was FRANKED

This kills the anglophones trying to speak Spanish

Haha, you're my favorite Swede.

Many irregular verbs and retarded spelling.

At least it lacks the three possible genders for every noun.

No I am not, Finland is a fucking shithole but you are better than Swedes I give you that.

German is like written by a child. Fingerhat=thimble, underseaboat=submarine, footglove=boot. WTF, must be an primitive language coming before others because its so simplistic. Then the congregation of words to make loooong words is just plain stupid.

Only German, Danish and Dutch. The rest are fine

the words who are not like that tend to be of latin origin. Germanic languages are only suitable for babies.

You say it like it's a bad thing...

Who are you quoting?


Are you supposed to know linguistics fuckboy? The only reason english is appears easy to learn is because everyone grows up with it nowadays. English is in many ways a process of rote memorization, not structure and deduction. If it was not for the fact that english is infused into the fabric of modern civilization, it would not be as easy to learn.

My god, she's thicker than I thought.

Not all germanic languages are ugly.
I really do love swedish, sounds fucking awesome, and i am actually starting to learn it. Så jävla bra!

On the other hand, it's true that some sound like garbage. Especially dutch, holy shit, it's like if a german drunk dragon tried to speak english but started choking instead. Terrible.
Southern german might sound kinda bad too, and danish is like swedish but spoken by someone who has a dick on his mouth. But the rest are fine

Anything but American probably makes your ears bleed, prick. Including English

>but you are better than Swedes I give you that.
Yup, good Swede, we both agree on that. Lmao.

In that case yes, upper class were French speaking for at least 300 years, then in the 1700s there was a strong latinist movement to introduce lots of Latin derived words into the English vocabulary

>t. Bosnian diaspora

Why's there suddenly a troll from fucking Greenland here anyway? Shouldn't you be out whale hunting with your tribe?

your average greenlander

But many romance words sound shit in English and nothing like the original French or Latin. English was made for an iambic rhythm full of one or to syllable words and compound nouns.

German is one of my favourite languages though. It's only equals when it comes to Germanic might be Swedish because of the "hinka dinka dunka" rythm meme, and English.