The guy who gave the mysterious warning about Las Vegas has been identified.
The guy who gave the mysterious warning about Las Vegas has been identified.
Monstrous if bona fide
Titanic if veritable
Stop doxxing random people. We know Jews did this attack. It's over
On mobile, got a higher quality pic?
drumpf if mumpf
What about the Paddock from the military school pics? Wasn't he 59 as well?
dafug guys ?! why ?
he was da goodun
>has to be
>stay away tomorrow
>posted on sept 10
I almost fell for this.
remove the m in the link new faggot. And stop using jewphones ffs
Doing my best here nigger
But the casino thing is definitely spot on.
Pretty bigly if not fake news
All a larp
what forum is that? if it was here I dont think that archived threads get purged that fast, a mod had to have deleted it.
or change .png to .jpeg
not sure what still works as I dont use jewphones any more
There is no logical connection between steps 5 and 6
> oranges grow on trees
> apples grow on trees
> trees grow in dirt.
> therefore OP is an asshole.
Holy shit this board gets dumber by the day
how did u came to that person conclusion ?wheres the proof connecting that person to that post?i dont get it
John is the most common name. Its why John Doe picked it.
No one familiar with Sup Forums signs their name like that, even as John Doe.
We sign has t. whatever.
Only old people sign like this:
Redpilled vegas thread? I'll contribute.
ya idk why you automaticly think the first john you find is the john who posted, john smith - john doe. he was probably using the tag -john to show people in the thread that multiple post are connected. it coulda been someone who somehow how knew steve or someone in on the tech scam or someone else entirely
>We sign has t. whatever.
>Only old people sign like this:
Thats fairly flimsy. That meme is seldom posted anymore and was mostly directed towards Iberians.
Switch to desktop mode then click on the image link instead of the image
Yeah this phone is a gay nigger
Ok 2 things.
1. I think the plan was to attack a different concert
2. I think this is pretty specific. An operation can get pushed back. He was a month off. Thats nothing. He was specific about the location and the target. That is plenty convincing. Whoever he is I believe he honestly knew.
>Gives the location
>Gives a pretty accurate picture of the target
>Doesn't get the date right to a T
So its bullshit then? Yeah no. Its not.
Jesus christ this is big
Both John and the patsy seem to have had an earlier attack in mind that did not pan out.
John knowing the patsy makes sense.
none of this is related information in identifying anyone you retarded sliding nigger kill yourself
This is spookier than skeletons.
cool story bro but I've read hundreds of stories like this on Sup Forums and they've never happened and they never will happen with some retard """predicting""" it.
>identify our inside man
Thank god we doxxed our inside man!
Brue if Tig
i still dont see it, can someone give me a bogdown?
Gigantic if confirmed
end of second to last post says:
>"I can't guarantee anything will happen tomorrow but las vegas is on their minds
Though most people would would guess casino as it's the first thing most people think of about las vegas
>"also if you see three black vans parked next to each other immediately leave the area"
If we could find pictures or footage of these vans then we can be certain this was stephen paddock.
tic if tac
kikes are trying to slide this thread
That's not me
- John
Why did the prediction happened much later than he said tho?
Vast if veritas.
Records show he booked a condo directly across the street from a Lorde concert a few weeks before. He didn't go through with it then. The op got pushed back.
I remember reading this day of, I don't remember it saying las vegas
Can some people check their saved versions for me?
I don't download anything, I'm in a jewglebook
stop posing as me
who the fuck are you?
Sure thing, John. Black helis en route to your house now. RIP
Well bless my fuck , LV made everybody forget about hillarys doc dump, every. fukin.time.
I am john. I don't know what john you think you are.
sure you are
Why would he use his real name?
Isn't that a little TOO obvious, faggot?
Whoever "John" is, they want us to find them.
Stop spamming this dumb shit. Somebody was joking about 9/11. Look at the date
I am right here.
what would have prevented him with going through at the lorde? if lordes gig was in an enclosed space sure he would have killed more with the arsenal he had
Because he's 59 years old and obviously not very familiar with Sup Forums.
delis indeed
John is not just a name, John is a movement.
delis indeed.
>doxxing the guys who are giving us information
Are you retarded? You are doing (((their))) job for them.
Nigger if nigger.
embrace the john movement. we are all johns now.
just john my shit up.
So who is this john?
CHECKED. I will definitely john your shit up.
poo if loo
look I feel bad for some of you johns on this website, so i'll let you in on a little secret. if you live in john or john stay inside tomorrow. don't go anywhere where there are large groups of johns. also if you see there black johns parked next to each other immediately leave the john. you're john.
It converts .png to .jpg as well, sometimes you have to replace m.jpg to .png
>"they won't bother you in arizona"
w-what did he mean by that?
some of you johns are alright. don't go to the john tomorrow
its pronounced 'dashjohn' for anyone onedering
This is the only way
But uhhhh he got the date way wrong. And there are several posts like this per week here. If you’re willing to grade on a curve you’re going to be attributing a lot of predictions to random chance
im deebly goncerned
Only pol can be dumb enough to fucking dox its own anonymous sources of intel. Wait for him to get (((suicided))) now.
So it doesn't prove anything other that he has a possible relative named John?