>send pic related jokingly to gf
>she likes it and says she'd put it on her kikebook cover if she had an active profile
>find out she started reading Mein Kampf on her own out of interest and "agrees with some stuff in there"
Damn I'm proud of her, sorry for blogging.
Send pic related jokingly to gf
great now you can join other leftists groups
say hi to soros for me
Why haven't you pumped your seed into her yet?
Had a similiar experience with my current gf, I was hiding my power level but jewish banking came up and she went on a huge rant. Skull fucked her later that night. Great success.
>stuff that never happened
Planning to in due time. As many as possible.
Your gf is a dumb bitch.
>visibly envious
Hold up, how Retarded must a person, especially with Serbian ethnicity be to like Hitler. 500k of your own blood got slaughtered by them. And you country got bombed so hard and invaded it flipped to communism.
>now Vox Day is proxyposting
>partisans everywhere
>be angry about reprisals
Traditions are retarded.
Croats killed way more than Nazis. They just rounded up some gypsies and jews.
The Allies did way more damage bombarding Belgrade in 1945 than Germany did in 1941.
The worst part of WWII for us was the commies were took over afterwards.
gf is a liberal but sometimes she surprises me by acknowledging how shitty african culture is.
congratulations you're the rights equivalent of a communist
You're a lucky one. Not only in possession of gf, but you don't even have to put in work to redpill her. Life on easy mode.
Make her watch The greatest story never told.
And who helped the Croats may I ask? And who helped them take land from Serbs and then force convert 1/3, kill 1/3 and kick out 1/3?
Oh and wasn't it the nazis that said they would kill 10 Serbs for every German?
You are the cuck of cucks.
Serbs defending their monarchy and country by fighting the Germans. The Germans gets pissed and slaughter thousands of Serbs as revenge.
Then some 70 years later a degenerate as you are alive.
Defending our monarchy meant signing the non-agression pact with Germany, which our King did. However, British intelligence agencies staged a coup on 27th of March, 1941, which essentially dragged us into the war. "We" overthrew our rightful King and forced him into exile and entered WWII and a bloody civil war, which the commies won.
Nazis didn't really need to "help" the Croats. They caused a war(and over here a civil war) which helped Croats form an informal state and start genociding us. I don't really blame Hitler for that. I don't really see why would he interfere.
>find out she started reading Mein Kampf
how edgy. gtfo
this pic has fucking layers as to why it's funny, and the best layer is that whoever drew it probably thinks it's actually thought provoking/serious.
>date emotionally damaged women
>everything she does is to make you like her
>be surprised when she likes all the retarded nazi shit you like and tries to make you proud of her
well done going for those low-hanging fruits.
Also, one of Hitler's diplomats, designated for the Balkans, Hermann Neubacher, even tried to put a stop to NDH's acts in 1943 when he arrived, but simply couldn't. He was deeply disgusted with Croats. In his autobiography he wrote that it was one of the most gruelling mass killings in history. He helped the Serbs in many ways other than trying to get Ustase of our back.
Why would Hitler send someone over here to try and reign in allies, the Croats, if he fully supported them?
The great thing is that I tried to not sperg out about Sup Forums-themed stuff. I was going to introduce her to some of it, someday, but this really does the job for me. But believe whatever you'd like.
Am I the only one who hates that version of the letter "a"? It just looks so dumb.
Mine is kinda hard to redpill. At least she dislikes sandniggers and niggers. I've being trying to give her mini pills now and then but she has kneejerk reactions to anything about jewish people. I steer clear of any "global consiparcy" discourse and try to just point out that they're awful people in general and see us as nothing but cattle (gentiles) but it seems she draws a line when it comes to (((them))). Any tips?
You've got that backwards. People are less inclined to believe an entire ethnicity of people is awful and whatnot, but if you just point out there's a global mafia running pretty much everything, most will agre with you. Then you start pointing out how many of that mafia just "happen" to be Jewish, and let them connect all the dots.
I like to compare it to Italian mafia running casinos in the USA in the 20th century. This is a similar concept, except at a larger scale, and you have to replace Italians with Jews obviously.
i tried that once, and it didn't go too well. She's with me when I talk about the media, when I talk about consumerism and general decadence in the west, but when i get to the point of
>how many of that mafia just "happen" to be Jewish,
she kneejerks.
Then I suppose you need to show her. Compile a list with well cited sources. Those media infographs could sure help you in that.
Since she believes in the media bit, point out that it's an important instrument in this whole thing, and is owned by (((them))).
She agrees with you on consumerism, so show her the father of that, Edward Bernays, also one of (((them))). There's a nice documentary(a BBC one from 2002) on him, and 20th century in general, called "The century of the self". It's 4 hours long, but the first part(an hour long) focuses on Edward and how he developed many tactics or controlling the masses out of his uncle's teachings(Sigmund Froyd). I felt slighthly sick watching that.
i showed her this and it made her uncomfortable. I don't think she doesn't want to swallow, it's just too big for her to swallow. She'll come around eventually, she's still pretty young (21) and naive.
I think you'll do fine. It takes time, it made her feel uncomfortable, which is good. Means she took it seriously.
Catholicism isn't Christianity. Like ``Adotf'', Poland is a tool for the Pope in Rome. Come out of her...