Young white girl blacked and threw out of a building

Why whites never learns ?

Burn the coal pay the toll

This is the 5th time we have this thread today


Didn’t know


>implying it won't get 300+ replies ez


OK, but you need to develop some other hobbies/interests outside of browsing pol.


I hope she becomes a paraplegic




wow she made no attempt at self preservation. i am so disappointed, i bet jouxmalle was disappointed too. Like bitch couldnt you at least not have landed diagonally on your fucking ankles? Dumb bitch.

hardest thing for a white woman to learn

NEVER STOP POSTING THIS THREAD. that chick got redpilled instantly, as soon as she looked back up at this fool.

Looks like she got plenty of education.

once you're pushed you can't fucking adjust midair. It's called velocity and inertia, not videogame physics

White girls ain compete

You literally got to hurt bitches for them to respect you.

story? why did she go out the window?
that landing looked painful



Typical Sup Forums reactions


Sélection naturelle.

Think about it, she and her friends will still chase after the big black dick and white boys will still be mad.

she was at the black guys parent's house, they came home.. she went out the window to hide, he pushed her because blacks are not known to be logical.
injuries include multiple fractures
she's not white

Yeah she looks like a beurette à khel desu. A light sandnigress.

threads on Sup Forums expire when they get bumped off the board by other threads or if they hit the bump limit

she's not white you fucking idiots. many people mentioned this in the previous threads (based on local knowledge, what she said and how she said it)
>spend all day talking about who's white
>doesn't know about French N.African immigrants

Fuck off back to your west-end Bodega, Muhammad.

We don't need your acid-tainted comments here.


White boys don't get mad, they get even.

I think she's Tunisian or that general area
she just dyed her hair and is maybe mixed with French.

That may be, but I still haven't seen any followup information about this video, only hearsay from Sup Forumssters. People are saying she broke two ribs, her pelvis, and twisted an ankle, but where did they get this info? What happened afterwards? What happened to the guy? Is she an arab/muslim like some people are saying? Fucking someone link some actual proof of these claims.

This. I honestly believe she got everything she deserved, and that scream when she hit the ground at the end was music to my ears. Fuck her.

That was actually quite satisfying to watch.

nothing wrong with that

What the hell?
That's a horrible thing to do to somebody, she might have broken her pelvis.

What were they saying?

What are they saying in the vid?

Fpbp, fuck the fags in this thread

Yeah she's a maghrebi.

>Young white girl
she's arab

The best part is that white girls keep coming back to ghetto niggers who treat them like crap.

Better than LDWBs

Did he underestimate how high the fall was? You can hear his reaction at the end. He sounded concerned.

who was in the wrong here?

>jump cmon jump
>oh I'm afraid
>cmon jump it's nothing
>jump jump
>but you're craaazyyy
>stop yelling stop yelling cmon jump
>jump cmon

but really why is she up there?

and still no webm

Only her. The police should have charged her for making a public disturbance, in all honesty.

thanks abdul

Didn't look like much of a drop what a pussy

Take a wild guess white boi

and it's still hilarious

whites for allowing these 2 non whites into their country.

No you fuck off meme fleg faggot leaf


>he has never climbed a tree and jump from 10 feet

Pussy fag sheltered white boy.


You're welcome Tyrone.

fine, i'll get started.

Race traitors get roped first.
Sucks the injuries weren't fatal.

If you burn the coal you must pay the toll.

That wail that came out of her was so fucking satisfying. The pitch in her scream means something for sure is permanently damaged (besides her reputation)

I seen one posted earlier. It's not as good without sound. You need to hear that cry of pain as she smashes the ground.

Big difference between dropping from a height and being pushed from a height you fucking moron yankee larping faggot


Stop lying faggot, you've been making this thread incessantly all day, and you're making a new one because the old one dropped off. You're either a dedicated cuckposter, or just a generic troll/shill who thinks the black/white angle is an effective way to maintain a slide on Sup Forums.

Shut up and eat your kebabs, you smelly camel-goblin.

Damn, instant karma

what's he sliding, muh vegas



thank you based nigger

Yes there is dumbass, copy and pasting a thread are against rules on this website.

her bone comes out of her knee

How long do i have to wait before I can post for that sweet sweet karma up vote?

Around blacks... well, you know the rest.

>Cette blanche
Damn, loved her in LotR.

oh shit, it looks like it does. dayum!

Stupid fucking elefant
You god damn poo i will punch you through my monitor and put your nose to the back of your skull

Oh shit you're right, haven't seen it

At this point I don't even care, white women will never learn from other peoples mistakes, even when they end up single, bitter, and alone they will still love the BBC.

I think that's her pants ripping, she might have white leggings (it's cold ... jacket... etc)

for existing threads that are still up.. there are 88 fucking vegas threads currently on the page.. you're mad people are seeing something real rather than arguing about false flags

nope, I think the Jeans just broke on the knee.

When you "jump", you don't fall flat on your front you mongo.

Global rule #10:
>No spamming or flooding of any kind. No intentionally evading spam or post filters.
This is the EXACT same thread that has been posted 6 different times!

When she hit the ground! I started laughing so hard. xDDD!

it's a continuation of them not spam


worth it?

Hey moderators do your fucking job.

she's wearing one of those ripped fagpants. you can see it while she's sitting down

the nigger pushed her off



Sliding doesn't necessarily mean there is something terribly important being discussed, just that he wants to maintain his cuck thread on the front page and to push whatever else down the catalog in order to control discussion.

>people don't come here at different times during the day

eurocucks everybody. don't laugh they can't help it

fucking snitch

so what happened to her? did she die? badly hurt?