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Some guy wanted to kill a bunch of people and he did. OOo big mystery.

One thing to me is that it looks like he was a left handed shooter. I cools be wrong though.

that blue hose was used by the machine gunner to move smoke out of the way

It was a hit to murder 40 women who were hired as escorts for the Pakistani/middle eastern ambassadors

A clean up operation

Everything else is bullshit

All the firearms are set up for right hand use, even though steve was a lefty AND left handed

HAPPENING fully auto M4 stolen!!!


I know there was more than ONE shooter. The audio from the cab driver cell phone confirmed it for me. Listened to it over and over. Even ran it through my audio analysis equipment (I'm a studio engineer). They were not echoes. There were two distinct patterns in the cascade.

Almost like firecrackers far off, but why would someone be lighting firecrackers as gunshots?


WASHINGTON -- Twelve Israelis who were unaccounted for in Las Vegas amidst a massacre there on Sunday night have been identified and are safe, an official with the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles said on Tuesday.

"All of the Israelis that we were looking for has been located," the official told The Jerusalem Post, confirming that their diplomats on the ground in Nevada were on their way back to California.

Gf claims she knew nothing I call bull shit



What was written on that NOTE iN THE HOTEL????



Stephen was dead before any shooting started. They put gloves on him to account for the lack of finger prints.






That Sup Forums is inhabited by gullible retards that are playing into the hands of JIDF with their FBI gun running narrative. Other than that idk, because regardless of motive, Dems still shill for gun control.

hooked to a hair dryer? Are we sure that's what the blue object is?

a significant number of psychopaths are left handed, much more than the average number.

fast and furious part two ISIS bugaboo basically

looking more and more like a 100k gun deal turned islamic terrorist attack

They first said she was in Tokyo then Philippines

Mandalay Bay has tubs that are in the middle of a living space and they double as chairs. Probably German engineered

USH (Universal Student Housing) Founder has a pilot's license. This is the reason they owned the plane before he did

Wouldn't you think, if an autopsy on his stomach contents and any leftovers on the table outside, should be able to help conclude if another person helped him eat what he ordered?

Vacumn to clean up the glass?

Why would a man who intends to shoot himself after carrying out these murders wear gloves to keep fingerprints off his guns.

Really boils my beans.

You moms should be ashamed at how retarded both of you are.

>not using a bow

why are white american men such pussies?

only strange thing is the lady who warned about everying dying.

He cant shoot 2 guns at once?

Do people who go to gun ranges were gloves to help for grip or something tho???

i heard he is a white guy


It's almost like he broke 2 huge windows.

Yes they look like this

Pro tip: wear gloves when shooting. Firearms generate tons of heat. Also, neck yourself and stop with the gloves and fingerprints thing. You look as downsy as the blue hose guys. Fucking hair dryer.

shut the fuck up you disinfo spreading spook faggot, this has been debunked by everyone with a fucking brain so try harder or else you won't get paid.

New theory: he's already dead in this photo which is the only photo they have of him

I know right, and had mechanical devices that are capable of generating mass amounts of heat

People wear gloves to protect their hands or get s better grip. That's why they were invented. Criminals use them to for the same reason and to conceal finger prints it his car I am sure he used them for grip and to protect his hands from fully automatic weapons that get really fucking hot.

Several photos of him out there...

He complained about loud music just hour before shooting???


Machine gunners in the military purchase portable mattress inflaters to move smoke out of their view, but you probably knew that and are just being a faggot for a pay check

So far Sup Forums has said
>Multiple shooters
>the entire crowd were holograms
>the entire crowd were actors
>the shooting never happened
>Paddock was a corpse hours before the shooting and is a scapegoat

Which is the real story Sup Forums?


That's a word the Jews in the media sure do like to use often

Seth Rich was "debunked" too. You're a fucking kikeroach.

Hot casings flying around suck too...I wonder if he had eye protection and ear protection?

People died.

Multiple shooters.

Ritual sacrifice to moloch.

Soemthing went wrong since theres so much damage control going on.

my theory

>paddock is retired FBI/CIA, now small time arms trader, works with a friend who is also retired
>CIA is aware of his activities but let him be
>CIA gets orders to stage a shooting to pass antigun legislation
>they contact paddock posing as potential customers, set up a meet in the hotel
>paddock rents two rooms, one where he will show the merchandise, another close by where his associate, dressed as hotel security, will monitor the meeting (this is why the police said he was "livestreaming")
>also: this is why there was a bill with meals for two people
>he sets up cameras pointing at the hall to recognize anyone knocking before opening the door
>he opens the door
>CIA agents kill him
>his associate sees this happening through the cameras and tries to intervene, but hes shot and wounded, has to flee
>this is why witnesses say they saw wounded hotel security
>CIA agents put gloves on him so that no one will question the lack of fingerprints on the guns
>they break the windows in the two rooms and shoot at the festival simultaneously for 10 minutes, then leave

What the fuck is that light blue thing??

Me theory is you're JIDF


Official story will develop to reveal shooter was AntiFa.

Gun legislation more likely to be approved by republican folks, ie the bulk of likely victims. The old switcheroo, ping pong pussy parade that happens every time a new party takes power. The right starts looking to the left and vice versa, and each side becomes increasingly hypocritical and selective in reasoning.


no one wears gloves at the range, don't listen to the shills, and the gloves dead guy is wearing are too big for him and they are just cloth garden gloves. They wouldn't protect against heat.

If the gloves dont fit, you must acquit

Good point. I'm sure there wasn't a breeze at 300 ft in the air, in a desert. And I'm sure the HVAC system wasn't generating more pressure due to the fact two massive windows were blown out in a pressurized building.

I assume i'm not the first to find this?


Am I still the only one that finds it strange that he broke the windows with a normal hammer (at least the only one seen on the pictures).
Why were 2 windows opened, how could he have done that without losing too much time or alarming the adjacent persons?
If windows are shattered isn't there some kind of alarm?


tactical dildo

youre a fucking retarded shill kys

The windows in the room are double pane with tempered glass on the inside. Why is the room not filled with broken tempered glass? When tempered glass breaks, it makes a mess. A huge mess. WHERE IS THE GLASS?

Chairs are not tubs. That's the real important story. Maybe he shot himself because the chair bath tub thin didn't work out for slitting his wrists

Whats the evidence for multiple shooters?

this may be hard to believe but it's as the media said, wow so hard to swallow I know


That's why native people's aren't in control because they used bows and stone weapons while white people used guns and plate armor.

There is a hammer in the photos.

Looks like a camel back, but this doesn't make any sense?
If he got no idea about guns how could he be so accurate in his plan to forsee such details?
Looks like a professional.

Oh shit! That lines up w/ that dude @ the protest wearing a pink NASA shirt!!!!

>Rich guy shoots tons of people because???????
>People considering this an open and shut case

Seriously what is the motive?

>He's just crazy

Yet somehow sane enough to pull off and logically plan an entire well though out massacre without tipping anyone off?

See the roll of green tape on table? He taped the windows before breaking, it helps control the glass.

it was attached to the firearm using the green tape that's on the night stand, and the hose, you can clearly see that.

Why worry about fingerprints if you intend to snuff yourself?

That would mess up the photo op. But , fo reals you're on to something. He is smart enough to get a bump stock. He knows the Surefire 60 rounders are superior to Beta C mag. Yet, no eyes or ears.

I shoot a gun right handed but and bow left handed and am right handed. Still another oddity to the story though.

The whole Op is a marketing stunt for Bad Dragon.

it's a scope for looking around corners, dimwit!

ar barrels get damn hot after shooting a few rounds quickly, and if you have a light weight hand guard full of holes it will convect into your hands

But as stated this should be security glass you shouldn't be able to take a hammer and break the window.
Shooting the windo and then using the hammer would have cost a lot of time...

So large and trustworthy!!

I'm left handed but right eye dominant so I shoot a rifle right handed but shoot a pistol left handed (ex-Army).

Automatic fire usually sucks at killing lots of people and m4 barrels melt easy. Not that big of a deal.

what evidence is there that Stephen shot anyone, aside from finding him dead in the room with a scabby hole in his head and coagulating blood that had clearly been there for at least an hour?

Why did he not just hop in one of his airplanes and crash into the crowd? Why haul all that stuff up 32 floors when he could just use an airplane? He has 2 planes.

many crazy people dont easily let on that they are indeed crazy, which is how they do crazy shit before getting caught

CNN is reporting in it, it says:

"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo."

so either way on who did it, it wasn't some guy that knew "nothing" about rooty-tootys

>no indication of motive
We know fucking nothing!!!
How is this even possible????

>guys, they're buying the green painter mask in the photos. I was gonna be pissed off at Dave for leaving it behind. Good job Dave!

It looks absolutely nothing like a camelbak tube. Those are small, and smooth, and you're a retarded person

I did not know that.

I second that as well

Why do they claim that the swat team used a explosive breach, but when you look at the door it's obvious that it was opened using a shotgun?

Listen tell me that this doesn't sound like bullshit.

So Paddock decides to kill himself, by shooting himself in the chest, not at the heart. Don't forget that he has a assault rifle in the left hand, so he shoots falls backwards landing on the gun, then shuffles himself forwards under the gun with the bipod. The gun behind his back is the most plausible thing there, if he was to fall down from the position of where the gun is, the gun would have been inside his leg, and who shoots their self in the chest and not the head or heart?

we should thank that person who leaked the photos, he deserves a shit ton of money and love.

Heard that Nicole Simpson was a cover-up for Ron Goldman's hit.


Police have said it was wind and temperature readings. Make a sense if he was a professional shooter, makes less sense when apparently he wasn't in to guns at all.

The room was barricaded! No one could get in or out!

It might look suspicious if none of the guns have his prints on them and he's not wearing gloves. They have to at least make it easy for the cops to go along with their little story

All batshit shooters I've read about had a rap sheet a mile long and a million red flags. Most were only on the streets because boomers shut down the mental asylums in the 1980s

This guy though, nothing.

Try doing that for thousands of rounds in a row and get back to us