Explain yourselves, Sup Forums. This is common sense.
Why shouldn't we ban automatic rounds?
Other urls found in this thread:
>TFW accidentally bought automatic rounds for a semi-auto gun
Automatic rounds, no such thing exists. You can have a Mosin Nagant and a Vepr, both use the same 7.62x54, one is bolt and the other semi. To my Knowledge, a bump stock was used, and that is how Mr Paddock gained automatic fire.
Ban all automatic rounds! Back to mussel loading and flintlocks!
Fucking libtards.
I was a 2nd supporter all my life, but you have changed my mind, thank you user.
I hear you can convert them back to semi by rubbing the red paint off to slow them down.
>Automatic rounds, no such thing exists.
The media is never wrong.
>Yet while the guns that Stephen Paddock used to shoot more than 500 people in Las Vegas fired automatic rounds, they were perfectly legal, according to rules established by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).
Why are automatic rounds legal? They should be banned. This is common sense.
>noguns detected
thanks, professor, i would've never known if it wasn't for your explanation
>he doesn’t have automatic rounds
Where can i buy automatic rounds? Asking for a friend.
Automatic rounds? You mean they shoot themselves? Genius!
Automatic rounds? Do they load themselves into the magazine? I'd like some of those personally.
>automatic rounds
Do they go in the clips in the thing that goes up?
>Automatic rounds?
Explain yourself!
Go away ATF
This thread again?
Saged, hidden, and reported.
Also kys
Protip: You can turn automatic rounds into semi automatic ones. Simply put only three of the in the clip.
I got hold of some special Chinese automatic rounds for my SKS. I can kill 34 babies per second on a decent day, and I'm trying to get some automatic shells for my coach gun as well. Combined with my freely available HushBabby silencer, I should be able to top my high score of 38 babies per second.
Are you the same one making 10 threads every hour
Here, ban niggers instead fgt
>he fell for the semi-automatic round meme
Non automatic rounders BTFO
>he doesn't want to ban automatic rounds
Have you no decency, user?
But that will turn my Glockanade into a fully automatic machine weapon!
Did you just assume my caliber you cis gun!?!?
this isn't about caliber, this is about the danger of automatic rounds being legal.
I support a ban on automatic rounds
and freeze lasers, police and military only
>automatic rounds
everyone knows those are so expensive to begin with nobody uses them anyways, these fucking normies
>automatic rounds
was there linked ammo found? i only saw big boy mags in the conveniently leaked Sup Forums photos.
Yeah we need rounds that reach back into the action and teach those bad guys to pump their brakes. Then they will really have to think about what they have done as they cock their guns over and over!
We need to Ban all ghost guns
>expecting the news to get it right
Fuck off! Retard!
We can't even get sensible restrictions on the purchase of assault bullets, so good luck getting anything done on rounds.
I'm a licensed firearms instructor and even I think we need common sense laws.
>tfw using automatic rounds in my K98
>We can't even get sensible restrictions on the purchase of assault bullets, so good luck getting anything done on rounds.
>Automatic rounds
These "people" know nothing about firearms.
Not to derail the thread, but how many clips are in the typical bumpstock on average? Asking for a friend.
We would have to ban box cutters too, they killed more people. How would tards open boxes?
>Mussel loading
I'd be for that!
Seriously though, why can't nogunz educate themselves before they projectile vomit ignorance everywhere? Do they honestly believe you can just head to the local Walmart and pick up a fully automatic weapon?
Pol should I buy a bump fire stock now? I don't really want one but I'm scared they will ban it
They think any long gun is some rambo shit.
>how many clips are in the typical bumpstock on average?
Good question, all I know is that bumpstocks enable semi-automatic assault rifles to fire automatic rounds
allow me to break character.
I don't see the point unless you actually use it. But they could be collectors items or go up in value. If you buy one I would recommend keeping it in the packaging.
Think of the children
>automatic rounds
>the Chad automatic round
Would be sweet if he used tracer rounds
I tried this and the engine just misfired emptying the entire clip into a schoolbus. Thanks.
>doesnt know WTF is talking about
>Why won't anyone listen to me!!!
americans dont knno how to shoot manual rounds
You hold the clutch and then rev up to 1200 rounds per minute right?
>The virgin blackpowder ball
Sounds like a good compromise...we agree to ban automatic rounds.
When the (((government))) comes to disarm the general population and implement their tyrannical agenda, citizens will still have a fighting chance. Automatic weapons are a necessity in times of true combat. This " true combat " can and will happen on our soil if the (((politicians))) behind the scenes keep the ball rolling with their plans to destroy american culture and the west. The people are armed to stop a tyrannical, malevolent ((( government ))) from ruling over us.
>Sounds like a good compromise...we agree to ban automatic rounds.
I'm glad we can find some room for compromise, user.
>tfw I have no idea what any of the words in this thread mean
I'm glad that here in Scotland we just chib cunts, much simpler.
>Can only be used once
>Takes 3 minutes to load
>Can't even pierce armor
What the fuck are automatic rounds? This is actual news from a national news corporation.
>automatic rounds
once again showing liberals know fuck all about firearms. WTF is an automatic round? any round fired from an automatic rifle would be an "automatic round". so either they're totally fucking stupid or they want to ban all ammo.
>Liberal intentionally finds legal things to commit a massive massacre against republican-leaning country fans
>He does this to kill two birds with one stone:
1. He eliminates x number of people from the opposing party (that he presumes are a part of the opposing party)
2. The Media has a field day talking about how we need new gun restrictions and how the shooter used all legal items.
This is sick, methodical, psychopathic, and disgusting behavior by this guy. And the worst part is he might get his wish for more gun control to be put into effect. He's not stupid.
I actually hopped on my computer to make one but was like, fuck it
Well you are welcome to caption it.
>Hushbabby silencer
You can convert semi auto rounds to full auto my punching a hole in the round primer at the bottom of the shell casing. This is what the nra doesnt want the democrats to know
Can someone post the group picture with Paddock in the club with his bitch and friends?
LouisCKfags should be banned from bearing arms as a matter of national security
Automatic rounds.for your activated almonds.
The rounds are the same as most semi automatic rifles.
as opposed to what, manual rounds?
>tfw I just bought some new automatic rounds
They'll go nicely with my automated knife and artificial intelligence bazooka
What's an "automatic round"?
harder to kill people without guns
They are called FAR .... Fully automatic rounds. These rounds are banned. So yes it isn't legal via ATF. But if he bought the FAR rounds before the 1982 ban, then everything is legal.
Am I the only dufus who noticed in the picture of the bump fire stock that came out yesterday the receiver was stamped 22 LR? At 400 meters?
Too lazy to download and post the pic feel free to check for yourselves top of the close up pic
>he doesn't know
Bull shit. That first volley or fire lasted about 30 to 40 seconds.
Definitely had to be a belt driven machine gun, maybe moved on to bump stock rifle after
>not using automatic rounds
why even live?
They are called FAR .... Fully automatic rounds. These rounds are banned. So yes it isn't legal via ATF. But if he bought the FAR rounds before the 1982 ban, then everything is legal.
Don't be too sure. Here's a set up to make reg guns for FAR rounds.
I mean automatic guns are illegal, I have no problem banning the rounds as well
"Automatic rounds" What? CBS isn't this retarded is it?
>create a threat
>propaganda, fear
>think of the children
>hey, we get a law to a problem we didn't even know existed till.you told us.
>oh look! The made all private ownership of any type of round illegal!
>that'll stop crime; liberals win again!
Ok, keep your guns.
i don't believe this is real. where is the link?
Access to automatic weapons is an insurance policy against white genocide.
Incidents like this are the price we pay for survival.
Thanks desu, saved for later
It truly is poetic a bunch of redneck retards were the ones shot to death because of their own stupid ignorance to ignore gun control.
Hoping for another one soon.
>automatic rounds
What the absolute fuck
>go to pickup some ammo for the weekend
>Tfw all the automatic rounds were panic bought
>can only use non-automatic 38 special rounds
No NO bad user.
You don't do that to mommy.
Australia banned automatic rounds like .223 but now we have no ammo, not even for our bolt action ww2 rifles
In a bump stock? About 6 gorillion
Yes such a sad sad memory of the grooming camps in bumpstok, poland. All those nail clippings on the ground.
not really. there are many easier ways to kill a lot of people. chemicals, fire, bombs, etc.