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sandnigger detected

Not one drop of Jew. I'm proud of you user

Only 82% white = shitskin


You're white. Anti-irish D&C scum should all be flayed.


fucking chink



What is the site?

iberians have more than 1% north african blood



We are mountainniggers here in Caucasus

I got Jewed somewhere along the line

North African blood is nice to have though: it makes European features more defined and spicy

No, it just makes you uglier, unless you have ancient Cro-magnoid Berber genes, but that's rare.

tfw you'd probably be rejected from identity evropa



Don't know many people with Syrian or Lebanese ancestry look good.

Not all, not all.

>tfw I'm a Muslim and can subvert you Christcuck white supremacists without you even knowing

you misspelled jew

кeк, must suck being impure

I have Jew blood but am no Jew. I wish they would reach out to me though so we can work together to make Europe Muslim. That way, we spread our religion and the Jews get their revenge for the Holocaust.

Berbers ain't Syrian or Lebanese, they are nigger rape-babies and part niggers, also Syrians and Lebanese are Crusader rape babies, Levantine people can look good, unlike actual filthy Arabs.

But you said it's only Berber that's ggood

Ellis island wog/slav mix trash, you have to go back.

No, I said that only Berber that look good are Cro-magnoid looking ones.



nowhere there have arab admixture dude

>Muslim Balkanites don't exist

I don't trust these companies.

They probably would want to create clones with my Nordic genes to use as cyborg mind-controlled agents and sex slaves.