Cherry - The Gang-mobbing Tranny

Continuing thread

TL;DR: tranny tries to get people to contact a guy's university for telling him they should say they're a man beforehand, and then makes up "they also threatened me" excuse without showing proof

Also could anyone post the thing about her stealing me from her gofundme project? thanks

Is this (((/ourOP/)))

stealing money* rather

what dis?

basically something along
>his professor should make him do X?

Basically dude turns down fugging a mentally ill freak because he's actually a man and now the feminist mob is after him



WTF.... and they are seriously contacting his university
>principal punish him, he refused to hugh my cut up benis hole with his penis




file name, kek

somebody needs to just put them out of their missory, you don't let an animal that you run over with your car by accident live with broken legs and whatnot. You end them, if you can't do it your self you call the oppsynsman or wild and game service
>they are never going to have peace
fire will do just fine

Why doesn’t everyone report the tweet for harassment and abuse? We can find scum bags Antifa but can’t mass report this degenerate?


Tranny genocide when?

Every transfag is worthless and would be better off as fertilizer.

well he is actually targetting the uni kid for harassment and that is a valid reason to be suspended on twitter. So it's a good point

the url to the .org 404s, nothing on the canadian business register, and the gofundme is on behalf of one Stephen Lindt or something

Why is hatred capitalized? This a new liberal thing?

Repeating the same things over and over doesn't make your delusions true
>be a man without a penis
>get mad when straight male who probably wants children at some point calls you out on your bullshit

I think he crossed a line if he really said "you'd be in the ground" but if he really said that then why didn't the tranny post a screencap?

Because he didn't, tranny's excuse is he unmatched before it could take a picture

Note how they don't mention dilation tools in their little list...

But he had time to screencap the first part of the conversation ... sure.