Whats the joke? Tacos as you know them are an American invention, beaners just take credit
Whats your point?
>tfw no taco to eat
>He's scared of eating a perfectly serviceable food vehicle
The reason they need to be deported isn't the food, it's the parasitism, the crime that they both actively convey and passively convey to immigrate, and the drug trade that revolves around the border and a wall can happen to stop.
Also there's a national day for almost fucking everything if you dig hard enough.
>didn't know about taco day
>had tacos for dinner
mind officially blown
You guys will never know what it feels like to eat and shit this
such a wonderful sensation
Tacos are tasty. Had to stop eating them though, as the people who make them are physically incapacitate of speaking English.
It all makes sense...
"not everyone works at Taco-bell", eric paddock blurts cold heartedly to the broadcaster outside his home...All the whiteys have been dusted by high caliber weapons and have been leaving Vegas in droves for new, less white population to move in and debauch themselves.
58 people confirmed dead, many more in critical and the like...illuminati imagery confirms this event was a sacrifice to moloch.
All that dead meat
all a sudden, national taco day
would you and your children like to buy cheap taco's at our Las Vegas location? MEAT'S FRESH.
I actually I do know what its like to eat tacos that look exactly like that. Frankly they're the only tacos I want to bother to eat now. Its a good feeling.
Make your own you lazy nigger. Way better that way anyway.
>not having taco day on a Tuesday
I hate this fucking place.
National Taco Day? I'm in...
>tfw not a tacobell poorfag
Or alternatively, those spics who demand the right to live here despite breaking the law could actually speak the language of the land.
not everybody works at taco bell. im sorry
This mass shooting is brought to you by Taco Bell
Live Mas
I want a pink taco.
The real Taco day is called "DIA DEL TACO" and it's celebrated on Marth 31th.
The shit you eat at Taco Bell is not a taco or even real food, its junk food by amerilards, for amerilards
Shits on Taco Bell day before Taco day after Brother comments mass murder