Why are US cops so shit?

>Shooting starts at 10pm
>Room breached at 11:58pm


The mudshit stabbers in London were shot and killed by armed police within 6 minutes of beginning their attack, that is how quickly terrorists are killed in a country with a 90% unarmed police force, so why the fuck did the most heavily armed police force in the developed world take TWO HOURS to kill this cunt? Perhaps some of those lives could have been saved if swat had put a bullet or ten in his head before he got the chance to do it himself, but no your cops are seemingly absolute trash.

Explain yourselves, burgers.

Other urls found in this thread:


They're acting.

>Implying our police aren't a fucking embarrassment

2 hours is better than not doing their jobs in fear of being labeled an islamophobe.

>muh kunspirasy xD

Fuck off child.

>Bobby having some harmless fun
>Reflective of actual performance

>Muh rotherham

Old news. Also nobody died.

When shit hit the fan our boys dont fuck about.

hi muhammad, hows your new home

Shut the fuck up you little runt, get the fuck out of my country.

america is a bureaucracy

After 10 minutes he encountered the security guard and had stopped shooting. That's a "barricade" situation and followed protocol. The only following shot was directed at himself.


>Shooting starts at 10:08pm
>Shooting ends at 10:18pm
>"the coppys suck mate!!!!!"
Why are British people so fucking stupid, Sup Forums? I swear to God they're dumber than niggers.

>most heavily armed police force in the developed world

There are plenty of embarrassments in Britain to share anyway

Starting dump








This is now a Britain shame thread





They still thought it was people clapping


the lands you conquer eventually conquers you...

enjoy karma Britt fags!



fuck off you retarded swedish cuck


Why are the zogbots pretending to take cover while the crisis actors just stand there?

Haha I get it.

They are pussies. I wouldn't have rushed the place the first second either, but... Come on...

your women are escaping Britain and whoring themselves to refugees, stupid cuck, I guess it takes one to know one huh

>Muhammed top name in the world
>Earthcucks BTFO
This is how stupid you sound. We've had discussions about headlines like that a hundred times.

and the cops and their elected officials are all bragging about how great a job they did.
>they breached the door!
>well yes, the shooter had already been dead for a long time by then...
>but still, dem heroes!!
now they want more funding for raises and benefits for themselves


I like the way how the indian and african kids are pretty enthousiastic. And then the ones with the headscarf...

Because it was a fed arms deal, and feds were everywhere telling cops to get away from the area.

They aren't shit.

>The attack began at about 10:08 p.m. PDT

>By around 10:25 p.m., a group of law enforcement officers had reached the floor of the shooter and locked it down.

That's only 17 minutes.

The guy would have been caught alive. In America he'd be dead and you'd have a week of riots to deal with

My woman is in bed mate, slags will always be slags no matter what’s going on in the world, fucking millions of good women out there

It was more than an hour. You're talking about the brave security guard that got shot?

>standing around in the corridor like pussies for an hour and a half waiting for swat to arrive

Yeah really makes me think

Inshallah !



See here:

> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Las_Vegas_Strip_shooting#Shooting

I listened to the scanner and that's not how it went imho. I was drunk while it happened so I'm gullible tho, lol. I believe you, but not Wikipedia.

They were confronted with automatic fire through the doors.
He also had cameras.
You need SWAT units to deal with such a case (bullet shields, flashbangs etc.).

The SWAT team should've been there faster though.
No doubt about that.

>some guys are in a specific place with knives
>there's a guy with a gun shooting at people from somewhere in the city

If you can't understand why it would be more difficult and time consuming to search half a city compared to an indoor market, you should just neck yourself.

A chinese name is the most common in the world you delusional fag, are you seriously defending that?

Still got a few more things

w0t, there weren't fucking black celts

Police arent military, they're not trained to deal with being pinned down by suppressive fire.

>They were confronted with automatic fire through the doors.

No they weren't. That security guard was shot.


The sand coons all call their boys Mohammed so it’s a bit off, if every white called their sons the same name it wouldn’t be that way you dumb cunt.

>What are you implying goy?

>he thinks that international language services are to make it easier for people living in Britain to read

the swat team was in there by 30 minutes or so, the thing is the guy had stopped shooting. Which means that they had time to take a second and start gathering information about room layout, etc. from whoever and moving slowly and carefully. So long as the guy is barricaded in, it doesn't matter what he's doing so long as he is NOT shooting people.

Stephen "unload a clip on the Vegas strip" Paddock had stopped shooting after only about 10 minutes, so they had plenty of down time


I would sooner believe that africa was colonized so thoroughly that there are random white people shotgunned across the dark continent than I would believe there was more than a token amount of (roman) black people in Celtic land...

Yeah sure, keep saying that, as long as it makes you happy
You don't really need help with inviting them over anyway

>knife wielding mudshits screaming allahu akhbar are easier to engage and take down than a heavily armed individual holed up in a building.
thanks for your worthless input.

Cops in USA are shit? This is the definition of shitty police.

>Stephen "unload a clip on the Vegas strip" Paddock had stopped shooting after only about 10 minutes

I wonder if he was dead by then already?

Any info on his exact time of death?


At least British tv shows are still traditional

>unironically defending this

I heard about this, but where is hard, fact-based proof?

If you have links please send

just looked it up and it seems oliver is one of the top names. Muhammad is top in london however

Jesus, the HELL is that show?

Are there any photos of the dead? I haven't seen anything. Not even a decent photo of the aftermath

Doctor who, ever heard of it? famous british tv show, but it was too white, thankfully Sultan Sadiq Khan issued a fatwa declaring it a diverse show
On a real note, at least britcucks are not forced to pay it like they are with the bbc, i think...

Britain wont be around by then if its got that many niggs

Jesus how horrifying. Went and googled this.

Kinda reminds me of what they're doing to Star Trek, minus the obvious historical revision. RIP Sci Fi.

It isn't around right now anyway
The future is dark user, quite literally

Remember when being British actually meant something?


Shoot and cause 600 victims. Stop and take a break. Cops are ok with it and do nothing for 45 minutes before going in. How is anyone ok with that? If he started shooting again hundreds of families would have sued.

And the fact the LVPD was bragging about how shooting stopped after 9 minutes...but don't say it's because he stopped on his own .

So only person who checked out the room in 72 minutes was hotel security. Why are we letting people push conspiracy theories and not this

>The future is dark user, quite literally
Well I mean, Anglos are still a considerable part of the population and all that, and there will only be white flight as there's more incursions. The silly thing is that the white population shrinking would have been perfect for how much automation is coming down the pike in the next few decades. (((They))) wouldn't be alive to see the profits of those new economies, though. Just sad that history is being so drastically altered in this fashion. Really makes you wonder what other histories were altered in the decades prior to this.

There's still time, but I don't understand how folks are so nonplussed by all this.

Who fuckin believes this shit, like seriously

europe is like a video game. if you pull out a gun and aggro the local population, a police squad instantly spawns in a room 50 feet away from you and tells you turn yourself in or pay with your blood.

I heard it was 77?
