Is she worth the hassle?
Is she worth the hassle?
I'd do her in every possible hole.
She's a realistic depiction of a woman.
Only on your side when it benefits her.
Stab you in the back in a heartbeat.
Where do I find such women? Preferably naked
Going into Lupin you think Fujiko is playing Lupin by the nose throughout the series.
but later viewing you kinda realize it's the other way around. Dunno if Lupin ever managed to bed that, but most of their rivalries ended with Lupin's win.
>Dunno if Lupin ever managed to bed that
Green jacked did, I think. fucking way
Plz tell me this is real and not just fantasy
Of course not
They have that kind of relationship where they're the only ones for each other but they'd never admit it.
I can't think of what that trope is called.
Lupin does in Secret of Twilight Gemini. And boy do we get a nice view.
>And boy do we get a nice view.
Post it.
who hurt you?
Nice, blonde Fujiko a best.
pretty sure their rivalry IS their love relation
they probably wouldn't have it any other way (especially given how promiscuous they both are).
I respectfully disagree.
I don't see the beauty of brown hair but whatever.
Blonde hair only goes with green or blue eyes, at least for me.
>Is she worth the hassle?
She is like an 11/10. I think if I was half as capable like Lupin. I totally go through the hassle to get me some of that high quality cooze.
I personally prefer Brown hair, but blonde-hair with brown eyes is pretty excellent stuff IMO.
11/10? Really?
I mean I don't disagree, but that would make her the hottest woman alive and I'm sure someone here on Sup Forums would protest.
I never got what the appeal of blonde hair is. Pretty much every other hair color appeals more to me.