How to debate this Sup Forums?

How to debate this Sup Forums?

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>America: Zero babies eaten by dingoes

You took away everyone in your countries freedom and people are still fucking dying from guns? Jesus christ..

Do those stats include suicide?



Looks like a linear trend line, and I figure total homicides are almost flat.

So gun deaths were trending down before the ban and continued to do so after it. This really makes me think.

"Move to Australia if you love it so god damn much"

My understanding is that knife deaths went up as gun deaths went down.

homicide rate in australia didn't drop for like a decade after the 1996 law. Robberies and sexual assault rose for a decade after.

Look up "violent crime australia" they provide these numbers themselves. Gun deaths =/= homicides.

Of course, the fact that lebo gangs have still got these banned weapons and are caught with them regularly has been sadly neglected from your arguement. So much for a ban.

If they say gun deaths instead of gun homicides yes.

Also gun homicides are a red herring too, it is just homicides that would matter and over the same period of time homicide rates dropped by a greater degree in the US than Australia.

Chicago 2017 to date.

Year to Date
Shot & Killed: 499
Shot & Wounded: 2403
Total Shot: 2902
Total Homicides: 536

It's not guns, its niggers.

because one is in the constitution.....

start a movement saying let's change the 1st and 5th amendment

see how far you get

Ask why Australia gave a passport to the prostitute, who lived with the shooter, and said nothing about the 50+ guns.

American violent crime looks the same as Australia if you just look at white people

You will not get any sort of reasoned debate here.

Stop using my country as a political tool you commie faggot

the guns obviously keep american dingoes in their place

We love prostitutes.

It was our original primary industry.

Now they're defenseless against the 40 pound spiders and roving crocodile gangs.

Criminals don't care about laws, that's why they're criminals. What's so hard to understand about this? If someone wants to kill someone it's against the law, but people still do it.

Knife and other murder stats have gone up to compensate. People are just killing each other with other things.

Bring up Switzerland
Bring up that they have fewer deaths than she

Watch the mental dissonance

It was already on a downward trend before the ban, and it stopped going down a few years after. You could almost say that the gun ban ended an ongoing decline in gun deaths.

But why did he post a graph that completely BTFO's his argument? Was this an accident


We are not Australia or Japan or any other nation. We are the USA. There a 500 million guns.


US gun deaths have gone down significantly over that same time period though.

This is redundant spam. Shills have been posting this same unsourced debunked lie again and again, but with different images and phrasing. One-line one-posts are inherent spam, redundant threads are forbidden, hard cases make bad law, and Australia had four mass shootings since the ban.

oh look, another hour, another 'Australia has no blah blah take the guns' thread.

Drugs are banned and illegal. people still do them.

>Gun deaths level out
How about crime levels?
Gun crimes?
Murders in general?
Violent crime in general?

And here it is without gun control

Just do the math about how many lives you'd save by banning niggers

>failing to mention that this was the trend for violent crimes in most western countries including the US

the benefits of having guns are invisible, to see them just look at problems in countries where they do not have guns.

>Ban guns
>still have 40-70% of previous pre-ban gun deaths from....well....guns

If a ban actually worked, you'd have ZERO gun deaths, so once again, it proves that a ban means that only the bad guys have guns. Way to self-cuck, Aussies.

>Is going down
>Guns laws come in
>Gun laws go down at the same speed and then slows down

People think is good evidence


how many niggers do they have?

Because banning guns to make the population helpless to tyranny has always been the objective. Whence the guns were banned, then no further need for false flags

People saved by guns in America every year: 2,500,000

People saved by guns in Australia every year: 0

How can people die from guns in Australia if guns are illegal?

>look the number was going down since the 80s
>and then it went down some more

They have fewer niggers

the guy's name was Steven Ham, and he was just some fucking waiter at the hotel

this is (another) false flag gun grab and there are about a million idiots like you who actually (secretly) get a hard-on for this kind of attack because it gives you an excuse to ramp up the righteous indignation in your tired old arguments.

fuck off and kys. SAGE too

Bring up Brazil. UK-style gun control and still one of the most violent countries in the world.

Tell them about Switzerland and Norway and how safe those countries (2nd and 3rd biggest gun nations on earth) are in comparison.

Tell them that without blacks the US would have the same amount of gun-related violence as Belgium.

I don't understand the argument he's making

what really happened was that the aussie government broke up several crime families in the late 90s
crime and murder haven't really descreased much just firearm involved mob killings

This is the only response. every single time you see someone post something like this reply with this image.

Yeah, but Australia doesn't share a border with fucking Mexico.

>australia has a much smaller population
>bad things happen much less often
really mak u ponder

His argument is no mass shootings. That graph has nothing to do with his argument and has almost no connection to the ban. It was on a downward trend from the beginning.

Well, how to debate?

#1 The overall gun homicide rate in the US has been trending down, and has dropped by more than half since the mid 90's. Gun crime has gone down while the number of guns has more than doubled in that time frame. The same is true for deaths due gun negligence (accidents).

#2 The number of mass shootings in the US is effing politicized. The "Mass shooting tracker" includes things like suicide-murders (where daddy kills his family and then himself), and gang violence. If you take the FBI definition of 4 people killed in a public place that isn't gang related, then the number of mass shootings is rather small -- yearly it's about 2-7 shooting events.

#3 This is the most important -- the US can't do what was done in Australia. Australia had mandatory gun confiscation, and 1/3rd of their guns in circulation were turned back in. Australia never had that many guns in the first place, nor doe they have a 2nd amendment, so something like that is possible. You simply can't do that in the US with our 2nd amendment, and 400 million guns in private hands. It's not going to happen.

If you want to find a solution to "gun violence" in America, you have to find one that works in the framework of the 2nd amendment, and that has practicality. For instance, you could increase suicide prevention funding, crack down on gang violence, enforce tougher sentences on straw purchases. But most people don't find that very sexy, especially liberals as gang violence and straw purchases seem to affect predominantly black gang bangers.

>countries with 24 million people have less shootings than countries with 330 million

yes, tell me more.

You also get 0 mass shootings free healthcare, food and housing in prison

It’s utopia

>gun deaths are different from other violence related deaths because uhhh guns are scary I guess

He probably doesn't, either.

“Gun deaths”

What about violent deaths

We should pool resources and open CrikeyWorld, a theme park dedicated to feeding Australians to various critters from their homeland.

Nazi Germany. 0 Mass rapes since muslim control laws in 1934, thousands of women's bodies saved a year. America can put a man on the moon but this is too complex?

They are pushing to pass more gun laws. More control over us.

theres still gun deaths though. so technically the law didnt do shit. given that "nobody" owns guns

The amount of homicides remained the same.
Also, misleading chart because more people die from suicide via guns than homicide via guns.

Yes gun homicides were on a downtrend long before the ban on semi automatic rifles. perhaps when you look at a longer period of time this trend becomes more obvious

Shooting deaths were naturally on the decline in Austrailia anyway, just like every other first world country since the 90's.

You tell them it's an island which was easier to control the guns. We have bordering countries that would make billions of dollars on the illegal gun trade and they already have been pouring into this country illegally and this would further increase that and their gang activities in the areas.

But if you say this to a liberal they will probably say "and thats a good thing"

How's that work out per captia? Oregon has very high gun death rates and that state is white as hell.

Ben Shapiro showed the full data. Gun deaths were already declining in decades past, and the trend merely continued. BTFO.


Australia just like UK is surrounded by ocean, not Mexico

It did shit tot he 400 people a year that don't die anymore. These are Aussies family and friends that aren't dying.

Like 400 lifes are something to worry about lol.

Gun homicides in the same time period fell FASTER in American than in Australia.

Homicides declined across the West over that period regardless of policy differences

Bout to enlighten you libs who think Australian style gun control will work for USA.

It's a complete false equivalency. Australia has way less people and had way less guns. After the Australian ban was enacted around 700,000 firearms were surrendered to the government in total. There's over 300 MILLION registered firearms in the United States, and probably many more millions unregistered. Considering our southern border problem that Australia doesn't have, I'm sure if people are able to sneak over their able to bring unregistered guns with them too. "If guns are banned, only criminals will have them" is much more true for the United States than Australia (but even Australian criminals still have guns). Confiscatory gun control just won't work on any capacity. There's no way to confiscate that many weapons, and trying to do so would honestly probably spark a civil war.

The point of guns is to make sure your government can get put in check if necessary.

Look at Venezuela if you want to see the effects of strict gun control. Their government went full-blown police state and nobody could do a damned thing. Same thing might happen with Catalonia.


We have the right to defend ourselves. It isn't up for debate. Look up "shall not be infringed" and then go fuck yourself.

The USA will never change it's gun laws and here's why.
1. The country was founded by people with guns who overthrew a tyrannical government. They wrote the second amendment to prevent a future tyrannical government from oppressing it's subjects. This founding attitude is burned into the psyche of the US people. They didn't have a vote and voila, got a country out of it (like Australia did). They fought and bled for it, and they will be prepared to fight to keep it.
2. There is such a big gun culture in the USA that there will be no way of keeping guns out of criminal's hands. Increasing gun control will only keep the guns out of law-abiding people. There's so many guns over there that the gun "white" market would shrink and the "grey" and "black" markets will just increase. The guns will always be there, no matter what the law says.
Gun reform worked in Australia, but those same reforms won't work in the USA because of these two reasons.

>400 lives
So approximately 0.000001% of the US population will live if we ban guns, while about 800,000 babies are killed every year by abortion, a number 2000x higher than those darn pesky mass shootings and 80 times higher than all gun homicides.

Fuck off.

Yes, it's beautiful here in our tolerant, socialist paradise user. The only people that have guns are the criminals. We're doing our utmost to re-educate them when the run afoul of the law in the hopes they be rehabilitated and pursue a life respectful of our desire for diversity, peace and love.

Giving up our freedom to defend ourselves, our freedom of speech (we don't want to offend anyone) and our freedom to live as we choose lets us live in Utopia, user.

The rise in break-ins, violent crime against the elderly, women and the defenceless has been a small price to pay.


We've had shooting massacres here since no idea what hes on about


Oh hey someone with a brain.
Australia is a country and continent.
USA is a country between countries on a continent

Australia is an Island. America can still get weapons imported from Mexico.

Why do the debates after an event like this always immediately go to "should guns be banned or not"? I honestly think it's just manipulative media trying to strengthen right/left divide and slander republicans through misrepresentation ("they're heartless! don't care that people are being murdered!"). I feel like there's reasonable gun control that many people on both sides of the aisle could agree with while preserving in full the second amendment rights, for example something like mental health screening for firearm licenses restricted access to those with violent or mentally ill backgrounds. What are Sup Forums's thoughts?

>murder rate went up after the ban before following the global trend down
JFC does it matter how people are murdered if they're still getting murdered?

google "relativity to population size"

and then factor in the amount of niggers we have here to there.

Australia has no Bill of rights, or second amendment, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED

In 1996 Australia had roughly 700,000 "assault rifles" turned in out of more then 1.5 million,

US has over 400,000,000 guns in private hands and that is just a ATF estimate.

ATF would have to go and take peoples guns, massive shoot out would occur, Survivalist would see this as the NWO taking over.

Most ATF, Milltary, Cops are gun guys and world probably refuse to go and take law abiding citizens guns.

Did I mention that we have a Bill of right and Second Amendment, The Bill of Rights of The United States of America is basically the 10 commandments for our nation.

It takes a a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures. To nullify an amendment, This will never happen as long as you have Republicans in office.

Once again


Guns deaths in the US from 1992-2017 decreased more than 50% as well.

And Australia HAS had mass shootings, in fact if you looks at the data from the last 20 years since the ban, and compare it to the last 20 before it you get nearly equal rates of these events.

Australia's gun laws didn't do shit. Crime worldwide was trending downward and Anti-Gunners took credit for it.

>Australia is almost exclusively white
Most gun crimes committed by blacks
>Gun deaths in us also declining
Shows notl causal relationship

Didn't know we really had murders that weren't black gangs.

Honestly, I can say that it's very true that Australia is very safe and pleasant. Crime is low and gun ownership is low. The weather is good. The most annoying thing is the flies. In contrast, Murica keeps having massacres and has a massively high suicide rate (that could easily be lowered by restricting gun access). Burgertards on Sup Forums love to get mad at Australia because we're less fat and because they know our safety and standard of living are way better than yours. Now excuse me while I go crack open a Fosters and barbeque a shrimp.

Half the population of this country could get shot in the face and I still wouldn't even consider changing my stance on guns.