Oy Vey, let us inject your children with chemicals goy


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>US gov will put you in jail if you refuse forced medical procedures

Thin end of the wedge, folks.

i would inject her with my chemicals if you know what i mean (i would ejackelate seamen inside of her vegana)

You have to be both brave and stupid to rear a child in today's world.

>being an antivaxxer.


>Doesn't vaccinate her kid
>Kid gets sick
>Kid gets others sick

Im ok with this

Fuck this bitch.
Vaccines are for our own good

>oy vey looks like your kid didn't take the (((((vaccine))))) today, goy

Everybody who believes in the vaccine Jew needs necking


>>Doesn't vaccinate her kid
>>Kid gets sick
>>Kid gets others sick
>Im ok with this

Um... if vaccines WORKED then why would one unvaccinated snowflake make any difference?


stop this ive seen you post it 3 times now

I'm not an anti-vaccine person but I do not believe in being jailed for not giving MY children vaccines.

antivax is so stupid it verges on criminal stupidity. so while im not particularly keen on the state nosing in and creating crime for the sake of crime, this is a compromise i can live with.

anti vaxxers should be sterilised.

>It's for your own good
Literally the state are kike phrase to Jew the goy I to something

>The most totalitarian goverment in the west s a source
Lmao drink beach

post bobs

yea. heroine too.


How can other kids get sick if they are vaccinated?

Yes, goy, take your (((Vaccines))).


at least people don't get hpv after vaccinate there like it happened here

if everyone else is vaccinated, they can't get sick so it doesn't matter. It is only that one kid at risk, and it's their parents choice whether or not to take that risk.
>yes goy, you need these chemicals they are good for you! and if you refuse, we will jail you, take your kid away, give him to a foster family (probably religious nutjobs or gay pedos) and then inject him
sounds like a good and fair deal

one unvaccinated snowflake turns into 1000 unvaccinated snowflakes my dude

>Letting the state, which is run by militant anti white traitors, decide to insert shit into your kid
>Distrusting the state in everything as a edgy contrarians on pol while simultaneously having blind trust in them in regards to health

What a hamsterwheeling spastic
Off yourself

Lol btfo

Herd immunity you stupid shit.

The more kids go unvaccinated because of "M-MUH GUBMINT, MUH CHILD, I KNOW WHAT'S BEST", the fewer and fewer people are fully immune, and it only takes a few to start a serious outbreak.

mostly stupid

Vaccinations arent a 100 percent guaranteed immunity, dumbass. Thats why herd immunity is so vital.

The flu is far more prevalent in areas with large amounts of flu vaccinations.
People who get flu vaccines also catch the flu more often

>No universal healthcare
>Get put in jail for not vaccinating your kids

Supreme court this shit. This is why we dont have socialistic health care. So no one can force you what to do with your body. Thats fucking freedom. This is communist shit.

LMAO at all the brainlets in the thread who thinks more people living = good LMAO

Bring down this civilization, idiots

Well she's being jailed for failing to honor an agreement with the dad that they would vaccinate from what I read, not necessarily *for* not vaccinating.

Dont burgers have their penis forcibly mutilated at birth by the Jew aswell? or is that optional

>bring millions of third worlders in
>hehe looks like we need mandatory vaccines, sorry goyboys

So they are pointless? Thanks for clearing that up!

your child infecting everyone and compromising herd immunisation.

because most pathogens will mutate as they infect someone. Vaccines generally only deter certain strains of whatever virus and if you let some brat get infected then there is no guarantee that the vaccinated kids are safe from the new generations of viruses.


Polio when?

I never had gay feelings before I was ("("("vaccinated")")")

And? You young people are pussies. We had mumps and whooping cough chicken pox and small pox all for laughs back in the day. You'd go get your Q card and pack a bag and go to grandma's for a week or two eating fucking sherbet. These diseases aren't even that bad and those that choose to beat them over putting toxins inside their bodies are welcome to do so.

I don't see how you can call these people stupid unless you personally analyzed what we're being injected with, alongside short/long term effects. You are basically saying "trust because they have authority".

Again, you think I believe these people should survive lol?

In California it is.

>Sup Forums worries about getting autism

it doesn't matter what you believe. your actions are detrimental to those around you and therefor you should be punished.

Yes goyim go your own way


"Don't have kids, that would be stupid" said the Communist to the Nazi forum.

>vaccines are bad
good try kike

>doesn't want others to be free

So the plan is to keep pumping small babbies with huge amounts of chemicals and every new baby with even stronger and bigger amount of chemicals eventhough those chemicals are not 100% to work. Got it!

Again, you think I believe these people should live lol?

Don't forget "demonically selfish."

Is there anything more selfish and cruel than sentencing somebody to Life?

Why don't you adopt some of the orphans already stuck here instead of bringing in new fresh meat for the slaughter?

She should have tried to cut a deal for immunity

Stop being retarded.

Look, there are some conspiracies that you were able to prove right, but immunizations is one of those things that isn't a Jewish fucking conspiracy. Any kind of lethal agent in the immunization would cause effect in the general population, and a fuckload more than just 20 cases of autism.

Stop being retarded or risk getting measles and die.

>I don't see how you can call these people stupid

it's because at some point, after decades of life saving vaccination and just doctor after doctor, medical school after school etc saying it fine they STILL go with the line of thinking from a random playboy playmate. Plus in the end if I remember correctly Jenny Mac's kid not even have autism in the first place.

Now I'm fine with maybe spreading them out a little bit. I not sure kids need to be pumped up with all of them in one damn day but the anti-vax is not based off any real science. It's a gut feeling and one busted ass report that was proving to be BS.
We have autistic kids being they changed the rules about who could fell under that diagnostics. Also people are now waiting way too long to have kids. I get why they do but moms should be early 20s not, 38 and 40+.. It make for more fucked up kids.

>your child infecting everyone and compromising herd immunisation
lololololol this is a strawman used to prop up public support for "universal healthcare". one can just as easily, if not even MORE easily, make the argument that vaccines breed supergerms that wipe out entire populations. but gee (((nobody))) would try to trick an entire population into destroying itself amirite my goat-fucking shit-colored friend?

If parents would stop treating children like pets or personal property, this sort of shit would go away. Maybe if children were to sue negligent parents , it might be a better world. Say at the age if 21

I wish some of these whores would admit that its not Autism, their kid is just stupid.

The cattle are starting to fight back.

The thing is that the vaccine boosts your immune system. It makes it so you won't get sick from a small exposure, but if it's exposed to too much then it's a lost cause. It's like a militia. It can fight off small groups, but it won't do shit once surrounded by tanks.

Also vaccines don't get stronger, it just uses a different strand of the virus.

Tampon earring bitch? Is that you?

This sounds like more than a vaccination issue. I bet the parents are divorced and the father was being denied his parental rights to make medical decisions. They probably had a notarized agreement.

>Spend years eradicating disease through vaccines
>Burgers take us back to the 17th century.
>Spend double as % of GDP on health yet no Universal basic coverage.

Head full of fluoride and drugs.

Yes goyim, vaccinate your children. *rubs hands*

well the father sounds like a beta cuck so yea he probably is divorced. and he is such an effeminate failure of a man that he had to resort to female indirect, passive-aggressive tactics to get his revenge. what a fucking loser. i bet he has no chin.

>make the argument that vaccines breed supergerms

wow that's like next level stupid. Has there been super polo? Super Mumps? Super Smallpox and measles? No we pretty much eradicated them to a level they are only in middle no where areas, a few dumb fuck anti-vax outbreak and in the case of I think smallpox it's only left in a lab test tube.
Vaccines are not like antibiotics where you end up with super germs. Come one now, that's like basic level stuff here. I get it's fun to LARP as a stupid nigger here but lets not go this far.


she wants to wantonly endanger him to serve her own arrogant ignorance and superstitions, then she is getting what she wants and deserves

she have grown up and learned to think be she even had a child

this brings me more joy than i can express easily

>tfw you have been vaccinated but your children and progeny will die

Stop committing biological jihad.

oh you love communist healthcare but you don't like fluoride? and yet you have the audacity to demand that the taxpayers pay for the std you contracted from that goat...sad many such cases

Understanding the science behind acquired immunity is one thing.

Knowing what's inside each and every syringe is something else entirely.

Besides, how many billions of dollars in damages have been awarded by vaccine courts to vaccine-damaged patients?

Somebody has to prove in a court of law and argue against the fleets of lawyers that Big Pharmaceutical companies can afford to hire, in order to win any damages. A system like that wouldn't have paid out billions of dollars to people if it was all a bunch of made-up horseshit.

When vaccine corporations bribe politicians to throw mothers in prison for not buying your product and injecting babies with mercury.

>Super Mumps
mumps is literally making a comeback right now. go ahead and try to blame the anti-vaccers even though they make up a tiny % of the population faggot. lololololololololololol i bet you wanted bernie to win

Oy vey goyim, you do know it's against the law to question Jewish laws? You're supposed to take your medicine and like it!
Achieving Childhood Vaccination Success in the U.S. Expert Panel
Some key points in the video at 40:00, 50:00, 52:00,
53:00 Carol J (((((Baker)))))) - "we'll just rid of all the whites!!!"

Finally, a real woman. She hot.

>We had mumps and whooping cough chicken pox and small pox all for laughs back in the day
>small pox for laughs

I mean, I think you're trolling, but I just don't know these days.

The child is her private property you dumb as fuck commie. If you intend to claim ownership of the child you will personally pay 100% of the child's expenses.

I still find it hard to believe some Americans think vaccinations are a meme

Get your mercury shots, goy. Give them to your babies as well. Hehehe.

do you know what a think tank is?

>shillanon has never seen the vaccine inserts that say there are risks fat worse then autism like death.
I hope you can sleep at night knowing you get babies damaged for big pharma for a couple shekels. I hope the souls of the dead baby haunt you in the wind.

Grow up, frustrated little boy.

Some patient populations can't get certain vaccines.
Herd immunity is for them.

If it were one kid not getting vaccinated, then whatever.
But it's the same mentality with voting. It's never 1 person abstaining. It's always millions.

You need 90-99% for herd immunity. Otherwise it doesn't work. A lot of these old time diseases have seen a resurgence in modern day because of anti-vax.


>How dare they discover new vaccines and prevent us from getting many more diseases

i find it hard to believe some european "men" think owning a purse and capri pants and hating guns doesn't make them any less of a man.

And no, children belong to themselves. A primary tennet of Liberty is that you own your own life. The state can get fucked.

A lot of vaccines are free or discounted by the state.

>So no one can force you what to do with your body. Thats fucking freedom.
Yes, but when you're causing a public health hazard by spreading disease, that's a problem.
Same mentality with obesity
>it doesn't affect you!
Yes, it does. I pay more taxes.

the flu, yeah, no fuck that, the math alone makes it more of a risk if you're not in an at-risk category, most kids can suffer earning their immunity to the year's common cold outbreaks

polio or smallpox, the vaccines keep these illnesses in the history books

>one can just as easily, if not even MORE easily, make the argument that vaccines breed supergerms that wipe out entire populations.
No, you can't.
This has literally never been shown or proven.
You're thinking of antibiotic stewardship.

What are preservatives that prevent bacteria from forming in the vaccine, these types are more readily metabolized, and no studies prove toxic effects.

It doesnt effect anyone but the kids who arent vaccinated. If you got vaccinated you should be immune. No one should be able to force you to get vaccinated and you do not pay more taxes because of it no idea where you got that from.

Good, not vaccinating your kids is retarded nigger-tier behavior. The "science" the antivaccination craze is based off of was debunked after it was found out the scientist who did it falsified his data and made the whole fucking thing up. People who still buy into this nonsense shouldn't be allowed to have children.

Why so are your bros so dumb?
>Stay strong BASED Burger


"Diseases" like the flu. Injecting yourself with mercury every year is better than missing a couple days of work. Good goy.

go do research on vaccines, most of them are unnecessary, ineffective and filled with unnecessary harmful chemicals, monkey and other animal tissue. They might even cause outbreaks in the future.

>correlation vs causality
The criteria for dx autism has become more loose. We are better are dx it, and woman are having kids at an older age.

This is like claiming people carrying matches are more likely to have lung cancer, therefore matches cause lung cancer.

>muh mercury

Great way to show you don't understand basic chemistry.

Daily reminder medical errors are the third leading cause of death. More than 250,000 deaths a year - more deaths than gun violence b cause stupid doctors.


Fuck the AMA. Fuck their atheism and their death cult.

fuck off shill, vaccines do hurt children, it should be a personal choice