Goyim what the fuck

>wehrmacht's ideal Aryan soldier
>literally half jewish.

Explain this shit

Jews are the real goyim.

It's almost like Hitler and the NSDAP weren't a caricature of insane, irrational evil like everything portrays them as.

>It's almost like Hitler and the NSDAP weren't a caricature of insane, irrational evil like everything portrays them as
Then why is Sup Forums?

maybe everything you've ever heard aboit nsdap was a fabrication? have you ever considered that?

Because Sup Forums is mostly retarded and mostly American, but I repeat myself.

because the caricature of nazi germany is a meme, Sup Forums is all about memes if you haven't heard

This too Sup Forums cranks all memes and narratives up to 11 and most people on here go out of their way to be acerbic or off-putting so its supposed interpretation of things isn't exactly reliable.

If the fuhrer liked us, then Sup Forums should like jews also

It's not, the difference between Sup Forums and the average lefty hug box is that there is no dominant majority political view. It's politically incorrect, not politically nazi.

I like Israeli Jews desu.

why do you think you're here?
what lured you here in the first place?
what is the biggest bait lure for jews out there?
now does the antisemitic rhetoric make sense or is 4d chess too hard for you without ample foreskin infusions to get your oranges to ovulate?

I still think there's a lot of "extremists" within the far right or whatever you wanna call it. I like Jared Taylor but even on AmRen videos the comments are usually pretty fucked up, and that's something that's almost completely detached from Sup Forums culture.

When you go into extremist territory and unpopular opinions you always get idiots and nutjobs, no matter the politics.

Kicked out of military in 1941 when they found out his Jewish roots.

this so much. Americans dumb everything down and ultimately ruin it.

Would you believe me if I said Emu War

>wehrmacht's ideal Aryan soldier
>literally half jewish.
>Explain this shit

Basically, it's a lot like Sup Forums


Naw the real redpill is ww2 wasn't a real war, just a dramatic publicity stunt that hitler secretly planned with the jews cause they were thinking of all the ww2 movies/games/books in the future and wanted to be remembered forever.

It was really the most sophisticated set up possible and the deepstate has been trying to outdo it since.

Hitler was a jew.
His purpose was the creation of israel.

Join us.

No faggot. The Jews made it work after they got thrown in ghettos. Again. The Jews thought they had stopped the west by making Rome collapse, now someone else was threatening to destroy them. Jews take everything personal and will have their great grand children enact revenge if possible.

With a name like Goldberg, I'm sure he had a fun time in boot camp.

Muhammad stop talking. You are the cancer of Europe, Always have been. Always will be.


t. pic related

> Millions of ariyan young men killed.
> Jews get all the retributions.
