Why does this anime get such little attention? It's the best anime to come out in ages. It's fantastic.
Why does this anime get such little attention? It's the best anime to come out in ages. It's fantastic
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Because it's a straight up drama with nothing else going for it, that sort of thing is never going to garner a lot of attention. Also, the mangaka has done mostly (maybe even exclusively) BL in the past, so a lot of people dropped it on pretense of fujoshit. OP of the year though if we go by song only.
It did when it was airing.
It was great, but obviously not going to get a lot of attention considering it's a period josei about an obscure Japanese tradition, not a big draw to begin with. And then there's the lack of waifus combined with an emotionally charged relationship between men, making many retards consider it 'fujoshit'.
It was pretty much universally praised by everyone who actually watched as it was airing though.
It's an anime version of Oscar bait or those fancy period dramas on TV like The Knick and The Americans. Made for a tiny audience and for winning awards. Nobody will really remember despite them being well made.
It did tho when it was airing
If this had aired 15 years ago,it'd be praised as one of the greatest anime ever. But Otaku are cancer and they'd rather watch a 15 year old girls magic high-school adventures.
This was routinely cited for AotS while it was airing, and I'm sure that will resume when season 2 comes on.
It's goin to be AOTY easily.
What a cancerous thread. Nothing but a sad circlejerk
Because it isn't good at all, extremely boring and uninteresting, it's your typical melodramatic josei, with a terribly boring plot. It failed to entertain making one of the worst shows to air.
Half the people calling it good didn't even watch the whole thing, and it's filled with shit story telling and missed opportunities.
This show isn't good at all what so ever in the slightest, it just "looks" good, but it's actually quite terrible.
Did it sell well to the Fujoshits?
>People agree
>echo chamber
>not a circlejerk
This is not Reddit user
I agree, I like Josei from time to time but I was honestly in it for this stupid delinquent kid getting his shit straight. But I got a submissive nerd and bara gay flashback that spanned numerous of episodes.
>mfw the reveal about the unreliable narration is going to be animated
Honest, no bullshit answer? Because to the majority of anime watchers it is boring. I'm not trying to be a smartass, that's just the way I see it.
It got little attention because it doesn't have mass appeal, plain and simple. Plus it kind of looks fujo-y. Maybe it'll get recognition in elitist circles overtime and people will fap over how intelligent they are for liking it.
Daughter is a slut just like her mom.
>continuing your father's precious bloodline at any cost
>fucking some old dirty Yazuka fuck as a mistress and getting pregnant out of wedlock
Absolutely slutty.
No. Fujoshit is more interested in fujo dogs and boku no pico academia
Does anyone know how many chapters season one covered? I'd be nice if we got the entire manga adapted.
To the majority of people it's boring, because it is.
There was a single some what inttresting Idea in the entire show, and it was poorly executed "the whole protagonist was a criminal"
I instantly thought "okay, this could be good what is he in for? Do we get to see his growth to becoming straight?"
They killed anything that could have possibly be interesting about that in about 5 minutes. Quite literally shit.
Doubtful, but I guess it depends on how good the rest of the show goes.
But that's not true, the majority of people who actually watched it thought it was great. It was a surprise because most people didn't know what the fuck rakugo is letalone expect it to be an AOTS contender. Most people didn't even pick it up under the assumption that it will be boring.
Yotaro is not the protagonist.
If anything it gets too much already.
Jesus Christ, you people are so annoying, every fucking time I see this anime mentioned it's because "IT'S THE BEST THING EVER WHY DON'T PEOPLE TALK ABOUT IT CONSTANTLY." Just give it a rest, it wasn't even that good.
As far as I'm aware the first cour covered the first half of the manga, so the second will probably take it to the conclusion.
Wow you are so enlightened
And that's the issue. A delinquent getting his shit straight in the weirdest fashion with a strict mentor had a lot of potential. But you get a flashback that was your typical 2 n-no homo dude josei shit. The fucking author couldn't stop writing BL shit for one second.
Well it's not something that has wide-spread acclaim but most people who've watched it recognize how good it is and it seems like it's a lot of Sup Forums's AOTY so far. I think it's fantastic too but there's not a whole lot to talk about.
Please faggot, I bet you're one of the people who'd shit on people calling Re:Zero the best anime. Aren't you enlightened? Fuck you.
Getting tired of people bitching for months about how underappreciated their anime is doesn't mean I think I'm enlightened, user, it just means they've harped on about it far too frequently for far too long.
Sounds like it wasn't your cup of tea user. Not every story has to cover the settings and themes you like to be good.
It was decent but holy shit those last few episodes made me drop my enjoyment of the show a lot.
>It's the best anime to come out in ages
You're giving it too much credit for what it is. It was the best of the season though.
maybe this happens every time its mentioned because its actually quite good.
Keep layin' that truth on me, brothers
Two dads episode was best episode
It got enough attention while it was airing. Pretty much anyone who watched it thought it was good. I personally can't wait for the second season.
And? If it's good then just agree on that already. You don't need a thread every week informing people that it's good and complaining that not enough people acknowledge that.
Ping pong had a better fanbase than this.
>It's the best anime to come out in ages
Watch more anime.
But he can't, do you expect him to stoop to the level of watching things that aren't mature character dramas?
>right a few people decided something once, best stop that now
i guess we have stop talking about all of our opinions on any anime that has been discussed before, i understand now- thanks user
Yeah, let's ask questions that have already been asked many times recently about why people don't talk about this highly regarded show enough. That's a great idea, really quality posting there.
>But he can't
Well then how is anyone supposed to take his opinion seriously?
Besides the point, it was plenty discussed when it aired OP. At least bother to watch a show as it airs if you're that starved for discussion on it.
Such as? Quality-wise, nothing has approached Shouwa Genroku in a while.
inb4 Re:Zero or some shite
Not him but Shirobako was the last series I can think of.
It's the hipster version of mature anime for mature people like me. They just want to circlejerk about it. And they think they're better than shit like SnK. But the OP made a shitty thread so I can't blame him. I like Tatami Galaxy, but it's a well known rule that if you want talk about hipster garbage, you should never call it great. Because you'll look like a dumbass. Especially all of the posters here who think that it's the no good show has been released in the last 5 years. What the hell are you even doing here.
Should've been a live action.
im sorry we dont ask the questions you want user, we'll just all have to remember how much this repeated posting hurts your feelings next time.
Being serious doesn't it make it AOTS, user.
rakugo is a shitty niche that's why.
By virtue of your presence, it is not. Thank you for your benevolence.
Time to update the list with
>if it's a thread where people like a thing I don't, it's a circlejerk.
It isn't good because it's serious, it's good thanks to brilliant characterization, great atmosphere and an interesting story. I like less serious things as well, but they have to be well-crafted.
I really have to watch this one, it's been on my list since forever. Maybe after I finish Saiunkoku Monogatari.
Fafner Exodus is top tier and my personal AOTY but you need to watch the 2004 series and the movie to appreciate the characters.
Or you can watch the OVA Right or Left to get a grasp on the general mood of the series and see if you like it.
>Why does this anime get such little attention?
You must be new. It got plenty of attention during its airing.
But a ton of people said it was AOTS when it aired. Sup Forums just naturally focuses discussion on current shows unless the show in question has a general.
I'm sure he just means relative to other, less worthy but more popular shows.
Eupho and a handful of shows from 2014 were as good or better, I'd say. Plus hurray for Mob Psycho.
Its a great show and the most memorable one i've seen for a while but wait till season 2 airs to circlejerk it, we don't know how it will end so don't say things prematurely.
And the voice acting too. I've always known that Ishida Akira is great, but seeing his performance in this was phenomenal. I'm excited to see how well Kobyashi Yuu will perform in the sequel.
Rakugo is the most oscar-bait anime I have seen.
Maybe because there was nothing to talk about.
What do you think Oscar bait means and how does it apply to Rakugo?
Stick around for the Koe no Katachi movie first.
God you guys have shit fucking taste, this show was good.
S2 will focus on him
5 volumes IIRC, there are 10 in total, manga is ending soon
Who cares, and why does it matter.
People either love or hate this show for whatever reason. Retards call it fujoshit, and retards also call it the best anime in the past 20 years.
So far for me It's aots unless Amanchu pulls through.
Because it ended ages ago. You should have watched it along with everybody else here if you wanted to discuss it.
Have you not seen Momo he no Tegami and all of the other anime films about tomboyish looking girls in the boonies?
It's a legit opinion even if he watched a lot though.
There might be something you personally prefer but that doesn't mean he either hasn't watched it or is simply wrong about liking this more.
But it's already the agreed AOTY, What more do you want to talk about?
Just waiting for S2 now.
>implying anime with a high school setting can be good
wew lad
Did you drop shirobako after the first episode? The high school intro was just a framing for the girl's motivations.
Why do you insist on shitposting?
>muh opinion is the consensus
Just kill yourself already.
>after the first episode
It's literally just the scene before the OP. He has to be baiting.
>Did you drop shirobako after the first episode?
Yes. If the first episode doesn't impress, I stop watching. It's called having standards.
>If the first episode doesn't impress, I stop watching. It's called having standards.
Best cuck show of the year
Yeah Rakugo was amazing. Good animation, great characters, godly pacing
Because it was boring fujoshi stuff.
Great ass though.
digi pls go and stay go
Nothing else? They performed art
kill yourself
That's because a lot of pseudo intellectuals forced themselves through it, it's boring and forgettable, that's why no one cares about it.
The most unforgivable flaw a show could possible have is being boring, and this shit has flying colors in that category,
It's also pretty pretentious with the whole rakugo shit, and the melodrama isn't even interesting, and the ending was a fucking mess.
Visual direction, theater premise, dialogue presentation, absence of excessive humor and kid melodrama, natural progression of plot while keeping the mood intact,adults actually behaving like adults. No over pretentious psychological mindfuck.
Miss Hokusai probably come close to it in terms of Oscar baiting.
>the ending was a fucking mess.
Protip: unreliable narrators
No that's a meme, this show isn't good at all.
The Art and Animation is below average.
The characters are boring and uninteresting.
The rakugo never hits home.
The drama isn't even good.
The sound track forgettable(nice op but that's it)
Like, i see you people pretending this was good just because of the "mature premise", but please enlighten me, what was actually good about this?
School setting. Already discarded.
I really don't get the boring complaint I was on the edge of my seat most of the time, then again I enjoyed Mouryou no Hako as well so maybe I just have a higher tolerance for shower shows.