Why is he considered a villain again?

Why is he considered a villain again?

Because le epic Sup Forums racism meme.

he dindu nuffin


because everyones just jealous they didn't get that shota gutts boipussi

More like minor character.
God only knows why you post it so much.

I don't care what anybody says. It was all fair business.

I think he raped the protagonist.

haha le wise man

the blackened swordsman

i love this smug motherfuckers face


I'll give you a (you) for free. However, it costs you a (you) in return, and until you do, it grows a rare pepe per month.

Get the hell out of here you brainlet.

He actually did it.

People are tired of the whole "Wise Magical Negro" Trope, so they take it out on Donovan by calling him a rapist.

Honest, hard-working, pays his deals, athletic cheerful.

Donovan is made for protecting, he did nothing wrong.

Niggers are inherently villains, like orcs and goblins.

Don't you dare insulting orcs and goblics, you piece of shit!

he wuz a gud boi
he dindu nuffin

Da MAN made him do it!
at a very cheap price
