Just want to know. Educate me.
Why does everyone hate Slavs?
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i dont all i want in life is a qt3.14 slavic mail order bride
I don't : ^ )
I liek them.
read an rt comments section. that's why.
I don’t either slav are A OK in my book
It's mostly memes
I don't. I quite like them desu. My neighbour is Polish, really friendly. I'd rather have 100,000 Slavs instead of even one nigger.
They are nice
Because they were historically poor, uneducated criminals in our country. Try picking up a book.
Because POL is full of fat butt hurt Nazi worshippers
Well, I'm mostly referring to Marx and Hitler, seems odd to see both agree. I've heard others talking too, just don't understand.
that was the Italians idiot
>rt comments section written by slavs
Boy, you're an idiot.
Moscow born here... Honestly Slavs are bro tier, and they bully and weed out little bitches unlike Americans that encourage being whiny and weak.
It's just for funsies.
Really all we want to be are Slavs.
i dont mind slavs
Because we got subverted by Jews and helped to destroy European civilization.
worse he's an American
Hitler was a loser who killed 70 million whites
RT portrays western erurope and america as degenerate shitholes and slav regions as glorious of course they are frustraited
Cause' we squat better
its a meme, slavs are pretty cool
It's all because of that forest nigger, Adolf Schicklgruber.
Stormfags worship a drug addicted, vegetarian brunette who only ever had premarital sex all his life and only married at the very end when he knew he was going to die.
He literally never impregnated or allowed a woman to carry his baby and kept Eva as a secret mistress to preserve his virginal public image.
Perfect model for Stormfags to emulate.
Subhuman Albanian propaganda
Used to be the niggers of Europe untill, well, you know what happened next
I'd rather have Germanics inhabiting Europe, but slavs are a good second pick as they aren't weight down by (((guilt))) from colonialism and (((alleged))) acts.
European native rating scale:
>mediterraneans (Greeks, Southern Italians, Spanish)
Millions of nationalist Russians joined Hitler in his attempt to liberate our homeland from kikes and Georgians.
because slavs are more based than eurocucks murifats
pure jelly
You really think that, don't you? Yeah. Only Italians came here poor. The Slavs were teleported here with great wealth from their... failed state. You don't even know what centuries Slavic people emigrated to America, you dolt.
Because they are poor turd worlders.
slav is meme, the term slav literally encompasses so many ethnic groups and variations thats there isnt really one defined slav.
Some slavs are ok. White russians, some belorussians and ukrainians are ok. Some southern slavs who havent been enriched by turk hordes and balkanised are ok too. Ethnic poles are shit, but mixed poles (with hungarians, german, ukrainians) are much better
Success breeds jealousy. Most Sup Forumsacks are just jealous of Slavs since they're not getting Blacked. That's why most Slav haters come from America, Germany and the UK. It's just an inferiority complex. Hitler had no real hatred of Slavs. Several Eastern European states even sided with the Axis, such as Bulgaria, Slovakia and originally Yugoslavia before the British coup. He praised Marshal Pilsudski and the Polish people for their effort in the Soviet Polish War and from what I've heard was an admirer of the old Russian Aristocracy.
Most white Americans came from poor failed states lol. That's why they left mongrel.
I don't know about other slavs, but we Poles are simply different from westerners and that's what creates friction. We're more asocial, less empathetic. We have completely different habits and ways of acting in public. Our culture was naturally formed with these features built into it, so it collides with the western one once we emigrate. There are of course Poles which act differently even in their home countries - mostly young city ones, but they're just westernized dickheads with no boundaries - victims of globalism. Everybody that's not brainwashed fucking despises them, so I would guess that I'd despise actual westerners as well.
We're all secretly unhappy and hate each other
The nigger defense, 'it be whitey's fault'
nice joke
Slavs are more racially pure, have genuine culture, and a future, unlike effeminate western "whites" .
They aren’t white.
Because they're poor and criminally inclined
it's true though
america especially
But the Germanics are weighed down by guilt the most of all European groups. Even the Brits care less; in fact they long to get back to the glorious days of imperialism.
Oh yes, I'm rating them based on their innate characteristics and potential, not their current position. I'd rank Germans/Nordics below Finns and balts nowadays
>Not weighted down by colonial guilt
>Read: Too inferior to conquer the world
White supremacy is a fucking meme. Anglo-Celtic supremacy is a goddamned historical fact.
No shit, that's what I said. Which is why they have been despised. Does your working memory really fill up after one sentence?
The Russians succumbed to Communism and also a reason for Lebensraum.
tldr Hitler was a German Nationalist faggot.