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God damnit why the fuck are they there?

3 green berets killed, 2 wounded in Niger ambush

Amerifat terrorists eat dirt, pwned.




This will be Trump's Benghazi


Very nice.

i am really interested

Cucked military will never retaliate

Ah sweet, a random twitter with no link, no article, and no confirmation. Thanks Vlad.

>be American
>get ambushed



What the fuck are we doing in Mali
Either way, Africans aren't good at fighting so I'm not too worried

I wonder as well
bump with LVPD

It's Breaking 911, they are pretty reliable. They often don't have details early on, but generally have good sources.
3 Green Berets killed 2 wounded in Niger

That's what we get for leaving third worlders alive.

maybe they should stop invading random countries

Is there a single country on earth we don't have soldiers in?

I'm in agreement here. WTF are we doing in Mali? CIA propping up warlords who don't like communism and are keen on the idea of a greater Israel? Maybe someone wants to borrow money from the IMF and we have to make sure they can borrow that money? Regardless, bring them home.

NATO shit - supporting the French

Just a guess. There was that civil war not too long ago the French helped put down. Also I believe it borders Libya - Berbers and shit (had something to do with the war I believe). Totally pulling this out of my ass.


.//terminal exit422976432

Cucked out, rogerdodger.

well googled it and it does not border Libya lol - definitely had a war

Time to get all our boys home from around the world. Why do we need to be the world police again? If anything we will spend money fixing our own country. Why doesn't Sup Forums support this idea more?

the only purpose of the military is to waste taxpayer money. how is just a question of creativity, why not by fucking around in some random ass nigger shithole?


>CIA being against communism

inb4 2 service members killed and 155 ragheads dead

>go to a country called NIGER
>be shocked you've been ambushed

>in Mali
>not by a niger
OP you fucked up

another military involvement folks! gotta support that military industrial complex!

Yeah, thanks Vlad. I already know that ONLY Russia Today, Random retards on youtube, and idiotic cropped image macros are the "Red Pilled" sources. Everything else is "blue pilled." That's how you know how smart we are.

Sup Forums used to care, we've done all we can
now its up to insiders to either leak damaging info or don't take jobs with the fedgov in the firstplace

>be African
>shoot American

im down to fight a war in niger/mali solely for the reason that we would be killing niggers. ragheads are savages but some of them are all right and everyone knows we only go to war with them for their oil to give to isreal but niggers have no oil and they are all dirty low iq retards who contribute nothing to the planet. id enlist just to get a chance to kill every nigger i saw

Why the fuck are there troops there. Just leave them to machete each other.

Malis and Nigers incoming!!



Some of you fuckers landed in my backyard in 2014 with parachutes and they drank my beer! Reperatations now!

>3 Green Berets killed
literally how
this guys are trained killers

This - how will DJ Small Hands ever recover? His grave will read: 3 scoops one too many,

Probably could be avoided if you stopped deploying armed soldiers into every country on earth. If you are going to continue doing this shit at least attempt to do something cool like restoring the roman empire, not this gay ass pussy shit fucking up the world and wasting everyone's time and money.

3 scoops too many

inb4: Niger tier shit

No matter how hard you train, a bullet can still kill you

why the FUCK are we in Nigger to begin with?

(((someone))) fed the combatants intel like positions, armament - vulnerabilities like that, combined with activating a plant that was operating under the pretense of working on the same side as US interests

thought you murrifats would be used to nigger ambuses

>Be american
>join military to fight for military industrial complex
>get shot by some third worlders
>come back home and start to enjoy the little things like live music
>get shot

Jason Aldean isn't country and it's definitely not music

you better search for places where burgers are not into.

>Be american
>join military to fight for military industrial complex
>get shot by some third worlders
>come back home and decide to go to vegas to gamble and fuck some whores with bad music taste
>get shot

for some reason the US keeps an SF group in Djibouti. i had never heard of it but a buddy that sells a very popular brand of rifle said that he had been there to demo some new stuff. i had got an offer for a TS IT job there.

Why don't we invade more of Africa and take their resources?

Natural resources

>be American
>get shot

I've found this but don't know if it is reliable.

Have you ever seen "Clear and Present Danger"?


I've found this but don't know if it is reliable.a


if counter strike has taught us anything, the only thing that matters is that the bomb is defused/not planted, and K:D

hehe, nigger mail

we do a lot of international training and spec ops work. The idea is that if we train shitholes to police themselves and deal with their own terrorism, we will, eventually, not have to do it for them or invade every so often. Basically it's making sure there aren't terror havens

Friendly reminder:green berets work almost exclusively with indigenous forces, building up their own force from the local population, arming and training them. They dont operate alone all that often. Ambush - 3 dead and 2 indig dead means one hell of a gunfight took place. This all points to one of their own pets selling them out and leaking their patrol route


we've been doing this for decades and it doesnt work.

Vietnam and North Korea I think.

America gets btfo by jungle dindus

>kek flag
you've been made.

Fuck man it started in Vegas, the system is falling apart.


They must've been hungry

At least, let's hope it turned out that way.

>3 green berets killed, 2 wounded in Nigger ambush
Your welcome


I think it is more like 60% of the CIA is decent and the other ruling 40% are Soros backed anti-american commie puppets.

I hate how small my dick is

eh we've had some success stories, but they are usually in non-shitholes (really just middle of the road nations) that have the misfortune of being just a little too poor to afford ultra-nice domestically made equipment. It doesn't work in places where rule of law is, at best, a suggestion

He's talking to the guy in the cube next to him

I thought you couldn’t say that word on CNN.

They must have relaxed...

It doesn't, but it doesn't always fail either.

*Heart swells with pride*

niger pls

Some guys told me this while i was in the barracks in Slovenia. They work wherever NATO so the US sends them. Apparently a hell of a lot of special ops troops from all over NATO are send to Mali to guard warehouses and mines. Apparently those mines must be worth a lot.

Well duh, going to the Nigger Mall is pointless. All the stores have already left

Oh shit my friend is there. He and a bunch of US soldiers were sent there to train the military and locals to fight against terrorists,

TIL that there are US troops in Mali.





>Apparently a hell of a lot of special ops troops from all over NATO are send to Mali to guard warehouses and mines.

From poppy fields to mines, we fight to keep freedom free.

Fuck ww3 boys this is it

Man, that pic tells you everything.

Btw not larping or shitposting. He got back from Niger just last week.

nuke africa