reddit talks about /Pol
Reddit talks about /Pol
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imagine going on reddit to talk about Sup Forums...
you dont need to imagine im sure that is you you canadian syrup guzzling fag
how come people are so gay
>caring what Readit says
LOL. At least they're talking positively about us.
Why is Reddit so cringey?
God thats cringy.
you have to go back
in other news...gnat buzzes a thoroughbred's rump
imagine going on Sup Forums to talk about reddit...
If its so cringy, howd they get over 100 upvotes? Gotcha faggots
Never, and I mean NEVER, cross Daddy Hinkles. He'll tie you to a chair in an abandoned shack in some godforsaken part of the country and put a bullet in your chest without even saying a goddamned word. He knows you know what you did. And when you break his heart, he breaks yours.
>as I do it
I browse reddit at work due to a cramped workspace and diversity being able to see what I view.
/r/milliondollardeluxe is the best subreddit. Also reddit is good for Cryptocurrency news, but jesus every community after coontown banning is god awful.
Was that you in the screenshot, leaf?
it's great for porn too
Goddamn cringey Redditors. Fuck.
Why are redditors such retards..
Sup Forums info threads are just people bored and speculating. The actual intelligence people have access to far more tools and information.
We just banter about shit and occasionally use way too much manpower to figure out where something or someone is. I hate fucking retarded people taking Sup Forums speculation threads super serious like it's intel people doing anything.
fucking reddit is cancer
I'm not your friend, faggot
fucking go back and stay there.
>leafs on reddit
Fucking fags.
>you dont need to imagine im sure that is you you canadian syrup guzzling fag
All leafs are brown cum garaging trap arab immigrants
Let the rake come.
Reddit is where stupid people go to feel smart. Sup Forums is the opposite.
>Canada flags
This nation doesn't deserve to be the internets meme generator.
fucking retard
I tried posting on reddit once, apparently the handle "bulletproof tranny" was offensive.
and all people that don't want to be trodden on are paranoid schizophrenics that refuse a decent human beings help.
The only special thing about Sup Forums is content creation. Majority of people and internet is just retards reposting funny images and for, for, re re email chains. T_D just happens to be a pol repost reddit and /r/politics is just a shareblue shillpost reddit. Nothing complex or magical it's just majority of people are retarded fucks who repost anything that makes them chuckle or fits their bias narrative.
4/10 needed more wifes son.
/r/milliondollarextreme is the only thing I can go on at work that's not suspecting
I would beat up all of these people if I were in a room with them IRL
all the best memes come from Reddit.
It's where leafs get their shitty shit post training. Hence why all leafs have reddit-tier senses of humor and levels of discourse.
Fucking wannabes. Also rule number one, faggots.
they didnt came up with gesta/pol/ ?
omg please tell me she has a dick
why do they ALL only use one '/'?
I dunno... you tell me.
why tho
I mean you're right and you're wrong
crowdsourcing intel is where the party is at, especially when it's not something the ""legitimate"" TLA want to investigate (usually the opposite. e.g. I'm totally convinced >we hit some nerves with pizzagate) But there are way too many spastics that think a "bump" is a valid contribution, or don't bother to investigate stuff here themselves. Guilty of both desu.
Pat yourself on the back user!
gtfo degenerate faggot
also gtfo for not knowing queen venti. lurk more
>going on reddit to worship Sup Forumstards
luh mao
because reddit
We will put Redditors in death camps
those digits were meant to be mine faggot
must've been the memeflag
digits confirm
>redditfags take my banter and autism seriously
fucking niggers reddittards can kill themselves
At least we aren't as bad as stormfront fags. Ca you actually believe they think this.
Thew jews would never betray us.
Outside of KIA, TRP, and T_D, Reddit is literally a swarming piranha pond of liberals.
spoken like a true leaf
>queen venti
>idealizing e-celebs
>lurk more
newfag spotted fuck off and lurk moar
>Outside of KIA, TRP, and T_D
nu-fag cancer
go back to your kekistan bullshit
My fucking redditor acquaintance said "Sup Forums can do anything" to me yesterday. I told him that was a meme but I'm pretty sure he still believes it. I've known for a while that he's the kind of cuck who never formulates his own opinion, instead getting it from youtube videos and not researching it all.
please lemme see the dick
i gotta
i gotta have that dick
I fucking love you
first time on this forum here, and i CAN NOT believe the amount of racism, sexism, ableism, ageism, islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, and misogyny present in the minds of you all.....
i'll pray for you next time i'm in my local episcopal church, where we believe that black lives matter, that science is real, and that trans/women's/muslim rights are HUMAN RIGHTS
They're talking about ironmarch there tbb senpai
I don't want to see you open your fucking mouth again until I tell you to swallow my diarrhea, faggot.
Chuckled at that
that's a quadroon with two X chromosomes you subhuman
have you ever fisted yourself so hard you started sucking your own dick?
[quote]have you ever fisted yourself so hard you started sucking your own dick?[/endquote]
wow... homophobia AND kink shaming.. you must be REAL TRIGGERED you fucking RIGHT WING SNOWFLAKE lol
Jesus Christ, I've never gone to reddit. Thank God.
Why can no one ever type it correctly?
Fucking Reddit, they'll be the first to go
>not the Gesta/pol/
no i have i am just wondering if you have, you seem you would be because you are against homophobia and kink shaming, should you not at least try it out?
I'm not even mad
What faggots
yeah, shame me for wanting a cute cock on a girl with pretty eyes because of her skin color. and im the subhuman. who hurt you, buddy, lets talk it out.
>implying a gay can't be a nazi
What subreddit was this in?
>imagine going on Sup Forums to talk about reddit talking about /pol
absolute degeneracy
I just hate it when I'm fisting myself so hard that it causes my spine to unnaturally bend so far forward and also causes my ribs to magically and temporarily disappear to the point that I'm able to reach my little 3.5" cock so that the whole thing will fit in my mouth. It seems like it's been happening more and more lately.
Literally the only subs that are any good are hobby subs. Even then, they're usually awful to browse, but good to look for solutions to problems on.
Can't tell from here...eyes like a flounder tho.
>reddit does anything
>implying I care
>openly talk about reddit
>all these (you)s agreeing
Hahahaha this place is a joke now. Bye.
actually you do not need to remove ribs to suck your own dick
source: ex gymnast who was bored and drunk one day
you're disgusting
>knowing what reddit says....
> source: faggot
The shitpost king.
I love you too
Let's be real here for a second, anyone who has made their way to Sup Forums is guaranteed to have either tried or succeeded at sucking their own dick at some point or another.
its true though. If Sup Forums cleaned up their act, you guys could become a very useful tool for steering humanity in the right direction. Just need to get a better perspective on reality first. And shed the alex jones / infowars stuff, it's really holding you back.
I don't even have a basement, I have a crawl space.
I don't want to steer humanity in the right direction, I just want to piss off niggers and Jews.
omg XD its funny old man smiling meme!
just look at that old man smile oh my god lol
because the relationship between Sup Forums and reddit is where Sup Forums is like the cool older brother which has all the cool stories about the stuff they do, which the little brother looks up to, but lacks the confidence in itself so doesn't ask if it can participate in the older brother's adventures because they think its too "dangerous" for them
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.