Bakery Hate Hoax

A jewish bakery in New York supposedly just got a piece of hate mail, has all the usual hate buzzwords then ends with an endorsement of Trump and Christians.

I know it reads like an obvious false flag, luckily the bakery was dumb enough to post a closeup of the envelope, which has a IMB on the front.

I've decoded the barcode and have the senders ID, and am hoping I could get some autistic backup in finding a name from this number.

Other urls found in this thread:,-118.2533732,3a,27y,150.29h,91.14t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sBYB92T7JY2TAI7_J3XFHew!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Better shot of the letter.

Their twitter.

In case anyone didn't notice, mailer's ID is 218452, it's a number issued to businesses that register for bulk mailing.


I didn't know, but bump for curiosity.
I hope it ends in finding a Jewish sender.

>spur us to act more
do we really want to provoke them?

interested in seeing professional victims outed

I can't believe how people fall for this.

But I want to believe those likes and retweets were the work of bots.

>"I hate Jews, and faggots!!"
>"Also, NI-negroes!"
>So hateful he avoids the use of "nigger."
>"Furthermore, I am a CHRISTIAN, TRUMP supporter."

Who would be this fucking stupid? Especially when the hate crime identifies itself?

Do real Nazi Christians think blacks will "burn in hell" just for being black.

Bullshit. These despicable Jews faked this letter.

Yeah, blacks on average are dumb.

Yeah, they are biologically less evolved.

Yeah, we don't want to breed with them.

Yeah, we want to remain as the crown of humanity.

No, we don't think they deserve to burn in hell because of the biological frame the were born into by no control of their own.

Nazi's can still hold white-nationalist values & give aid to an African who is suffering.

They can still jump in to a river to save a Jewish child.

Nazi Christianity is about impersonal-realism.

It's about segregating what is believed to be highly evolved both psychologically & psychologically for the betterment of those within the tribal society as well as the betterment for all sentient life.............

Do we want to leave the children & animals of the world to the will of the savages such as the Jews, Arabs & Africans?.............

Or do we want to be a beacon of hope, enlightenment, strength, morality, honor, sacrifice, compassion & heroism?

Sup Forums, you receive a letter, and it reads:

>"I hate kikes, crackers, and cheese."
>"But I still love Hitler"
>"Also, I am a devout Muslim who voted for Hillary. Muslims will rule the world."

Do you...
>A. Believe it to be a fake and discard it.
>B. Hand it to the police for investigation.
>C. Hand it to the police, create an organization called "BibleHatesHillary", create a twitter account, and plaster it all over the Internet?

I guess we're out of luck until their help line opens tomorrow at 7, I guess I'll rehost this thread then with the results of my call, maybe I can find their name.


The negroe thing is what made the whole thing funky to me. Seriously, that guy that worked at the bakery couldn't even spell out the "N WORD" pretty hilarious

wtf OP...
The recipient is in NY, what is the letter to the recipient in LA about? Where did that letter and the IMB you posted come from?
Pic of letter and envelope tweeted by Torah Trumps Hate attached...
What's going on OP?


oy shut down the postal service!! the jews need a kosher service not contaminated with hate and the us taxpayers will pay for it!

Kill all the god dumb fucking jews

y don't u prank call the bakery like you guys would have in the good ol days

There are 2 identical letters, one was mailed to a jewish bakery in NY, one in LA, I'm working on the sender ID of the LA one.

I'm hoping the sender ID of the LA bakery letter is the NY bakery.


>Nazi Christianity
>Hitler first styles his movement as Christian, fails to unite Germany under Christianity because he could not pick a side between Protestant and Catholic as it would alienate one or the other and nullify his movement; defeated by the inherent disunity of Protestantism (Lutheran, in this case), reverts to Germanic paganism and its mythical lore

Sure sounds like a Sup Forums user wrote this. If not, it's just a kike tactic to bring in costumers.

>Do real Nazi Christians think blacks will "burn in hell" just for being black. be able to burn in hell you first need to be in possession of a soul.

Why didn't you vote afd you piece of shit?

Definitely FF

The sad thing is these always get traction on social media and in the (((news))).
They've gotten so lazy because their preaching to the choir.

I looked it up in maps and the building is interesting. Looks like the entire block is "jewelry merchants",-118.2533732,3a,27y,150.29h,91.14t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sBYB92T7JY2TAI7_J3XFHew!2e0!7i13312!8i6656



>downtown jew

Nobody "falls" for this -- even normies get it -- but as you should know, people go along for legal and employment reasons.

>"Shalom, brother"
>"Check your email and mail me, your old friend, that flyer."
>"Oy vey brother, this is great!"
>"Yes yes, never a better time to capitalize on the climate of the nation, is there brother?"
>"Of course! Be sure to send your mother my regards!"

And guess what's next to it, OYYY FUCKING VEEEEEEEEY

>t. schmuck

M-muh dick

Der NazBol hat Rechtquads

close but no cigar kikes, nobody calls nigger negroes anymore that is racist

>literally inscribes "gott mit uns" on their belts
>priests anointing soldiers and hearing their prayers/confessions before battle
>"our movement is primarily a christian one"

hitler was probably an atheist or a deist but it doesn't mean he didn't want to foster christian values again.

20 And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard:
21 And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent.
22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without.
23 And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness.
24 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him.
25 And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
26 And he said, Blessed be the Lord God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.
27 God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.


Priests were also murdered. Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate were just one of the orders ransacked by the nazis. Fr. Kolbe was starved to death.
This was a man who railed against the Jews, called out the Masons for being controlled by Jews, and preached on the Protocols of [...] Zion. It wasn't cut and dry; many clergymen suffered martyrdom at their hands.

So which one of us is going to walk in in a suit and sunglasses and who mailed the letter, record the responses and nail this down.

Because newfags aren't old enough to remember battle toads.

A lot of this shit is viral marketing. Just like movies that will utterly tank seem to end up with an actor saying "hurr duur drumpf suppprters dont come" to spread the interview article, this is for clix and getting business known so peoppe support him for getting attacked by rayciss white men. Thanks for doing your part to grow the business.
Please keep sharing for jewish victims

Found something, apparently 009 isn't a service type anymore, so it has to be an older letter.

Can anyone catch his name?


Fucktards please google. The bakery name is public record. He is my cousin's mate in america so it would be really cool if you make it real and elevate his biz profile by attacking so he can do a second article. Thanks for helping dumb fucks. Who even needs a bot army for this shit lol

Sound like David Gungelmaier/Gungelmeier.

Given the involvement of the US mail, and what seems to be clearly a fraud, and arguably a hate crimes against Christians, is there a legal claim against these characters?

Not that I'm particularly expecting that any DA in NY would bring such a claim, but I'm curious.

Woohoo we all zoe quinn now making Sup Forums muh personal troll army.

Dont look into who is using you or youll ruin everything

hey rabbi, whatcha doin?

Nobody is talking about attacking him you fucking clown, we're finding the sender's ID, which we can then report to the police or media or whoever, if it coincidentally turns out to be the same jewish bakery, oh well.

No don't do that goy, I mean guy. Just bring us shekels.

Youll ruin his dream of a national cake franchise business. Please leave it alone.

There's also 'must' burn in hell, not 'will'. Deservement of punishment from earthly whims of the religious is not a Christian concept, but a Jewish one

Nothing you said contradicts his point.

I feel like we are all getting too caught up in what HAPPENED SUNDAY

But we are not asking ourselves WHAT ELSE HAPPENED

>pic related

that's just what the computer does to sort the mail, that barcode is just the address in a form that the computer can read

> t. mailman

I cant believe the jew would have their jewery right by a 'Weaves and African hair braiding' store.

>hey rabbi.... what'cha doin' ?

literally everytime i read JUDEN RAUS
ah thank you pol

hurr durr OP

>postmarked and barcoded
Yeah they can figure out exactly where and when this got sent, they fucked
t. Post contractor


That's wrong, spent the last hour reading shit about that type of barcode.

You need to apply for it from USPS, it's for bulk and business mailers. You receive a unique ID when you apply.

its fake because no one says negros when they mean niggers

the bottom of the letter is not where bulk mail identifiers are located, the bulk mail identifier would be put in place of a stamp in the right corner it would have say: presorted standard US Postage payed, town where permit was issued, and permit number, the barcode at the bottom of letters is literally just the address in a form more easily recognized by the computers that sort the mail

> t. mailman

Ignore the guy you’re responding to he’s low level pleb. You can download the decoder if you want

Here's a decoder for it, look at the OP picture to see that I filled this form in with the barcode and it gave me the correct zipcode on the envelope, plus a "mailer ID".

Why does it spit out the correct recipient zip, plus a block titled "senders ID" here?

it's really interesting how Jews are so capable of deceiving themselves...

it's their collective guilt over the lies of the Holocaust catching up with them, and they're pushing these hoax stories to backup their fairy tale narrative that they never did anything wrong.

because the barcode is literally just the address put in a form easier to read after it first gets sorted, you could get it to give you sender id if you had a barcode for a bulk mailing permit or something business reply mail



I get that it has the recepients address, but read the fucking outputs, one is literally titled "Mailer's ID", and when you google IMB or mailer's ID it brings you to the page to apply for a mailer's ID on the USPS page.

What the hell are you claiming that mailer's ID stands for if it's not for the mailer's ID?

It's like Reddit fags trying to fit in here but they can't say Stormfag or anything else.

>Mailer ID

"A six- or nine-digit number assigned by the United States Postal Service identifies the specific business sending the mailing. Higher volume mailers are eligible to receive six-digit Mailer IDs, which have a larger range of associated sequence numbers; lower volume mailers receive nine-digit Mailer IDs. To make it possible to distinguish six-digit IDs from nine-digit IDs, all six-digit IDs begin with a digit between 0 and 8, inclusive, while all nine-digit IDs begin with the digit 9."

Face it mate, you're bad at your job, every reference to the IMB or mailer ID says it's a number assigned to a business that sends bulk mail, and that you apply for it from the USPS.

It has every possible output there is, the only question is what you give to it, and the barcodes at the bottom of letters are just the recipients address, unless it is something other than stamped. A stamped letter does not have a mailer id.

Neither of the barcodes on your image are a IMB, look at the up/down variation of an IMB vs the just neutral/up of those.

mate I feel for you, but its a stamped letter, it doesn't have a super secrit backtrace that knows who sent it, the postmark will let you know approximately where and when it was sent though but without a huge deal of accuracy as most postmarking is done at regional sorting plants

Jewish tricks never go unopposed for long user

Tell me if I did it right


He’s right you’re bad at you’re job, I’d fire you. Read where it says where it can be placed
t. Contractor

Mate, you suck at your job.

You are talking about the postnet and planet barcode, not the IMB.

Ha, see
You suck at your job, it absolutely has the sender's ID, which you have to apply for from USPS.

t- for short bar
F-for Full bar
D-for Descending bar
A-for Ascending bar

this is what christcucks actually believe

Ok, I missed something, because it wasnt 65 characters. Any help?

its a stamped letter you retard look at the upper right hand corner

check the picture on the OP

You're being obtuse mate.

Why does the barcode include a section titled "Mailer's ID", and when when you read the official FAQ's on "Mailer's ID" and "IMB barcodes" does it include sections describing the process by which a mass mailing business needs to apply to receive a "Mailer's ID"?

Just answer these 2 simple fucking questions.

I did, and wrote down the correlating letter.
What did you type into the IMB barcode search? Ill do it

because the section you read was meant as a sales point, its a fucking first class stamped letter not a letter whose postage was paid by permit, or by those postage machines that companies have, or any other way that would require a mailer's id

it is a stamped letter, stamps do not have unique identifying information, the only unique identification put on that letter that has anything to do with the sender is the postmark, yes it would be amazing if they were stupid enough to use their companies postage machine or their bulk mailing permit to have sent that letter, but they did not. They used a stamp.

Why would a business want to bring in a bunch of weirdos dressed in stupid clothes?

Well, the Jewish mob have to launder their drug/arms/human trafficking profits somewhere, right?

You just type the letters in the top bar, then click decode, it will fill in the bottom blocks automatically.

I did that buddy, and nothing came back.
pic in post