The world belongs to us now

we will win

All youngsters love communism while only olf farts believe in fascism.

Don't worry, maybe sometime you'll implement it without starving millions.

We're the future
you're the past

That's a price to pay for a communist utopia and it's worth it.


does your mom know you're on this site?


>sips liberal tears

Muh free shit, no work, hurr durr

I believe in democracy and the freedom to choose. You nihilists believe in nothing. It is my belief that will carry me through to victory.

The fuck you say fagt?
Like hell it has

Can't wait till Catalonia gets BTFO so i can post the picture of the turd i took on the C*atalan flag, been saving it

>for the people


>the world belongs to us now
doesn't realize they're pawns for the zionists

does yours?

I tore all the commie posters down from campus
Feels good man.
Better dead than red.

>an army of babies

I'm sure you will.

Morgen gehört uns zu uns.




Stupid Commies. Young people grow out of your foolish childish ideology.

Also, saged.

Could you not? I like bread and would rather not have to queue for it in the morning.

I cant wait to see 61 Antifa slaughtered. I'll see you there, Nov. 4th

bang bang

>we will win



You'll do nothing. You'll fucking do nothing. What ya gonna do huh? You'll do nothing.



You'll try again

You'll lose again

If you starve you win!

who the fuck
are those

>only old farts believe in communism


this man could single handedly take out all of your little commie buddies

wtf i love catalonia now


Better dead than red. See all you commie faggots in the streets someday soon.

Did you mean berbers?

why must you do these things

than you'll be dead