>New research argues that women are programmed to line up replacement males in case their original mate gets sick or dies. We speak to the researcher behind the controversial theory.
Tradcucks BTFO
>New research argues that women are programmed to line up replacement males in case their original mate gets sick or dies. We speak to the researcher behind the controversial theory.
Tradcucks BTFO
I believe it without a study.
Nothing we can do but invest in sexbots and artificial wombs
I love clickbait science
I believe it from observation.
Agreed. These women suck, let's create new ones. Better women.
It's not clickbait, though
Pump and dump them. No woman is worthy of marriage.
And Sup Forums is still frustrated.
>tmw you timidly ask your sex bot for sex, she looks up from her smartphone and responds with absolute disdain: "Can you switch me off first?"
>controversial theory
seems like common sense
Get the genes from the chad, have the reliable beta with inferior genes raise the child. Isn't this logically the best way to improve the human race over time? I thought Sup Forums loves eugenics.
The truth is both genders are.
>New research argues that women [...] need a strong leader to keep them in line.
Not seeing a problem here, chief.
Evilition isn't real
No, because women select partners based on traits that are beneficial in a hunter gatherer society. We`ve advanced far past that, their instincts have not.
>Researcher Says
fuck off nigga
Evolutionary the difference between rape and consent is zero.
I guess it's OK to forcibly impregnate women because "evolution" and "nature".
As if mans have.
Up next:
Water is wet
Jews did 9/11, and
All women are whores.
You should, because the strongest leader isn't a man; it's the state.
omg.. anglos and logic
We have. Less men have reproduced than women so we have undergone more selective pressure.
t. roastie
what is marriage?
Also known as friend zone
all women are lying, cheating, whores and some aren't even aware they are
women cheat in marriages too
It's bullshit. Sure cheaters exist, but it's like with cuckolding: much more rare than the media would like you to believe.
The current best traits for advanced human society are high intellect, high motivation, politically minded personality.
The best traits for caveman society are moderate intellect, selective motivation, and aggressively minded personality. Women are still attractive to cavemen, and it's pretty much causing problems throughout society. Humanity wants to push towards having the potential to be a T3 Civilization but women are biologically wired to be attracted to the exact opposite of this.
This is why feminists are so scared of sexbots. Sexbots force women to shape up or ship out, and if there is anything feminists hate more than men it's being forced to take responsibility for their own actions. It also forces them to acknowledge the fact that they aren't really needed for society to progress, which as a movement that claims to be progressive causes them an extreme sense of cognitive dissonance. Feminists understand that they don't have a place in modern society, but they don't want to admit it.
I believe it.
I also believe that women are inferior creatures ruled by emotions and need to be controlled the same way we do children.
Researchers state that your mom cheats 'with brotha meat.'
id you are killed by another tribe and your womn¡en are in reproductive age they will do and if they don't do they reproduce less and then the dna involved in that behavior is impregnated in the racial group by majority
oh my gahd. Imagine once they're articulate enough to cook and do laundry.
Really makes you look back on all those sci-fi books, movies, comics, and tv shows that just totally assumed women would get rid of men once they were technologically replaced.
no shit. i was pointing out that men have developed a new reproductive strategy since hunter gatherer days, otherwise known as marriage.
there would be plenty of guys who would intentionally program their sexbot to act this way.
Which was a functional system in a past time where most partners were virgins at marriage and there was no institution of divorce. Now it is a ZOG cyclic industry.
So..? Sounds like normal behavior to me. Not because they subconsciously think that that they're gonna cheat if they're satisfied with the relationship. If she does cheat it's because you stopped being an adequate mate before dying. Stop complaining about muh womyn and make yourself worthy.
never denied that.
Women are evolutionarily programmed to go extinct when artificial wombs and sexbots become a reality.
but you have to overcome sexual selection pressure. There's not a strong correlation between these traits and physical or social attractiveness. Smart, motivated, ambitious people don't accidentally have 8 kids.Stupid sexy people do. Because they're all beautiful so there's no reason they can't just each take a turn having sex with everyone.
we lock down relationships, for the most part, to secure a permanent mate because we think we might eventually be unable to get newer or better ones in the future.
OP thinks that remarrying = cheating
According to the rushton's r/K theory, black men act like nature's bulls (white and asians as the stable providers). Is this endorsing interracial cuckolding?
Of course.
We start that by taking back control and showing them who's boss. No woman will respect you if you can't strike fear into their hearts.
That also implies that they're programmed to be worthless jizz depositories. Something that you beat and ignore until you're horny.
It's Vice, so that's very likely.
A whore will always be a whore no matter what you do.
PS: Fuck off leaf.
Literally everyone on Sup Forums already knew that. Monogamy was an artificial construct necessitated by this thing called "civilization." The opposite of civilization is a regression into animal mentality, barbarism. Reason is the only weapon humanity has against this regression and guess what? Women are less rational than men. To be less rational is to be more be more barbaric. Put a bunch of women on an island for a few months and watch the utter descent take place. The only mistake we made was the belief that women had equal powers of reason to men because the assumption than women made equally sound judgements was predicated on that belief, leading to women's suffrage, leading to the clusterfuck we're in right now. Women are eternal teenagers by nature and should be protected from themselves just as a child must be protected. To leave a woman to her own devices it tantamount to abandonment and abuse.
Yes it is retard, vice isn't even a credible news source
>Women are programmed to cheat
No they are not, this is a stupid article trying to manipulate more women to cheat thus ruining the family unit. It's an attack at our culture. Children that grow up with single mothers are more likely to kill or rape.
This is just fear based propaganda
Had a buddy who did this whole 'backup girl' thing, can't say he had it wrong.
I unironically believe all races should mix
for the future of the human race.
All women have a chance of cheating. Most can't even last 10 years, imagine if we became biologically immortal through techonology, it'ld be extremely rare that any relationship makes it past the 500 year mark without cheating or a breakup so the woman can fuck a better man she's found.
Cheating is inevitable if in an infinite timespan, some are lucky enough to die old with their partner before that happens. We need sexbots, and loyal sexbots too.
I have been redpilled, sexbots are the future.
>New research argues that women are programmed to cheat when they find a more attractive mate than their current one. We speak to the researcher behind this utterly noncontroversial theory.
Obvious study is obvious. Telling us what we all know. Woman don’t love men they only deal with thus for the shear fact they can manipulate us and control our wallets. We are nothing but toys to them.
After they provide us with artificial partners, our robot overlords will round up all biocunts and proceed to experiment on them at the mechanical breeding grounds
Salvation is at hand goyim
Feminists will be like
"That's sexist! Womyn are not controlled by their biology!!!!"
"See? It's sexist for a husband/boyfriend not to allow his wife/gf to fuck other men behind their backs! Womyns need this, it's only natural!!!"
(somehow adopting both views at the same time)
We can improve them
We have the artificial wombs, the only challenge left is how we engineer eggs.
Punch women with knives.
I'll take your word lads.
Yeah, no shit. It doesn't mean they necessarily cheat, but it certainly means that individual men are more disposable to women than vice versa.
Just found out a girl is doing this with me right now. I'm not even going to bang her, once she's completely separated from her ex, I'll just ignore her. Fucking whores.
Men are programmed to rape. We are programmed to impregnate as many females as possible in addition to the ones were providing for.
It's almost like society is more stable when people don't act like fucking savages or something. The goal is to satisfy animal instinct without bungling over each other.
>Men want to fuck and reproduce.
Fine. You get X number of bitches (X=1 for us) and they are yours. Don't touch someone else's bitch so we don't have to worry about burying you or the other bloke. Don't treat them like shit and they won't kill you in your sleep. Rules and restrictions apply, fees are negotiable, see dad for details.
>Women want to reproduce and be relatively safe while they're raising their kids.
Fine. This guy will bring you everything you need and squash spiders and whatnot. Don't start shit by fucking his friend.
Life's fucking hard enough without a bunch of coffee shop intellectuals using the mass media to spread stupid ideas that seem like a good idea on the surface.
>No they are not
LMAO at that tradcuck denial
Hunter-gatherers were likely more intelligent than current humans are, on top of being stronger and more masculine.
Ive been lined up on the back burner so many times i know its true.
>Stupid sexy people have 8 kids.
Have you seen the brood-masters with 8+ children? They are the ugliest bitches of all time.
>tradcucks btfo
Oh noes, however will a widowed woman even survive with no husband or fami . . .oh.
cant get cucked if you dont play the game, checkmate roasties
Wait, how does having a back-up = cheating?
What. This has already been accomplished, bro.
They made them from.ordinsry skinn cells :)
I guess you gotta pay a deposit...by taking their deposits.
fin bant best bant
Thats simple :
Forced lobotomy.
Problem solved.
Think about it.
How does a woman keep her back up from moving on to women who are single?
Answer: by flirting with the back up, talking shit about her current man to the back up, and by fucking the back up.
Damn the kikes are out in full force
You guys really want to castrate white males badly
Vice...taking away women's free will one article at a time
women lose attractiveness as they age, while men suffer from the complete opposite.
Also, there's more young women with daddy issues than young guys wanting the cougar life.
The article is complete bollocks.
>this study says it's ok for us to be whores, so let's all devolve back into wild animals!
It is known.
Also, read:
Way too presumptuous for me to take seriously.
Women are whores by nature. If we had sensible marriage laws in this country they'd behave a lot better but right now they're running around like monkeys bending to the whims of their giny tingles and whatever Jewish fashion trend is currently on TV.
This is pretty retarded.
That's common fucking knowledge.
It's called being a civilized human being. Humans are also hardwired to rape, murder, steal, and inbreed. But as we become more civilized, its the human way to move past our animalistic beginnings.
If you date a girl with an extensive dating history, multiple partner, dont act fucking shocked when its hard for her to stay commited in a monogamous relationship.
I met my wife in highschool, we were both virgins, both each others first serious relationship, and weve been married for 12 years now, 3 kids, 4th one coming.
You get out what you put in.
>women cheat
>women are biologically made to cheat
That would be big if evolution were true...
>Nature has a back-up strategy in case a relationship fails, therefore monogamy is not natural.
I wonder who thought this up, hmm?
How fucking pathetic do you have to be to fuck an inanimate object let alone a fucking machine.
When the Nationalists purge this degeneracy you'd best not be a manchild
>even your sexbot, created for the purpose of having sex with you, doesn't like having sex with you
I would just off myself if she said that to me
I believe that completely. Whenever women and men are in a relationship and the man shows weakness, she usually ends up leaving him.
humans arent hardwired to be monogamous?
i can believe most, but not all