The way this special agent is mad dogging the LV Sheriff is disturbing. What are they holding back?
So when the sheriff just raised the question about whether he brought the guns up to the room without any assistance.. certainly they have hotel video that would make that perfectly clear.. the way he stated it suggested to me he had no help but he meant to simply address the question was being looked into did he slip or was he saying deliberately he had no help?
My thoughts exactly. That shit should be easy to figure out. This sheriff keeps acting clueless.
He made jokes during this pc. Fucking joke
He knows everything, but he can't say a word because of the damage it would cause to the investigation. He said as much. Something else is going to happen and he can't say anything or else they won't be able to stop what is coming
user keeps fingers in perffect typing form to mash the keys
Fucker literally rambled for five minutes saying nothing about why he was saying nothing. It was the most nonsensical nonsense I have ever heard in my life. It's like he wants people to know this was all planned somehow.
jesus christ they have all the answers but aren't releasing them yet
He's breaking under the pressure. He's dropping truth bombs on the media as we speak! Holy shit.
Those fucking eyes are creepy as fuck
This is fucked up. The Sheriff’s demeanor and answers support the theory LVMPD wants to release shit but FBI won’t let them.
Hopefully, there will be another mole that will have enought of the FBI's bullshit and leak something eles.
Sheriff it top law man of his county, fed's cant trump him but they could disappear him. Does no one have any balls these days to just speak truth to power.
Second Phillipine invasion when
Not many people are ready to be Seth Riched these days
.....There are only two Law Enforcement officers in America; The County Sheriff and the US Marshal. The sheriff is the only elected law enforcer whose duty it is to protect the unalienable rights of the People both in the court room and within the county. While the U.S. Marshal is responsible for protecting the unalienable rights of the People in the Federal Court room.....
The Sheriff, if he wanted to ...could blow this wide it....
Remember the Maine!
>"He bought guns in October 2016. Was there an event in October 2016 that could have caused this?"
>*violent yes head nodding intensifies*
>"we're looking into it"
Gee I wonder what he could be holding back?
they are lying through their teeth. Sheriff has been ordered to STFU, you can tell...
Well, Fed sure did talk about foreign interviews a lot, so...
well he did literally say there is stuff he cant tell us yet
If the LVMPD user is to be believed, that'd be true. He doesn't like the way FBI is handling it.
anybody have a new link?
The election???
I noticed him watching that too. Who is he? CIA? FBI? Name?
the most interesting thing about this conference was the Sheriff quickly and matter-of-factly states that Stephan Paddock planned on getting out of this alive, but he will not say how he knows so much. I wonder what they're keeping from us..
>they admit that he was surveying weeks prior in another room
>that user who posted those posts from that "-john" poster who claimed exactly what was going to happen from Sep 10th
Lasts nights. Look at this guy!
in fact, the alphabets are- EVERY ONE OF THEM- UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
I noticed it too when I watched the press conference live. The guy is creepy as fuck, like he's ready to kill the sheriff if he goes off script.
This thread is most important on Sup Forums at the moment and got fucking slid hard.
This sheriff dude is total zero BS too. He wont stand for much shenanigans he jumps all over the press if they get to crazy in a frenzy. Simmer down meow!
That indicates he was double crossed hmm....
Vegas user here. I asked my friend that works for LV Metro if he knows anything and he told me no. He is just a lowly patrolman.
Anyone else getting a strong strong kike vibe from the agent mad dogging the sheriff ?
Reminder that JOHN is guilty as fuck, he says he's not a killer but in reality HE IS! John the whistle blower is as guilty as the shooter(s) because he did not do enough to stop it. John you fucking devil if you're reading this know that the blood in on your hands too! you did not do enough to expose this! You and anyone else in the know are all fucking equally guilty to the shooter(s)!
Inb4 Sherrif suicided
Inb4 Sherrif giving clues to autists.
"be careful what you believe GOY, BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU BELIEVE ON SOCIAL MEDIA!"
John is Paddock.
So Paddock has an alias/secret life. Using his plane for gun running? What is his alias? It explains why we can't find Paddock online. Paddock is the alias name. Image search naow niggers.
Sheriff was hinting that Paddock had a double life on the internet. Wonder what his online pseudonym was?
Local law enforcement and Fed's have never gotten along.
They hate working together because they can't say what they want to say or investigate how they want.
The FBI has taken the lead with some deputies assisting them. The sheriffs know enough to say more, but can't do to federal constraints and the FBI's ability to reach outside of the county/state and investigate other aspects.
I wished I could do border patrol for homeland security or at least shitpost for CIA/FBI.
I always tip the bellhop for helping me carry my cache of weapons.
Have a bump OP. We need to spend less time on conspiracy and shill threads, and more time on shit like this.
I'm afraid we're going to read about the Sheriff having a """heart attack""" several weeks from now.
I've seen alot of posts on facebook of friends trying to say there is no conspiracy theory. Where I didn't after Pulse, VA Tech, Sandy Hook, Batman, ect.
They are definately hiding something, and getting people to go along with it.
which indicates multiple assailants
>Tannerite found in the car
>Wanted to get out alive
>way too many guns for no reason
He was gonna blow the fuckin place up
Accomplice had last minute cold feet and took out Paddock
VEGAS user HERE --- Have a scheduled meeting with former Sheriff Bill Young tonight...
Will provide information I receive on investigation when done tonight...he's never let me down before.
My FBI contacts have been silent or have told me to stop asking any more questions.
Will report back later
no you won't
k keep me posted
Please dont lie
Yes I will...I'm a man of my word
Cubs won the World Series.
no you're not
Here's a (you)
Three of my friends were injured in the very seriously. Whoever did this, and my money is on the Arms Dealer to ISIS (possible Fast and Furious) Theory, must pay
what an obvious larper saying u have a meeting with the sheriff, you would so easily doxxed by any alphabet lurking here if that was true
Vegas user, tell me if the street is still blocked off and if it is not, what time did they open them up? Which streets? Local here.
They were afraid if it leaks what his motives were it would incite a true civil war. I bet they found out he was Antifa or an SJW and never trump. What happens when a cop kills a nigger? Niggers and white apologists protest and riot. You have a liberal target a country music concert because it is stereotypical right wing get together, that would spark a civil war.
I loled you kike
Have a bump. This thread needs to be seen.
>Paddock started buying firearms in Oct 2016
>Trump/Clinton last debate was Oct 19
>Gun control was an issue
>NRA spent heavy on ads up to the election
>Deep state has publicly vowed revenge
Hotel Guest Next Door To Las Vegas Shooter Saw ‘Multiple Gunmen’
the "suspects" freudian slip
anyone got a link to the vid of the press conference with the sherriff?
with sound
Huckleberries aside alphabet LEOs receive a lot more federal funds than local police departments and the sole "legal" federal enforcement arm. While you could be right about constitutional authority, money talks and bullshit walks.
so draw the line here, this far no further, and make them PAY for what they've DONE. godspeed
stfu with this disinfo you faggot
it's a fucking security guard or cop with their flashlight - you can literally see the yellow vest
The truth. I’m sure the sheriff is reliving his life choices, going through a could of, should of, would of. He can just walk away, cuz he knows too much. So he’s stuck. We know what comes next.
yeah im thrown off with the explosives in the car part
wtf is that about
seems like overboard/icing on the cake done by his handlers to make it seem like he was really a crazy killer like mcvay
That picture was Hitler in 1960 wasn't it? Argentina?
>What are they holding back?
Israeli involvement
Ain't clickin that shit my goy
is saying "9 to 11" minutes and "we know but dont know" isnt breadcrumbs i dont know what is.
>now i wait to be told i dont know what breadcrumbs are.
Also I think Nov.4th was on that note.
the Sheriff knows that there will be a huge Bolshevik Revolution and they can't do shit to stop it.
!00 years have passed since the Bolshevik Jews toppled Imperial Russia and massacred the Tsar and his family.
They will do it again Nov.4th
If I were you niggers, I would become /fit/ af and start prepping for a SHTF event
Stockpile guns and ammo and have a get-away vehicle ready.
Form Militias and get ready to fight for America and your kin.
This is the only thing that makes sense right now. We will understand later.
>You have a liberal target a country music concert because it is stereotypical right wing get together, that would spark a civil war.
How exactly would it spark civil war?
bullshit listen to the version with sound.; Look at his commitment and calmness, that's no fucking security guard
What else is new this place is compromised. We were sold out to jewgoole by luggage lad. Mook is really the alphabets. Shills and sharia blue everywhere. our ips are logged they are watching all of us. Screen shot this, you know I'm right......RABBI
obviously it's not going to lead to something where we all say "ok you guys put on your blue uniforms, we'll put on our grey uniforms, meet here at noon and we'll shoot it out"
it's going to lead to a back and forth guerilla attack pattern that is won by who the normies side with - THAT'S civil war 2
LVPD user IS the sheriff...
>be FBI
>Try and find BLM shooter
>Give him country music fest as target
>Aw hell naw bro
>Get honky