Something set him off.
What was it?
OCTOBER 26 2016
Hillary or Bernie's loss
Heil Hitler.
is this real?
Thinks this will actually happen, after the shills tried with Sept 23rd.
No. Im saying Jews did the vegas false flag.
Forget about Nov. 4th. These retards overextended their hand.
or its a fucking turkey neck going on. happens when you get to be 64 years old.
I just used a random picture I had of him, Oct. 26 2016 was referenced in the press conference 10 minutes ago
That's not a "13", you fucktards. It's his saggy old man skin.
Brawnald Fucking Drumpthfff
On the right, earlobes are attached to face. On the left?
The final presidential debate was in Las Vegas on October 19, 2016
Childless gambling degenerate alcoholic vegas lifestyle. Living in hotels for months at a time. He would stare out the window and plot.
This is going to get ignored. However it seems like he wanted to just kill alpt of people. Similar to the movie the Purge
>OCTOBER 26 2016
>Something set him off.
>What was it?
D.A.K October 2016
Sup Forums obsessed with ear lobes again
Damn, you're edgy
It's the truth.
I have real information on the truth of Las Vegas that I will be posting tomorrow. I don't make threads so I will just post my information in someone else's thread tomorrow. This has been over a decade in the making.
I missed it, when & why did they mention Oct. 26 2016???
James Comey reopens HRC investigation. Note in hotel, "I'm with her"....
Fuck off LARPing faggot. Post it now or eat a dick. Don't announce your lies
He didnt take it serious enough
If the ears don't fit you must acquit
Wasn't that her birthday?! HAHAHA I would have remembered that though & made fun of her if that happened on her b-day
I appreciate that, but the effort required for a wagecuck like me to catch your post will be enormous. Tripcode? A pic you'll include? Something?
Text me funny shit 9367770835
He said something triggered him to buy a bunch of weapons in October of last year.
The last presidential debate was in Las Vegas in October of last year.
WHERE IS TH PUSSY HAT GUY RIGHT NOW?! He had the ears like that dead guy!! That's how he was ruled out as the shooter because he had earlobes that were gay!!! THEY SWITCHED BODIES
Typical loser/weirdo who ends up with an asian woman. Possibly bullied as a kid? Now getting revenge.
Could be a completely coincidental, but there sure is a lot of purple in that hotel room...
Thank you!
Interesting. Maybe it was all the talk about Assange being killed. The deniers were pretty vocal & angry if you mentioed he may have been killed
Evil donuts.
What happened two days ago in las vegas was supposed to happen back in 2006. The man chosen for the job didn't want to go through with it so they killed him. i will be posting information about this man
Like all other white male shooters in recent history, he had a "mental illness" and was "treated" with "psychoatctive drugs". By whom is another question. People will ignore his psychoactive drug use and will politicise this whole ordeal. Focussing on his possible political views, religious views, etc - and especially focus on that he was a FUCKING WHITE MALE. No one will dare to bring up the link between white male shooters and psychoactive drug use - they will be unjustly rebuked if they do.
good job
bro i think you need to put down the psychoactive drugs
Main man got caught, feds had to use their back-up man.
He wasn't on any meds you fucking shill faggot.
>psychoactive drug that makes you plan an attack for 10 years
damn must have been some hard shit
Are you fucking blind? Not everyone here has saggy skin like you
Maybe he was just a mean old son of a bitch.
Hated litterbugs. Shot one. Dead guy dropped trash. Shot another and it snowballed from there.
Nice try he was very pro 2nd amendment.
"October 2016" or "October twenty-six-twenty-sixteen?" A lot of shit happened last October that pissed off leftists.
Maybe he got cucked by a BBC lol
>get voicemail
lame desu
the election
dude was antifa and they're scared shitless to say it because 1) public outrage and 2) there are more attacks pending and they don't want to tip their hand
still could possibly be an arms deal and they're covering up hard
Every race has someone on those drugs
Yes prescribed you racist
Anyways Why do they not commit mass shootings then? Check and mate
It's not politics this is a race thing
There's just something in the white mind
That activates one day it's like owning a pitbull
You never know when it's just going to go crazy or never go crazy
Going postal is literally going white because white people were the postal office workers when this happened
Nigs chimp out from low iq and rage on whatever
But when a whites mind chimps out it gets this angel like self righteousness like it feels it's the hand of god it's not crazy they give up all forms of human and become angels of death
Snap me @jj.kyli3
Pepe song.. shadalay
Jason Genova uncovered this!
god damn...
gonna save just to, if happens, spread this shit everywhere.
thats pretty funny
y no c sara brady? scrubbed already?
forgot pic
He was setup by the security guard.
Security guard was the shooter.
Prove me wrong
Paddock was a gambler, he gambled $30k a day. He did it often, became well known by casino people.
Security guard gets closer to him, gets to know him well
Sets him up
Security guard forces paddock to sign a suicide letter, he refuses. Security guard opens fire on civilians.
Police show up, security guard kills paddock, shoots the door, then himself in the leg.
Gunshots stop after security guard is discovered.
Motive behind security guard setup:
The woman?
Who knows
I think by us finding out about this obvious false flag we've diverted that nov 4 thing. Just like the 23rd if enough people know it won't happen
You know who else has a neck pussy.
>election days away
>buys stockpile of weapons and ammo
>civil war doesn't start
>say fuck it, lets get this party rocking
Dare I even contemplate the possibility that he was /ourguy/ ?
Ms 13?
He was an activated sleeper cell
Hillary lost and he couldn’t accept it.
yeah, idk man.
Things don't look good for those non-liberals.
Jesus man, i was talking to some friends a few days back, i said that even with all the shit that happens inside US, it is a good country to live(depends on the state, of course). And now this happens. Fuck man, its like you guys can't have a week off without some major shit happening.
What's that on his neck?
>"I want Drumpfe in a bodybag by sundown"
>cue music
What I think happened
Thats his throat, not a tattoo.
He dindu nuffin
naw, this user is legit bringing this up. pretty common denominator in most of these mass shootings. find out later shooter was on anti anxiety meds. or anti depressants. almost every time. does that mean the meds are making them do it? maybe. maybe not. if you're depressed enough to be on meds, or anxious enough or ADD enough, etc, it might be your depression, etc that made you do it, not the meds. or maybe they're making it worse. or triggering some crazy delusions. something that needs to be talked about for sure. it's a piece of the puzzle.
I'll never forget the night Phil Hartman died. Wife fucking shoots him and then says something like, "I think I might have just shot someone, but I can't tell if I'm awake or dreaming". Anti depression meds.
looks legit
what's this about?
He just wanted to be known, the little account man.
You're still posting on this fucking board Wayne?
Boredom, old age, obsessive thoughts.
Damnn, still promoting your shit?
Hell of a theory
Not the same dude.
>D.A.K October 2016
Don't know about Oct. 26 but on 28 October, Comey announced he was reopening the Hillary Clinton investigation.
I like that. I'm not convinced on Security guard motive, but shit. I was wondering why the Sheriff really emphasized how crazy lucky he walked away from it.
What ....color is he? Does he dream of 72 Virgins? Hmmm....