Are the democrats the real raicists?

Are the democrats the real raicists?

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Yeah man lol XD Based blagg man :DDD

the term "the only race is the human race" is considered racist in CA colleges

Leftists are the real racists. Communusts are the real facscists.

Right wing means classical liberal and libertarian

Deal with it bitches.

But it's true?

If niggers want to be treated as equals they need to stop acting like animals and more like the people they're aping when not American.

My god that photo of Cruz. A voice in my head immediately goes "daaahhnald..."

Yeah, but that doesn't mean reps gotta do this cucky cringey shit. It's embarrassing

Goddamn I wish Trump tweeted this. I'd love to see the replies.

Those are some very unflattering photos. They couldn't find any better?

there's a reason ethnically homogenous societies are some of the most left economically

Get out of here dinesh

Democrats have always been the real racists and it's time we went back to our roots.

Who is even a conservative in that photo?

LMAO do you seriously believe that?
> Sweden
> Norway
> Denmark
> Leftist economically
Dude, they have extremely well-functioning market economies with very high levels of economic freedom.
Actual leftist economies are shit like Cuba and Venezuela.

"Look at my african american over there!"

>I have the virtue-signalling high ground now, Dahnald

big if true


A democrat, racist you say? perish the though young negro; for without our constantly giving welfare and free shit who would keep you in the exact same position for over a hundred years in exchange for votes!?!? All while telling you everything will be better at some undefinable point in the future. Just keep voting us into office negro, and leave all the complicated work to the white people who 'have your backs'.

Honestly could be useful for propaganda purposes, you guys will bitch about it even if it puts you in a place of "moral superiority" over your adversaries.

This is New Conservatism :^)

They pretty much are

who is the bitch on the far right with the crazy eyes?

Give me the delegates, Dahnald.

>The Reagan Battalion
Biggest bunch of cuckservatives in the fucking world. Read Vox Day's blog dammit.


Who are the token blacks? I know the others

But they're way more diver-



There's a negro hiding in there I don't know which one but I can smell him.

Uhh, Communism is to the left of me. Also horse shoe theory.


front left, sitting in front of the blonde fag with the overdone combover

>le radical centrist with a meme flag

is the Cruz second from the right

"I've got Ivanka, Dahnald!!!"

kek that's not radical centrism at all. It's called being authoritarian.

ah, I was speaking more Austrian vs Keynesian than market vs non market(autism of the worst kind)
I long for simpler times

Keynesian/Austrian isn't Right-Left.
Austrian economics are an autism far worse than anything else and are a complete meme.


Keynesianism was outed as kikery DECADES ago, brah. Free market best market.

based Kingfish

Isn't the Reagan battalion owned by Shapiro or some other kikeservative?

Nope not democrats. But Alt-Leftist, or anyone who bring up race in the first place.

> Keynesianism was outed as kikery DECADES ago
Is that why Keynesian or Keynesian-Neoclassical synthesis economics are the only ones taken seriously by actual academic, etc. economists, and why research into them is still done en masse, unlike Austrian economics?
> Free market best market.
Keynesianism/Keynesian economics isn't opposed to free markets.

Nimrat- i mean Nikki Haley.

Economics is not even a science. It's a bunch of shysters pretending to be mathematicians.

>implying alt isn't just leftism for white people

>Nikki Haley
thank you based bong. Seems she's a pajeet for those wondering.

Of course they are. They've become the anti-white party. Which inadvertently spawned us.

I've seen that quote attributed to so many people. Is Huey the original?

source plz

Thats pretty close to where NatSoc is, and the aesthetic value of the Fasces make it an incredibly powerful symbol to rally under. It has long standing precedent in America, in Europe, its the defacto symbol for Nationalism.

Don't get your politics from reddit.

Like consensus means shit, global warming had "scientific consensus". If you understood economics you'd realise Keynesian economics fucks a systems shit up by not allowing for corrections in the market. Anything the government does to prevent a crash just makes the eventual fall worse.

Clarence Thomas has done more for conservatives than any chickenshit redneck cow fucking moron will ever do

How can you call yourself a conservative if you're not even willing to conserve the founding stock that built this into what it is today? Without white people, America ceases to exist.

built this country*

Yes. They don't care about minorities, just getting votes from them, and they hate white people openly now more than ever. Power is all they're interested in, they don't actually have hearts like they pretend to.

> Muh based Blagg Jewish Deplorable family

Fucking Civic Nationalists.

What the hell do you have to lose?

I'm conservative & racist.

Sterilize everyone in those photos.

Especially that Russian Jew Mutant Ted Cruz.

No, goddamnit, we are!

>Color blind
>shows every different color coincidentally

lets ignore the race mixing issue for a second and draw attention to the fact that that baby is likely fucking retarded and this scrub is bragging about his mongrel family. disgusting.

> lets ignore the race mixing issue for a second and draw attention to the fact that that baby is likely fucking retarded

But the baby is retarded because of race mixing. The two races are not meant to mix.

I'm willing to conserve it. It's called having children.

debate me brainlets

No. We're the "real" racists. Democrats are just racists in denial. Instead of coming to terms with their views on black people, they make excuses and perform mental gymnastics, or just blame hate facts on being misleading somehow and the fact that they felt something other than adoration for black people for a second there must mean they need to do more repenting at the confession booth of Tumblr or whatever to cleans their original sin of being white.

>thinks that test accurately guages political affiliation

No, it's retarded because of inbreeding. Race mixing is the opposite of that.

mediocre people are the real racists, it's a bi-partisan issue

unironically yes

>liberals are the real racists
>liberals are the real authoritarians
wtf I love liberals now


Liberals: Black people should be cuddled and protected from big, mean, racist bullies ;_-(

diversity is disgusting

>not a single white
>meanwhile the democrats are led by aryan queens like hillary clinton, elizabeth warren, and diane feinstein
wtf im a democrat now

The point is that race and species aren't the same thing and saying there's only one human race was originally used by racists to imply only whites were truly human (which is true). That's why it's looked down upon just like saying all lives matter instead of just black lives matter.
Yep, look up how good slaves had it and compare it to today's Democrat policies of free healthcare, gun control, public housing, low infant mortality/abortion, etc.
They want their illegal brown immigrants cause it means cheaper labor. And slave labor is known to be more efficient. The #fightfor15 is just so they can raise everyone's taxes to fund the gibs and keep shitskins pacified.

Shit colored skin will just look like shit no matter what.

>posts only cucks instead of people like BASED BEN CARSON

How the fuck is that inbreeding

This desu

Sup Forums for the most part was fine with based black men until /r/the_donald kept using them to virtue signal with the "dems are da real rayciss" bullshit.

Sorry, wasn't paying attention to the convo. But there's so much reasons why the child is deformed, you can't assume it's cause the mom and dad are two races, especially when so many other race mixed children are just fine.

Read literally anything by based poo dinesh d'souza

Thank you for posting this. This was probably one of their most important lines.

You saying the Nigger was his sister?

Doesn't say much really. Nothing they say is really "important".

1: Could be half sister, you never know
2: Doesn't have to be sister, unless we go by strictly bible standards. Could be cousins.
3: I wasn't entirely paying attention to the convo when I said that. I now know what yall were talking about.

It was important in trying to shake the audience out of the mental framework that the left wants us to have by trying to force us to justify ourselves by their standards. Of course, I would hope that you and I already understood that before the video, but I don't assume the wider audience is as self-reflective as you surely are.
