Serious Sup Forums

A black man and a white man are in a fight. Same height, same weight, both have no fighting experience... how come the black man wins?

Because he has 5 other niggers behind him and sucker punched the white human before he knew the fight was on.

>implying anyone, regardless of race, could ever beat Mr. T

>Getting in fights

You know your throat is vulnerable, right?

Because the media has told the white man that fighting back would be racist

Because the black guy wasn't defending his kids

It all depends on other factors, and fighting style. Blacks aren't actually more muscular, they just have less body fat.

A kike wrote the script

Wild animals are hard to fight bare handed.

Wrong been in prison 10 years in 1v1 fights it favors whites 60/40

they have been evolved to survive in the shit hole that is their continent, give it time and they will be just as tubby as us.

It depends

>Casual nigger worship


I've fought a lot of people of various races, and OP has a point and anyone who's fought many blacks knows it. You can beat them with patience and control, but they are far less inhibited than whites and can be savage early on. Most people panic when they fight and have no idea what to do, so they can't survive the first 10-20 seconds it takes to wait them out before their will breaks. Generally speaking, even savage blacks are afraid of any white dude who isn't afraid of them.

sorry, i meant niggers, not blacks

You have been told the black man will win.

The reality is much much different.
There is a reason we are built the modern world.

Because we are badass.


Niggers, just like jews are alergic to toxic gas, so use it on them.
This is 2017, gas has been around for over a hundred years, step into the modern world.


Shit that never happened theres a reason negroes dont fight non sperg whites, I rocked the fuck out of a negro.

Because you a racist who thinks all black men are stronger, which is weird because that means you think black men are better than white men in terms of strength even though that's not necessarily true which makes you reverse racist i guess ugh I hate this place

>black guy initiated the fight with cheap shot
>white guy was an unsuspecting dweeb and got punched in the back of the head full force
>white guy got swarmed by six of the black guy's associates for looking like he could handle himself.

That's some impressive """fighting""" prowess you have there, Jamal.

Niggers are built like apes.

>imblying whites aren't built like apes

because it unironically didnt happen. I live in england mate. we have a whole social experiment going about who wins fights between people, it happens all across the country daily.
Do you see any british blacks going around saying black people are better at fighting than white blokes?